Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1359: Chance encounter

   Chapter 1359

   stepped out along the transmission channel, and a lot of rain fell on Liu Zhi.

   Looking up at the gloomy sky, Liu Zhi showed a slight smile on his face.

   "Fortunately, it was in a hurry."

  With the eyesight of Yanagiji, he could see that some octopuses with colorful streamers appeared in the lightning from time to time in the sky.

  That is the characteristic unit of the Netherworld. It can be seen that the invasion of the Netherworld into the southern swamp plane has been quite deep.

  But it was precisely because of this situation that Liu Zhi was sure that the southern swamp plane was still in a state of being swallowed, and had not been completely digested by the Netherworld.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi felt that the moment he entered this plane, there were four or five mythological auras on these three planes.

  One of them is the aura of mythical existence on the southern swamp plane that Yuji felt in Arda-Marrick before.

The breath of the man in the white baboon skin, but his breath has weakened a lot at this time, no longer the feeling that he had when he destroyed the city of Arda-Marrick, but Ryuzhi felt him. The miasma radiated out has begun to spread towards the southern swamp plane.

  He wanted to destroy the entire southern swamp plane, and he didn't intend to let the Netherworld swallow the southern swamp plane.

  The other breaths are more interesting.

  The one closest to Liu Zhi is a false existence.

  Yagiji's perception just swept over there, and he felt that he had moved from the swamp to the desert.

   was almost mummified in the sun.

  This kind of feeling makes it impossible to see that this is fake, but there is no real existence in the scene before me.

  Yagiji immediately remembered a book he had read when he first came to the southern swamp plane.

  The book says about the southern swamp plane.

  The Underworld is eroding the southern swamp plane, the eastern desert plane and the Arctic glacial plane at the same time.

  It is precisely for this reason that the three planes formed brother planes, and joined forces to resist the erosion of the Netherworld.

  At that time, Liu Zhi had also seen the strength of the myth-level masters of these three planes.

  On the Eastern Desert Plane, there is a necromancer of unknown level. He has built one true six and seven false tombs on the Eastern Desert Plane to suppress the invasion of the Netherworld.

  The desert in front of you should be part of the fake.

  Of course, the falsehood here is for the cognition of existence above level 15.

  For ordinary undead, all seven ancient tombs are real.

  Originally, Liu Zhi, who had felt the situation in front of him, was about to leave after he determined who this was.

  Before, there was no way to see anything, but now he could see it at a glance. The so-called one true six false seven ancient tombs should correspond to the undead mage deity and six clones.

  And this kind of large formation method allows the clone of the Necromancer to directly have the strength of the deity.

  In other words, his clone is the same as the deity, both of the mythical level.

  The most important thing is that their seven mutual strengths can be passed on to each other. It is precisely because of this that people do not know exactly what level of strength the Necromancer is.

   Regarding this rank issue, Liu Zhi didn't want to bother at all.

  He can see that this person is here to protect the southern swamp plane.

  They also don’t want the southern swamp plane to be swallowed by the underworld.

  After all, the Underworld itself is many times stronger than them, and can erode three planes at the same time. If the southern swamp plane is swallowed again, then they really have no chance to preserve their plane.

  So Ryuzhi didn't bother this person either, so he was going to quit.

  But at this moment, the necromancer also discovered the arrival of Liu Zhi.

   "Hey, your breath is an outsider? No, you were born on this plane, but enlightened and other gods?"

  There was a voice in his ear.

  After that, Liu Zhi had a flower in front of him, and a necromancer appeared in front of him.

  The necromancer walked out of the desert, but it can be seen that his style is not desert at all.

  He is wearing a velvet purple robe. The robe is embroidered with stars and looks like a starry sky when he walks.

   was nothing like Liu Zhi had imagined, it was a mummy covered with yellow sand.

  This situation surprised Liu Zhi, but he felt that it was reasonable.

Liu Zhi thought for a moment, nodded and said to him: "Yes, I was born on this plane. In a small family called Ide, the strongest in the entire family is only 7th or 8th, even 10th. There is no way to break through.

  But their existence has laid a solid foundation for me, especially the inheritance of the family, a kind of ability called the underworld ecosystem, which is the path I walk along the way.

  I was on this plane and only stayed for a while.

   fought against the Netherworld, and finally left when an accident occurred in the city of Arda-Marrick.

  That's not the ending I want, but the players who left there can't return to this plane even if they want to. "

  The Necromancer has also heard about the city of Arda-Marrick.

  That's the boss of this plane, cleaning up the enemies who want to grab the plane with him.

  And the person named Alda-Marrick has already been connected to the Underworld. In order to defeat such a person and destroy a city, it is actually a normal thing in the eyes of these mythical players.

  What if the city has a population of more than 300 million.

  As a myth-level character, with a population of three to five billion people, in fact, he did not put them in their eyes.

  And if their goal is to preserve their plane, even if they sacrifice all the population of the plane, they won't care.

  However, the necromancer still lamented Liu Zhi's luck.

   Even if the average person escapes at the last moment, it is impossible to reach the mythical level in such a short time.

  Moreover, it is not only the myth level. The level of Ryuzhi in front of him is clearly the higher level of the myth level.

   "Then are you here this time?"

   "I dreamed that the Southern Swamp Plane was swallowed by the Underworld, so I came and took a look. If I can, I will help the Southern Swamp Plane. If not, then remove the Id Family."

  The Necromancer did not say much about Ryuzhi's choice.

  In his opinion, Ryuzhi's choice was quite correct. Although he was born on the southern swamp plane, he did not succeed in enshrining the gods here.

  The destruction of the southern swamp plane will not affect his divine power.

  So he is willing to help the southern swamp plane, it is love, not willing to help that is his duty.

  Even if the boss from the southern swamp plane comes over, he can’t say anything about Liu Zhi.

  (End of this chapter)

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