Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1346: Everyone is calculating

   Chapter 1346 Everyone is calculating

  In fact, when Liu Zhi was attacked at the beginning, he noticed that the situation was not right. Although he was not a player in Dayil, he was already a mythical player, and some basic perceptions were still there.

  Before, when he was in his own plane, he could perceive the star field, and he could find out the situation in such a small city in front of him.

  Liu Zhi did not do this before, it was all because of giving Pluto some face.

   But when he found out that someone was targeting him, Liu Zhi would not be polite.

  So when he grabbed the lich’s neck, he had already released part of his perception and locked all nearby players.

  The method of using perception like this is much stronger than that of the previous divine level.

At the    divine level, you can see far, but it is not so detailed, and you can feel it at the same level.

  Now that Liu Zhi has reached the mythical level, his manipulation of perception has naturally improved a lot.

  At least Liu Zhi externally perceives, except for Pluto, no one else can feel it, even a divine-level existence can't feel his gaze.

  So Liu Zhi immediately noticed that several divine-level gazes were paying attention to this side intentionally or unintentionally.

  But their attention is quite weird.

  Because they just deliberately bypassed Ryuzhi.

  If it's normal, players of the Divinity level will generally not deliberately bypass Ryuzhi.

  None of them knew that there was such a person as Yanagi in the city.

  But they did this right now. From this point, it can be seen that they are preventing Liu Zhi from noticing their gaze.

  In this case, Liu Zhi smiled instead.

  If those people dare to'look' over directly, Liu Zhi may not notice their existence.

  Because something like this happened here, a player with a divine nature was pinched by Liu Zhi, and other players with a divine nature would definitely react immediately.

   There are even some mutual connections between divine players.

  It can be said that if something happens here, most divine players will know, even if not the entire city knows it, some people around this area will find it.

  Don't dare to look at it this way, it means that they all know something.

  This is also the reason why Liu Zhi pinched the man to death at once, and took the divinity out and transformed it directly.

  Ryuzhi is to tell them that he has enough strength to lift the table.

  I believe most players who can live here can see this.

  Now Liu Zhi needs to pay attention to who is so boring and hit some abacus on him.

  Liu Zhi found that those people were bold enough to say big and big, and small and small.

They are brave, because they not only dared to calculate on Liu Zhi’s head, but also dared to stay to see the situation. Even when they found that the lich had no use for the phylogeny, they didn’t run away. Area.

   Said that they are timid, and they are very cautious in doing things. For this matter, they turned around and did not let things have any connection with them.

  Whether it was to deliver the news, or arrange for someone to provoke Liu Zhi, or even the final calculation, in fact, none of the people who really wanted to calculate Liu Zhi appeared in front of everyone.

  If it were not for Liu Zhi to ignore the existence of the trial master and stare at the entire city with all his strength, he might not know who calculated himself.

  This situation caused Liu Zhi to quickly conspiracy the matter in his heart.

  Ryuzhi even contacted Pluto directly and told him that he wanted to do something in this city.

  Pluto can't say anything about this.

  Mythical players want to do it, and let him know in advance, which is actually quite a shame.

  Also, there is a valid reason for Ryuuji to do it.

  Because someone has calculated that Liu Zhi is headed, if Liu Zhi finds out that this is not a move, Pluto will doubt what Liu Zhi wants to do.

  So he immediately notified Liu Zhi, saying that he knew about this, as long as Liu Zhi didn't demolish the city, he would do whatever he wanted.

   Liu Zhi agreed when things were so simple, which was a little surprised.

   Then Liu Zhi wanted to understand that Pluto should have discovered this at the beginning, he didn't say he was waiting for him here.

  He wants to use his own hands to deal with the masters of the gods, especially those players who are about to reach the level of mythology.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi thought of the one on the southern swamp plane.

  In order to prevent a city lord from stepping into the myth level, it can be said that he destroyed a city by himself.

  This involuntarily made Liu Zhi doubt that the situation in front of him was guided by Hades himself, in order to let himself take action and help kill the player who had already been 14th-level divine.

  If this is the case, Liu Zhi can't help but lament that Pluto is used to his many things.

  But the other party gave a hint, and Liu Zhi naturally wanted to do it. After all, he found himself in trouble, and if he didn't deal with it, he would lose his mythical face.

  After entering the myth level, Liu Zhi knew very well that this is a world completely different from ordinary players.

  Ordinary players will do things that lose face in order to survive.

  But for mythological players, survival is not the most important task for them, so they value their own face more seriously. If someone wants to make them faceless, they will be lethal.

  Ryuzhi's mentality is undergoing transformation at this time, but Pluto has already transformed his mentality.

  So he always treats Liu Zhi with his attitude toward myth-level players. When considering his reaction, he also considers from the direction of myth-level players.

  Ryuzhi did not know some of the thoughts in the heart of Pluto, and he returned to his apartment.

  Before entering the door of the apartment, he saw that the dead souls who had sent him the order were already standing at the door and waiting.

  For the undead, time has no meaning. When the owner does not return, they stand calmly, as if they were stone statues.

  When Liu Zhi came over, they turned their heads to look at Liu Zhi at the same time.

  Ryuzhi nodded to these undead and opened the door of the apartment.

   "Help me take things to the kitchen."

  The undead quickly helped Liu Zhi deliver the food, flesh, and wine to the kitchen.

  Yagiji did not let them stay, but took care of the food by himself.

  While dealing with it, Ryuuji thought of Vednina. If Vednina was by her side at this time, the handling of these flesh and blood would be much simpler. Her swordsmanship could cut all the flesh and blood in an instant.

  And Ryuzhi's swordsmanship is not at this level.

  He can only slow down his own speed, but slowing down is good. Liu Zhi can also be distracted to chase after the information conspired behind the scenes where they finally gather.

  (End of this chapter)

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