Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1347: A surprising news

   Chapter 1347 A surprising news

  When the blood rage and the others came over, Liu Zhi had already figured out some of the information behind the scenes that had been attacked before.

  What he lacks now is his understanding of some forces in Krum City.

  When there was no way to match people one by one, Liu Zhi did not rush to take action.

  When the blood anger came over this time, I also brought some food and drinks.

  Most of the food they brought was unique to Krum City, like fruits that looked like brains, some sugar that looked like gut, a lot of oil and wine that looked like blood, and so on.

  These things make people lose their appetite at first glance.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi, as an old necromancer for many years, has long been accustomed to this kind of food. Has he started this style without seeing his own food?

  After bringing the Blood Fury into the apartment, Blood Fury first expressed his gratitude to Liu Zhi, and then introduced several players from the Blood Pool Guild.

  Bloodpool Guild is considered the top-ranked guild in Dayir continent, so their guilds are relatively large.

  Bloodfury naturally couldn't call everyone over, he just invited a few important leaders in the guild to come over.

  In addition to the previous three, here are the commanders of their three combat regiments.

  Unlike the battle regiments on other continents, the number of undead players' battle regiments is significantly smaller.

  Normal battle regiments refer to large regiments of forty people. If other continents encounter large missions, they will conduct them in this large group, in order to ensure the safety of players and the smoothness of the mission.

  Ryuzhi has never experienced such a large group, but he has seen it before.

  If a large group of forty people is well-coordinated professionally, its combat power is actually equivalent to that of an elite group under Liu Zhi.

  The success rate and safety rate of the large group to complete the task together are also quite high.

  It’s just that the continent in front of you is the continent of the undead players. In the profession of the necromancer, there is a profession that normal people have to face, the necromancer.

Although it has been suppressed by the game a lot, the fact that the Necromancer can bring his men into the game cannot be changed. Even if it cannot be like Yanagi, some games directly bring a legion, but bring one or two elite undead spirits. is allowed.

  Sometimes it’s normal to bring a troop.

  So on the Undead Continent, the battle group is divided into two parts, one part is a battle group dominated by ordinary undead races, this kind of battle group has a full forty people.

  The other is the battle group of necromancers, their full perfection is twenty people.

  Among the commanders of the three battle regiments brought over this time, the first and second regiments are the combat regiments dominated by ordinary undead races, and the third regiment is the combat regiment of necromancers.

  As soon as the necromancer entered Liu Zhi's apartment, he greeted him directly.

   "Master Sandro, I have heard of you a long time ago, and your deeds have spread quite far among us Necromancers."

   "Oh, you know me?"

  Liu Zhi glanced at the necromancer named Ikdor, and asked somewhat unexpectedly.

  He noticed that the Necromancer was already level 9, but it was obvious that his breath was a bit wrong.

  His breath does not seem to be pure, which means that his 9th level is the level of the Necromancer, and there are also some routes that are different from the Necromancer.

   "Yes, you have taken the new path of the Necromancer. I heard about the route of combining the Necromancer and the Druid. Of course, someone has walked this road before, and you have gone the farthest."

  Ryuzhi didn't believe Ikdor's words.

  Even if someone is willing to believe that Liu Zhi’s path can be followed, dual careers can grow up, but no one necessarily requires players to follow this path.

  Ryuzhi just smiled at Iktor and pointed out: "Your choice needs to be supported by something, otherwise it is likely to cause some trouble."

  Ikdor quickly said, "Really? I feel that way too. I am also trying to find a way. I wonder if Majesty Sandro can do anything about it?"

  As for the solution, Liu Zhizhen did not have it.

  He can see that Ikdor is taking the road of necromancer plus holy light paladin.

  This kind of combination will feel strange to anyone who looks at it.

  Because normal people, who would let the undead follow the route of the Holy Light?

  But Liu Zhi noticed that the power of the Holy Light in Iktor's body had been integrated into the power of the undead.

  Perhaps seeing Ryuji's gaze, Iktor said happily: "You can see it too, I am going to take the holy light route. You made me make this choice."

  Liu Zhi was a little puzzled. He hadn't stayed on this plane for long, and there were not many rumors left. Even if Iktor learned a shipbuilding and a gem, it was more credible than a holy light.

  "This is true. The reason why I took the path of the Holy Light is because I obtained the divinity of the Holy Light in a game. At that time, I was only 8th level."

  Yiu Zhi secretly confessed after hearing this, saying that you are now at level 9 as if you have a very high level.

   Soon Liu Zhi understood, and Ikdor said again: "At that time, I planned to use the divine light to exchange the divine nature that the undead can use.

  But you also know that there are quite a lot of necromancers in Dayil, and there are also a large number of undead creatures, and they all want divinity.

  There are not many divinities suitable for the undead route. In addition to the most basic death and soul, there are blood, ice, and plague. These divinities are relatively snatched from the market.

  If I sell the divine light that is incompatible with the undead, I can only sell it for about one-third of the normal divine price.

  The divinity of the Undead Route is quite expensive, and at my level, I can’t buy it at all. Only players above level 10 can get it from some black markets.

  If players below level 10 want to get it, at least there must be a family.

  You have also seen the situation of our guild. At that time, I really couldn't buy divine nature.

  So I chose to use this divinity by myself. Even the holy light can be used. After I have the divinity, I can always find a way out. "

   Listening to Ikdor's words, Ryuzhi was also a little surprised. Then he looked at Ikdor again, and he felt that the divine light in Ikdor's body had become somewhat stable.

  It can be seen that he spent a lot of time in order to stabilize and integrate the divine nature of the holy light, and he did not rush to level 10.

  Looking at the time of fusion of the Holy Light, Liu Zhi felt that this should be the time for him to leave this plane.

  It’s no wonder Ikdor would say that he guided him forward.

   So Liu Zhi said a few words with Iktor, and at this moment, Iktor gave a news that surprised Liu Zhi.

  (End of this chapter)

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