Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1361: Bone Wind Academy

   Chapter 1361 Bone Wind Academy

   "It's better to fly over."

  Yagiji made a decision without even thinking about it.

  Although he has the ability to walk on the water, he doesn't want to be soaked in the water all the time, so he can fly through the sky. It's better to fly over.

  As for whether there will be some attacks in the sky.

  Liu Zhi didn't care at all. With his current strength, unless it was the opponent's mythical level shot, there would be no way to stop him.

  As for the opponent's myth level, Liu Zhi is not without a fight.

  So after Ryuuji locked the position, he flew up.

After   , the sun carriage pulled by the scarab appeared at Yanagi's feet.

  After the mythical rank of Yanagiji, this sun carriage was also affected, and it can now fly in the sky.

  At the same time, Ryuzhi’s sun carriage still has a part of the sun and rain, and all the celestial phenomena in the sky can't have any influence on the sun carriage.

   Standing on the sun carriage, Liu Zhi opened his eyes and locked the Bone Wind Academy.

Originally, he wanted to go to the family city called Sulker City. In this city, the Ide family occupies more than half of the position, and the city is considered a fourth-tier city, with a population of over 500. Wan, it's a relatively large city.

  Ryuzhi stayed here for three days.

  But when he scanned before, he found that the city of sulfur was gone. At the location where the city of sulfur was originally located, it was a huge passage to the underworld.

  A new fortress is being suppressed here, and there are many death knights coming and going here.

  From the performance of these death knights, it can be seen that they are all dark knights, that is, the group of people who have entered the Netherworld before to fight.

  They are quite familiar with the situation of the Netherworld, and only in this way can they block the invasion of the Netherworld.

  Ryuzhi is not sure where the city of Sulk has gone, or whether something has happened to the Ide family, so he did not fly directly to this fortress, but planned to go to the Bone Wind Academy to inquire about the situation.

  When Ryuzhi flew into the sky, several myth-level existences had actually felt it, and even some divine-level existences hidden in the southern swamp plane before felt his movements.

  It’s just that no one knew what Liu Zhi was thinking, and there was no intention to stop Liu Zhi’s actions.

  This made it easy for Liu Zhi to fly towards the Bone Wind Academy.

  In only two days, Liu Zhi had already flown over the Bone Wind Academy.

  I came to the Bone Wind Academy again. Liu Zhi found that the Bone Wind Academy had undergone significant changes in the past few days after he left.

Originally, this college was a college built on a swamp. The college was a wooden house supported on the swamp with wooden piles. Most of the buildings were stacked on the roofs of other buildings to form a stack of large and small wooden houses. The huge fortress that came.

  Some changes have taken place now. The architectural style of the Bone Wind Academy has not changed much, but the materials used for construction have changed from the original wood to a large amount of steel.

  It can be seen that the Bone Wind Academy has strengthened its own defenses.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that most of the students walking here are death knights, and there are also necromancers, but the number is already running low.

  This is somewhat different from the original situation of the Bone Wind Academy.

  After all, the Bone Wind Academy is a unified player academy, where death knights and necromancers are not well-known, but they are relatively balanced.

   is regarded as the target of students from several nearby cities.

But now there has been a change. The number of death knights has increased significantly, and Liu Zhi noticed that these death knights look like the kind of forcibly promoted, and they are prepared to fight against the Netherworld. .

  Yagiji noticed that these death knights except for their usual training, all other things were prepared by the academy.

  This includes their horses, weapons and equipment, as well as ghoul attendants, and so on.

  In this way, when these death knights came out, their levels were almost 3 levels.

  As long as you drag them to the battlefield to fight, it is likely to be level 4.

  This kind of death knight is definitely an elite unit on the battlefield.

   is enough to withstand the attacks of the Netherworld.

  While Yanagi was observing the situation below from the sky, someone in the Bone Wind Academy also noticed the arrival of Yanagi.

  In fact, they can’t find it.

  Yagiji’s sun carriage is too sloppy.

  The sun carriage still retains part of the divine power of the sun and rain.

  So the wind and rain cannot fall on the sun carriage, and the divine nature of the sun will make the carriage emit bright sunlight.

  When passing by, people below would think it was a light source such as a searchlight when they saw it. When they wanted to take another look, they had already run away, so they didn’t look any further.

  But Yanagi is now stopping above the Bone Wind Academy.

When he stopped like this, the rain at the Bone Wind Academy stopped immediately. The sun that may have not been seen in thousands of years fell on the Bone Wind Academy. If this abnormality does not call anyone out, the Academy’s The dean is really in vain.

   Soon five people with a little bit of strength ran out of the Bone Wind Academy.

  The one in the front is a Necromancer, his level is 9th level, it can be seen that he is not far from the step of stepping into 10th level.

  The remaining four are all at level 8.

  This level is nothing in the eyes of Liu Zhi, but it is already considered a relatively powerful existence around here.

  But it was not enough for Ryuuji.

  The five people also knew the situation. As soon as they saw Liu Zhi in the sky, the one headed greeted him immediately.

One of the four following    sent a letter there, seemingly trying to get people to come and support the scene.

  Yagiji wanted to talk about his identity at first.

   But his eyes lit up and he noticed some level 7 players rushing out from behind.

   "Are you Aiden Ide?"

  It turned out that Liu Zhi discovered that among the players who rushed out behind, there was someone he knew.

That was the cousin who received Liu Zhi back then. He was ten years older than Liu Zhi. At first, he was a genius cultivated by the Ide family for 50 years, and at the same time, he was the most likely to become the next member of the Ide family. Patriarch or something.

  When Liu Zhi saw him, he also gave Liu Zhi a copy of the identification magnifying glass.

  Although Liu Zhi didn't use those things later.

   But this love Ryuzhi must be recognized.

  This Aiden Ide was said by Ryu Ji, and he began to ponder. Do I know the man in front of me?

  (End of this chapter)

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