Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1343: Foundation

   Chapter 1343

  The bone car is a unique rail transportation tool in Krum City. It looks like it is not much different from the skeleton transporter before Yanagi. It is the appearance of the skeleton and the vehicle.

  However, compared to the skeleton transporter of Yanagiji, this kind of bone car looks much more atmospheric. At the same time, because it is a fully enclosed type and moving along the track, the moving speed can be increased to a very high level.

  Only entering the interior of the bone car, Liu Zhi felt that the bone car was accelerating, and in a blink of an eye the speed rose above the speed of sound.

  Riuzhi feels a bit weird. This kind of public transportation shouldn’t be the kind of public transportation that many people get on and off, because there are more people going up and down, so there’s no way to get up the speed?

  How can this speed up so much?

  At this time, the armrest on the bone car seat suddenly turned into a skull face.

"The bone car is moving forward at a fixed point in each area. This car is going to East 21-36-70. It runs every five minutes. Just now if you go slower, you may have to wait for five minutes before there is a car. .

  And this car does not stop in the middle. It takes just five minutes to drive this car from the previous station to the East 21-36-70 station, so it happens to go back and forth. "

  Hearing such an explanation, Liu Zhi could be understood. At the same time, he also understood how much investment is needed to achieve this.

  "Kram City is very good, your transportation system..."

  Without Liu Zhi's words, Hida knew what Liu Zhi wanted to ask, "This is the ability of Elek, one of the three largest think tanks of His Majesty, and there is no way we can do this."

   "Elect? How many clones does His Majesty Hades have?"

  Yagiji became a little curious.

  "This is not very convenient to say. If you meet, we will introduce it, but if you did not meet it, it is really inconvenient for us to tell. You only need to know that your Majesty has two patriarchs, three brains, and four heavenly kings."

  Yiu Zhi didn't ask much, but he had some guesses in his heart. From the name, the four heavenly kings are all called X Da, so he has every reason to suspect that the three big think tanks are all called Yi XX.

  The four kings dealt with several important races of the undead, such as skeletons, zombies, ghosts, and others. Then the three big think tanks must also be related to the undead, and even the two heroes.

  It's just that he can't see the current situation for the time being, what route these are all taking.

  While Yanagi was thinking about this, the bone cart moved faster and faster.

  Even in the bone car, Yanagi could feel the speed increase.

  At this time, Liu Zhi understood, why Xida said before that the bone car could arrive in five minutes.

  At this speed, even if he could traverse the entire continent in five minutes, Ryuzhi would believe it.

  As the speed of the car increased, Liu Zhi lost interest in the invisible scenery that flashed past the window. He found a place to sit down and was somewhat surprised to feel the balance inside the bone car.

  Liu Zhi understands that in some respects, he is really much worse than that of the Pluto.

   Regardless of the difference in height, in some basic aspects, he is also poor.

  However, this is someone else's nearly a million players. I don't know how many years of hard work. Liu Zhi is just a word from him, and it hasn't been a few years, so he must not see many places.

   Now that he saw the shortcomings in his own country, Liu Zhi made up for it little by little.

  While thinking like this, Liu Zhi kept moving his left hand, quickly relaying all the information he had seen back to his own plane of Ide.

  After doing these things, Ryuzhi can make people take action on the plane of Id, and first do the layout of the plane of Id for this period of time.

  Don’t be so many years, the entire Ide plane situation is still the style of the Middle Ages, then it is a bit shameful.

  In less than five minutes, the bone cart stopped.

  The passengers in the car got off in twos and threes, and Liu Zhi also followed out of the station.

  Before leaving the gate of the station, Liu Zhi saw a skeleton relief on the ground waving at him, and then pointed a direction to Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi already knew Cedar's ability at this time, so he followed the skeleton that showed the way all the way.

  With Cida's guidance, the journey went quite smoothly. Often when Ryuzhi walked to a certain place, it happened to be the place with the least pedestrians, or the nearest path.

  So Ryuzhi didn't waste much time on the road.

  When he reached the cleared area, it was exactly five minutes as Cedar said.

  When Ryuzhi saw Hida, Hida was looking at the skeleton laborer working there with her hands behind her back.

  These skeleton laborers don’t look like normal skeleton soldiers. They look a lot like skeleton transporters. They are all tooled.

  At this time, they all stopped by the side. Liu Zhi did not see their role, but Liu Zhi believed that once they were put into operation, the construction speed must be very fast.

   nodded, Liu Zhi came to Cedar's side, "What am I going to do?"

  "This is the design drawing of the soul tower. Just bury this one."

  This is the first time that Liu Zhi has built a building on someone else’s site. He never thought that such a process would happen. If you know what buildings Liu Zhi built before, they were all placed directly in the designated location.

   But thinking about it, Liu Zhi also understands that he has too much control over things.

  All the functional buildings in his house were all planted by him himself, so he did not give his players a chance to play.

  It’s no wonder that none of his Necromancer players can grow up.

  This is not subjective at all.

  On the contrary, it seems that Necromancer players can freely deal with buildings, but in fact, the choice of location, the provision of materials, and the construction of buildings are all in the hands of Hades.

  The players also want to thank Pluto for giving them such a chance to play.

  It can be seen from this point that the rank difference between Liu Zhi and Hades is too much.

  Ryuzhi also wanted to understand this, and he planned to give his players a certain sense of participation after he returned.

  Nether Palace cannot be released, but in Ryuzhi's underworld, as well as in his Ide plane, there are many cities, and those cities can be taken out for players to live and develop.

  Even players can organize guilds. If their guild becomes bigger, Ryuzhi can allocate some cities or fortresses to the player’s guild as a resident.

  As long as those guilds can guarantee the normal operation of the city or fortress, the normal payment of taxes, and the completion of various tasks, what will happen if the fortress is handed over to them.

  While Yanagi was thinking about this, the design of the tower was also placed in the designated position by Yanagi, and the foundation stone was laid.

  (End of this chapter)

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