Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1339: Ready to work

   Chapter 1339 Preparations

   "Three working cycles, during this period, you must be here, at least to cooperate with our actions."

  For Cedar’s request, Ryuzhi was not surprised. He knew it was necessary. Otherwise, he pointed to a place that the magic tower belonged to him, and the magic tower would have to respond.

  So when building the magic tower, people must be here, and every step of the magic tower construction, the mage needs to take action.

  Naturally the same is true for the Soul Recalling Tower.

Especially for the soul tower in front of us, the site belongs to others, the design drawings are others, and the materials are all other people’s. Ryuzhi wants to make this tower of souls belong to him, so there are three key moments for laying the foundation, capping and building the tower. He must be here.

   So Ryuzhi thought for a while, "Yes, three cycles are not long, can I find a place to live nearby?"

   "Of course, Krum City itself is open to all undead players. You can find a tavern to live in, or you can buy a house in the city. Our house here is quite cheap."

Liu Zhi was a little surprised, but he felt reasonable. When he saw Pluto before, he had discovered that Pluto’s power originated from this continent, and the feature of this continent is that all necromancers who enter and leave here will provide Pluto. A piece of strength.

  This is exactly why, the underlord will need Ryuuji to leave a tower or magic tower here.

   After all, Liu Zhi is not a player who grew up on his mainland, and he is not deeply connected with him.

  If Liu Zhi doesn't leave anything behind, and he will not come back after he leaves here, then all the things Pluto gets are imaginary.

  The same is true for those players. Pluto just opened the continent to the outside world, and didn't keep those players locked here forever.

  In order to keep those players, Pluto must find a way to keep the players' hearts and give a certain amount of real estate on this continent. That is the easiest way.

  In fact, in places that Liu Zhi didn't know, Pluto actually had more support for undead players, such as directly entering the underworld through certain channels in the mainland.

  For example, training various undead troops here is quite cheap.

  For example, you can use the corpses here to make all kinds of undead. As long as the undead players can afford the money, even making bone dragons is not a problem.

  In fact, Liu Zhi didn't appear on this continent at the time, so he suffered a lot.

  Liu Zhi doesn’t know this now, even if he knows that he doesn’t care, but at this time he understands the mentality of Pluto and also knows the attitude of this continent towards the undead players.

  So Ryuzhi immediately said, "Then I will go in and turn around. By the way, which door can I get in?"

   "Any door is fine, as long as it is not close to the mountain of Hades, you can freely enter and exit other places."

For the style of Krum City, Ryuzhi still likes it very much. He immediately replied: "That's OK, that's it. I'll go around the city first, and let someone come after you have all the materials ready. Let me know, I'll lay the foundation in the past."

  Hida did not stop Liu Zhi, after all, he still has a lot to do on his side, and it is impossible to build Liu Zhi's soul-recruiting tower all at once.

  Otherwise, it takes a little time to empty the open space and dispose of the foundation. There are also various materials that need to be mobilized and transported. All of this can be done without a long time.

  Keeping Ryuzhi by her side and watching herself do this, Shida doesn't think she has such a face.

  If it is a normal player, Sida would say a word, those players may do it, even if it is the largest guild on this continent, Sida is not afraid.

  But Liu Zhi is different. Liu Zhi has no deep relationship with this mainland.

  The most important thing is that Liu Zhi's strength is super strong, his level even surpasses that of Pluto.

  In fact, the gap between Ryuzhi and Pluto is the gap in time.

  Ryuzhi is only at the level, he has not settled all his own things, otherwise, the current Liuzhi does not need to run out to do this kind of thing by himself.

Let Liu Zhi stay and follow Hida. Hida didn’t think he would have such a big face, and he didn’t plan to do this kind of death. So he sent a skeleton soldier to follow Liu Zhi, ready to do it. Liu Zhi led the way, and he himself began to prepare for various jobs.

  Yiu Zhi didn't know about the psychological changes of Hida, in fact, even if he knew, he would not pay much attention to it.

  At this time, Ryuzhi has already walked towards Kram City.

  This time it was no longer flying over from the sky, but walking over from the ground, and Liu Zhi found many situations that could not be seen in the sky.

  For example, from where he is now, towards Kram City, there are at least seven ways to go.

  The narrowest road of these seven roads can also walk side by side with 16 carriages at the same time, let alone the wider road, let a large army walk on this road, and there will be half of the road left.

  However, there are many people on the narrowest road, but the widest road is empty and no one is walking on it.

  Liu Zhi took a look, and he found that the narrowest road was mostly undead. They were not undead players, but local undead on this continent, or undead troops after undead players were released.

  On the other roads, some players and players' subordinates are walking. From the level of those players, it can be seen that which level to take and which way to go is stipulated.

  Senior players can walk among low-level players, but low-level players can't set foot on the path of advanced players.

  In this way, the widest road, Ryuzhi, has guessed that the road is likely to be for Pluto and his clone, of course, it may also be used for the army of Pluto.

  With Ryuzhi's current strength and status, he can naturally take the middle and widest path.

   But Liu Zhi thought for a while, what's the point of this, showing that he is stronger than Pluto.

  Yagiji felt that it was unnecessary.

  He glanced around and walked on the second widest road.

  At this time on this road, there happened to be a few players there preparing to enter the city.

  There are only three players here, but the undead troops around them have as many as a legion.

  It can be seen that this undead army is the guard of these three players.

  But this is not what attracted Liu Zhi. He saw that the three players are all very high-level. One of them has reached level 13, and the other two have level 12 strength.

  Don’t underestimate this level. This level is already in the first echelon of most players. It’s not normal to jump to level 17 like Liu Zhi.

  (End of this chapter)

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