Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1342: Before the foundation

   Chapter 1342 Before the foundation laying

  With several helpers from Blood Fury, Liu Zhi quickly bought a house.

This is the first time Ryuuji bought a house since he entered the game. He had directly mastered a Hades before. Although the environment of Hades was not very good at the beginning, it was his territory, and he stayed at ease. .

  On the southern swamp plane, that was the house given by the unit, and there was no place for Ryuzhi to choose.

  He never thought that he still had a day to buy a house in a big city.

  Because this is the first experience, Liu Zhi also specially put forward a lot of opinions when choosing a house. As a result, the undead staff here has no temper at all, and recommended many houses for Liu Zhi’s various opinions.

  As long as Liu Zhi wants to go over and have a look, even if he has not bought a house, they will take Liu Zhi to go there.

  And the three of them, Bloodfury, pushed everything away and followed.

  Ryuzhi did not embarrass them excessively. After choosing a few properties, he took a fancy to a house that he thought was satisfactory.

  The house in front of you is more like Ryuzhi. In fact, this house is not too big, but the location is relatively good. It can be regarded as the tallest building in this area, which occupies a large apartment building with three floors on top.

  The whole apartment is a resumption structure with three floors and six ladders, in addition to the super large balcony on the roof and the roof swimming pool.

  Although the decorations here are full of metal and skull styles, the colors are bright colors that Yanagi prefers, and they don’t look weird at all, but rather match.

  Liu Zhi wanted to ask, whose design was this, and he wanted to see if he could buy this spiritual designer back.

  When Liu Zhi was satisfied with the property, the blood rage directly helped Liu Zhi pay for it.

  For this kind of thing, Liu Zhi did not refuse. He knew that if he did not accept it, the blood anger would definitely think that he did not do well, and it would be a while of trouble at that time.

  So Ryuzhi simply said, “I’ll stay here for a few days, so let’s call your subordinates over and we will have a party here. Such a big apartment always has to be lively before it becomes popular.”

  Blood anger, they all had a smile on their faces when they heard it. They would be willing to help Liu Zhi run around, isn't it just to get along with Liu Zhi.

  Now that there is such a ladder, they will not be able to climb up.

So the blood anger immediately said: "Okay, I will arrange for someone to send over all the delicious and delicious food. I don't know what kind of food your Majesty is used to. Can the undead style food be good? The undead style food here is delicious. , Although not very good-looking."

   "Yes, I can eat it all."

  In fact, Liu Zhi is not picky about what to eat. In his Ide plane, the food is also diverse, not to mention the food of the undead, even if it is poisonous, he has eaten it.

  As for the long, wrong appetite, there is actually nothing, the style of the undead is like this.

   Seeing Liu Zhi agreed, the three of them were quite happy, and they made an appointment and left quickly.

  At this time, Liu Zhi will go to the previously determined location and take a look at the preparation work of Xida and the others. Today they will deal with the foundation, and then the foundation work of the Convocation Tower will be carried out.

  Other work can be handled by Cida, but the foundation laying and capping work must be done by Liu Zhi himself.

  Now is the critical moment for foundation laying. If Liu Zhi is not in place, the follow-up work can only be pushed forward indefinitely.

  For Cedar, he actually doesn't care about this. Anyway, there are more undead under his hand, and there is nothing to leave a group of undead waiting here.

  And he is not unable to do other things.

  The reason why he will become the manager of Krum City is entirely because he is different from other projection clones.

  Among the four managers of this continent, one is the bone dragon responsible for the defense of the sky. He can transform into a human form and a bone dragon form at any time and travel between the sky.

  One is a zombie in charge of dealing with the mainland. Although there is no specific performance, Liu Zhi can see that he has a deep connection with the land of this mainland.

  One is the ghost responsible for the defense of the mainland's periphery. His role can be seen only by looking at the wall of the dead on the periphery of the continent.

  As the manager of Kram City, this Cedar naturally has his abilities.

  Kram City is a city of undead. There are countless skeleton-shaped statues or reliefs on the streets of this city.

  Shida can drop himself onto any skeleton-shaped relief at any time.

  This is his unique way of moving in Krum City. It can be said that with such a way of movement, he can appear in any corner of Krum City at any time.

  This time he notified Ryuzhi that the foundation was ready, and he also notified it in this way.

  After sending out the blood fury, Ryuzhi plans to stroll around in Krum City to see if there is anything to buy.

  After all, this is a continent specially prepared for undead players. In this continent, there must be many things that undead players want to buy.

  When Liu Zhi was shopping here, he was happy to buy it. With his strength, he was not short of the money. He just threw a gem and took it away.

  As for the things that may not be taken away, it is not that the gems are worthless, but that there are fewer gems thrown.

  The things that he bought, Liu Zhi changed hands and sent them to his personal space.

  There is no need to carry large bags and small bags at all. If this continent is not a little strict, Ryuzhi even wants to see in the tavern here to see if there are undead heroes to recruit, and to see if there are fresh undead troops that can be hired.

  At this moment, a skeleton statue holding an oil lamp on the street suddenly moved.

The statue said to Ryuuji: "Master Sandru, the foundation is ready. Please follow my instructions to the designated location. Don't worry, I have calculated the route. It only takes five minutes to rush. Come here."

  Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the statue, and asked with some confusion: "Aren't you the Cida? What are you doing?"

  "This is my ability, please go here."

  The skeleton statue said while pointing a direction with his hand.

  Liu Zhi followed this direction with some doubts. After a few steps, he came to the corner of the street.

  At this time, a skeleton statue that should be a trash can moved, and pointed in a direction to Liu Zhi: "Go forward and go through another intersection."

  Liu Zhi dropped in suspiciously. When he reached this intersection, a group of bone cars happened to pass by.

  This kind of bone car is the rail transit in Krum City. It is like a bus. It appears at any time and at any location.

   And Cida was just in charge of this, so he knew very well where to let Ryuzhi go, he could get on the fastest train.

  (End of this chapter)

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