Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1358: Go to the southern swamp plane

   Chapter 1358 Go to the Southern Swamp Plane

  In the next two days, fewer people wanted to trouble Liu Zhi.

  In other words, no one dared to jump out to trouble Liu Zhi.

  This allowed Liu Zhi to rest peacefully for two days, and only went out every day to deal with the affairs of the Conspiracy Tower.

   And there was no change in the soul-recruiting tower because of Yuji's shot in the city. On the third day, a soul-recruiting tower belonging to Ryuzhi was built.

  This soul-recruiting tower is one hundred meters high, and the whole body is built of obsidian, with many reliefs of undead units carved on the tower.

  But what Yanagi cares most about is the purple gem on the top.

  Yagiji at first thought that this gem would be bigger at best.

  But Ryuzhi never thought that Pluto would play like this.

  The top gem is carved into a skull.

  If it is an ordinary person, it is at best that it is a skull, but for necromancers, it is different, they can recognize who is who is from the skull.

  At a glance, you can see that this skull carved with gems is clearly the appearance of the Lord.

  Now this gem has not glowed yet, as long as it glows, others will not see it.

  Liu Zhi understood at a glance that the magic towers and the gems on the towers on the periphery of the city should be like this, all of which represent a clone of Pluto or eyes.

  For this kind of situation, Liu Zhi couldn't help but sigh, this Pluto played really big.

  As far as Ryuuji's current size is, even if his level exceeds the level of Hades, he can't play with them.

  Yagiji has already begun to plan, after he has dealt with the affairs of the southern swamp plane this time, he will devote a part of his energy to the next step of the layout.

  He needs to lay his foundation well, otherwise when he reaches level 19, he will be stuck in that position for a long time.

  Although Ryuji did not have a strong impulse to suddenly level 20 like before, it is definitely good to be able to suddenly.

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the Soul Convocation Tower.

   "Okay, I'm done with my things, then I'm leaving now."

  In response to Liu Zhi's request, Cida did not say much, he had already known Liu Zhi's plan from the beginning.

   Instead, he said to Liu Zhi: "A special channel has been prepared for you, and the previous location has been locked. You can go where you want to go through the teleportation array at any time."

  "Already located?"

  Ryuzhi was a little curious. At first, he thought that if there was no way to locate the southern swamp plane, he would follow the previous game and go back. He didn't expect that he could locate it directly.

   "Yes, the southern swamp plane is also recorded in our trading plane, but the location is relatively far away, and it takes a certain amount of time to locate."

  Ryuzhi was a little happy now.

  If there can be a teleportation array that leads directly to the southern swamp plane, then his can save a lot of things.

   "Then start teleporting now."

  "Please here." Cida led Liu Zhi in one direction, and then there were skeleton statues along the way to guide Liu Zhi incessantly.

   Soon they came to a certain part of the city.

  As soon as he entered this city, Liu Zhi started talking.

   "You actually built the teleportation point for entering and exiting the game in the middle of the city?"

"This is a teleportation point for special players. After all, some players have privileges. They don't need to go outside the city to use the teleportation point. Besides, whether they are in or outside the city, they are in the body of the deity. It’s actually the same where the teleport point is placed."

  Xida, who gave directions, returned messages in seconds.

  It can be seen that even if others are not here, part of his mind is on Liu Zhi's body.

  Yiu Zhi did not answer, but looked around. He was observing some details of the city.

  Yagiji could feel that after entering this area, there were many eyes in the sky staring at every corner that normal people could not see, especially at every game teleportation point, there were many eyes staring at it.

  Ryuzhi thought of the three think tanks mentioned by Cida before, and he felt that these eyes are likely to be one of the three think tanks.

  It's just that Liu Zhi doesn't know what the origin of this eye is.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi didn't ask much. Under the guidance of Cida, he came to an idle teleportation formation.

  When he passed, the teleportation array had already adjusted its teleportation direction.

  This time the teleportation is not for game teleportation, and at the same time it does not require the power to return, so the energy injected will be relatively less.

  At the same time, there is no guide on the teleportation array, and the teleportation coordinates of the southern swamp plane are placed.

After watching the undead staff here adjust the teleportation array, Liu Zhi stepped on slowly.

  Although he had suppressed his own power, the myth-level power still caused a reaction from the teleportation formation.

  The teleportation array visibly vibrated several times.

  It can be seen that the teleportation array cannot support Liu Zhi's size.

  Yiu Zhi smiled helplessly, then put away part of his breath, pressing his breath to the 14th level.

  At this time, the teleportation array is considered to complete the requirements of positioning and locking the teleporter.

  With the activation of the teleportation array, Liu Zhi only felt as if he had been forcibly torn apart.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi's current physique is no longer afraid of this. With his divine body, let alone this space power, even the space blade is of no use to him.

  Yagiji can still calmly look at the surroundings, feeling some changes in front of him.

   Soon Liu Zhi felt that he had been sent out. He was beating in the void, and every time he bounced, he would be thrown out a certain distance.

  This kind of beating process is not long, only about ten minutes, and then Liu Zhi saw a stable transmission channel.

After   Yagiji was thrown into this passage, the power to transmit him stopped like this.

After   , Liu Zhi started to slide down by the inertia in the passage.

  Yuzhi clearly noticed that someone seemed to be staring at him outside the passage.

  Liu Zhi raised his head and stared at him. He was a little surprised to find that it turned out to be a 14th-level divine player.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi's current level is only ‘14th level’, he took Liu Zhi as a target.

  Liu Zhi was too lazy to pay attention to those who would come and die. Now, Liu Zhi is more concerned about the situation in the southern swamp plane.

  He didn't want to pass by himself and found that the southern swamp plane had been swallowed by the Netherworld.

  It would be meaningless if he ran over.

  (End of this chapter)

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