Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1362: That is a god

   Chapter 1362 That's a God

  Seeing Aiden Ide’s reaction, Ryuuji said loudly: "Cousin Aiden, it's me, Sandru Ide, the one who was scheduled to go to Arda-Marrick."

  Ayden heard it, and immediately reacted. After all, the destruction of Alda-Marrick City would not be easily forgotten even if it had passed for decades.

  And the only person in their Ide family who had contact with the city of Alda-Marrick, one of them came to the city of Arda-Marrick as a corpse officer, but the city was destroyed and did not return.

  This incident has also been circulated in the Ide family for a while.

  But it appeared more as a kind of regretful conversation, and no one cared about Sandro's life or death.

  Because Sandru was only a level 1 Necromancer when he went to Arda-Marrick, and it took three trials before he succeeded in his inauguration.

  There are quite a lot of such people in the Ide family, and the upper echelons of the family simply don’t care about it.

  But what's the situation now, Aiden looked at Liu Zhi, and he found that he couldn't judge Liu Zhi's current level.

  It's just that the aura on Liu Zhi proved to him that this is exactly the breath of the underworld ecosphere unique to the Ide family, but the road to the underworld ecosphere is easy to walk by Liu Zhi.


   While Aiden was stunned, Liu Zhi also put away the sun carriage and fell from the sky.

  Without the sun carriage, the sunshine shrouded in the Bone Wind Academy disappeared.

   And when Liu Zhi fell, no one in the Bone Wind Academy dared to stop it. They all saw that Liu Zhi's strength was beyond their imagination.

  Especially the dean of the Bone Wind Academy, he is infinitely close to level 10. With his eyesight, at the level below level 15, he can see one, two, three.

  Even a level 14 master, he has seen it several times.

  Faced with the pressure of a level 14 master, he still remembered still fresh at this time.

   Regardless of the performance of those 14th-level masters, there is no such natural way as Yanagi.

  At this time, the dean of the Bone Wind Academy had an idea in his heart, and he looked at Liu Zhi in disbelief.

  Yagiji's myth-level perception is quite sensitive to the eyes of others. He glanced at the dean of the White Wind Academy, and he understood it when he looked at his eyes.


  Liu Zhi gave an evaluation. He didn't want to think that when he was at level 1, the dean of the Bone Wind Academy was already in place, and his level at that time was already level 9.

  But this kind of cowhide, the dean of the Bone Wind Academy didn't dare to blow it around.

  Liu Zhi’s words have proved one thing, Liu Zhi is a myth.

  He was blowing around at this time, but he was looking for death, and he died in vain.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi just glanced at him, then turned his gaze to Aiden.

  "You have grown up in the past few years. I remember that when I left, you were only level 5, and now you are level 7. It seems that the promotion speed is not slow."

After   Yagiji finished speaking, the dean of the White Bone Academy who was standing behind rolled his eyes, no matter how fast you are, from level 1 to mythical level, is this the speed that humans can embody?

   Aiden didn't know the level of Liu Zhi, he didn't know that Liu Zhi was now a myth. He just saw from the performance of Liu Zhi that Liu Zhi's strength had exceeded his own level.

  He smiled awkwardly, “It’s been a long time since I saw you, I thought you were already dead in Arda-Marrick.”

   "No, that time I took the opportunity to escape from the destroyed city. After that, my luck was pretty good. I encountered a few big games, my strength improved, and I got into a plane.

I came here this time because I felt that the southern swamp plane was affected by the Underworld, so I wanted to come and see if the family needs my help. If the family wants, they can move to my plane. life. "

   "A plane?"

  Everyone screamed at the same time.

  They all understood why Liu Zhi grew up so fast.

  Having a plane of existence is equivalent to having unlimited resources.

  With unlimited resources to push, even a pig can grow up.

  However, the dean of the Bone Wind Academy immediately lowered his head. Even if there is a new plane, it is Liu Zhi's own business, and has nothing to do with him.

  But Aiden hesitated, he asked: "Cousin, are you now the controller of that plane?"

  Yuzhi hasn't answered yet, the Dean of the Bone Wind Academy has already spoken.

   "Ayden, your cousin has successfully enshrined the gods. He is now a mythical master, so he is not the controller of the plane, but the owner of the plane."

  Hearing this, Aiden's eyes were bigger than his fists.

"how can that be."

  "This is true. I am now a fertile **** of death, harvesting with one hand and death with the other."

When   Yagiji spoke, a balance appeared behind him. On one side of the balance were the growing seeds, and the other was the slowly falling feathers.

  This phantom only appeared for a while, in fact, even if it kept appearing, there was nothing to be seen with Aiden's strength.

  The only thing he can see is that Liu Zhi has the shadow of the underworld ecosystem, and this influence seems to have changed.

  But it is still the path of the underworld ecosystem.

  Others in the Bone Wind Academy can't see it, but Aiden can.

  After he glanced at Liu Zhi, tears shed in his eyes.

   "Wrong, all wrong."

Liu Zhi understood what Aiden was talking about. Liu Zhi said: "No, your idea is actually correct, but you don’t have enough resources. The way I walked is to take a position. Facing the underworld ecosystem, at the same time the Necromancer and Druid dual professions are parallel.

  If you want to go down this road, it needs to invest a lot of resources.

  Only I was alone, so I used up the resources of one plane. How many people in the entire Ide family want to grow up, it is obviously impossible to take this path.

  That’s why the ancestors of the Yide family subdivided the underworld ecological circle, starting with a race and a plant, so that people can grow up quickly.

  I think you have now reached the intermediate level of the underworld ecosystem. Your ecosystem is about to form a complete system. "

Aiden nodded. He knew that with Liu Zhi's understanding of the underworld ecosystem, coupled with Liu Zhi's strength, he could definitely see his level at a glance.

  After all, in this respect, Liu Zhi is more qualified to say than him.

  At the same time, he also knows that this is the future path for the underworld ecosystem, because in the Ide family, apart from the ancestors who established the family, no one has ever cultivated the underworld ecosystem to level 10.

  (End of this chapter)

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