Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1370: Send away

   Chapter 1370

After   , there are several leaders of small groups. Most of those people have reached level 9, but there is no way to go up. So they have a lot of brains and formed small groups to conduct their own experiments.

  In fact, the crystal ball like Aiden is the prototype of a small group.

  After Aiden introduced all the players clearly, Liu Zhi nodded at them.

"It seems that you have made a choice, so let's start. I think so. Remove all those children. You can't enter the game anyway. If you drag the time here, it's better to move them all. go.

  Although there are not many games in my place, I can definitely enter the game, and there are other planes on my side. If you want, you can also enter the game from other planes. "

  Ryuzhi talked about his own thoughts, anyway, the Ide family is now regarded as his subordinates, so his generosity is not a problem at all.

  After that, Liu Zhi talked about his situation.

  When I heard that the star field where Liu Zhi is located is the kind of star field where nature and undead are balanced, some of the elders of the Ide family's eyes lit up.

  They understand the path taken by the underworld ecosystem and what kind of environment the underworld ecosystem needs.

  The environment that Yanagiji can provide is much better than here.

  So they only discussed for a few hours, and Aiden, under the witness of the leaders of these groups, the elders of the Id family, ascended the position of the patriarch of the Id family, and took over the important task of the entire Id family.

   Then Liu Zhi immediately issued a mobilization order, preparing to move the Ide family.

  The target of migration is naturally the Ide plane of Ryuzhi.

  In order to achieve this goal, Liu Zhi directly issued an order to let people dismantle the underworld ecosystem in the central part of the cave, preparing to turn it into a large teleportation array.

  At that time, he only needs a wave of teleportation to send most of the residents and players here to the plane of Id.

  Of course, after the transmission, the energy here will be almost consumed.

  After all, this place is quite far from the plane of Id, and it is impossible to transmit without consumption.

  After the transmission is completed, the energy here is almost consumed. Even if this place is swallowed by the Netherworld in the future, they will not be able to follow the transmission array to chase Liu Zhi's territory.

  After Liu Zhi gave the order, he at the same time contacted the avatars far away on the plane of Ide through his own personal space, so that they were ready to receive personnel.

  It only takes about a day to set up a teleportation array.

  And Liu Zhi directly ordered all personnel to participate.

  All the personnel here naturally include those undead on the zenith.

  Fortunately, the Ide family can be regarded as a big family. Naturally, how they arrange the manpower did not make the whole situation too chaotic.

  In the eyes of Liu Zhi, their efficiency in doing things is still good.

  After setting up the teleportation formation, Liu Zhi personally started it, and it took a day to adjust the teleportation formation.

  At the same time, he kept taking out a lot of energy and gems from the portable space, which made the Ide family understand that Liu Zhi really wanted to take them away.

  As a result, those members of the Ide family became more motivated, and the speed of cleaning up their things became faster and faster.

  On the third day that Ryuzhi became the head of the Ide family, they had already packed everything up.

  Even the corpses that have not been transformed into undead have been packed, and they must be taken away.

Looking at the members of the Ide family in front of him, Liu Zhi said: "I have arranged everything about the plane. After you pass, you can immediately arrange the place to live, and then start arranging all players to enter the game. Players upgrade in groups of five in the order we discussed earlier.

You have to listen to my arrangements for the following things. We need to expand the plane. You need to be nails to penetrate into other planes. Don’t worry, you are not the first and will not be the last. This is how you grow up. The price that needs to be paid at the time.

  I don’t think like your previous patriarch, I can’t take you back if you let it go.

  Because my plane is there, and my level is there, no matter how you go, unless you don’t practice the underworld ecosystem, your growth under my hands may be the fastest and the smoothest.

  So I am not afraid that you will rebel, and you will not rebel. "

   At this point, the arranged teleportation array began to glow. After the teleportation array, a powerful and strong natural gas and undead aura surged.

  This kind of breath is not too friendly to normal people or to the undead, but for the Ide family, it is the best breath.

  They clearly felt that this was a strengthening when the underworld ecosystem reached its apex. It can be said that the entire plane has become the underworld ecosystem of Liu Zhi.

   "Well, now according to the previous arrangement, everyone will enter the teleportation array in order. The speed of the teleportation array is very fast. Don't worry."

  Under the order of Ryuzhi, members of the Ide family began to enter the teleportation formation.

  The players who go first are naturally players who are only level 5 in strength. They have the largest number and are also the foundation of the Ide family. They are the first to move away.

After their transfer is completed, followed by the followers of the Ide family, they have the largest number, and they are not players, but they are responsible for various tasks in the city, as well as the management of the underworld ecosystem. They belong to the Ide family. An important part of.

  Moreover, they are also responsible for helping to transport the plants and animals of the various underworld ecosystems originally placed here.

  After all these people and objects were transported away, a whole day has passed.

  The player who stayed here last is level 5 or above.

  Liu Zhi looked at Aiden and said, "It's okay, you can go in with peace of mind, and leave the things here to me."

   Aiden nodded, and he stepped into the teleportation array with the players who were going to pass.

  Of course, there are still some players from the Ide family who have not left.

  They all have some work or other things on this plane.

  Now they all need to stay in the southern swamp plane.

However, after they have completed their tasks or handled their work, they will choose to leave the southern swamp plane by other means, and finally return to Id from the game or other planes through the guidance stone of the Id family. Plane.

  The number of these players is not very large, and it does not affect the overall situation of the plane of Id, so after confirming that they have a valid reason, Liu Zhi no longer cares about them.

  After watching all the players and civilians leave, Liu Zhi closed the teleportation array.

   Then he began to prepare to pay the price of taking away the Ide family, and launched a wave of attacks on the Netherworld.

  (End of this chapter)

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