Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1371: Meet the Netherworld

  Chapter 1371 Meeting the Netherworld

  In the past few days when Liu Zhi dealt with the affairs of the Ide family, in fact, several mythical ranks in the southern swamp plane had contacted Liu Zhi, hoping that Liu Zhi could help them.

  But Liu Zhi could not leave for the time being, so he could only drag the matter.

  Fortunately, Ryuzhi's reason is quite reasonable, and those few people did not urge too much.

  Now that most of the people and materials of the Ide family have been sent to the plane of Ide, then Liu Zhi will need to fight against the Netherworld.

  Ryuzhi was thinking about his attitude towards the underworld.

  The strength that the Netherworld Underworld is showing right now, they have at least two myth-level existences.

  Moreover, the strength of these two mythical ranks should be considered relatively strong, otherwise they won't have the upper hand for so many years.

  In addition, the new myth level is not weak, otherwise it would not be the first time that the myth level of the southern swamp plane was seriously injured.

  And Liu Zhi guessed that there must be a third mythical level in the Netherworld. This is the reason why the major planes cannot penetrate the Netherworld.

  So against the Netherworld, Liu Zhi must fight.

  But how to fight and what level to fight, then you need Liu Zhi to make a good calculation.

  Does he need to help the southern swamp plane penetrate into the underworld, or help the southern swamp plane cut off the invasion of the underworld, at least to get through the crisis of the southern swamp plane this time.

  The input cost here is naturally different.

  If Liu Zhi needs to help the southern swamp plane solve the current crisis, he only needs to transfer one or two legions, plus his own existence.

  If he wanted to fight into the Netherworld, his investment would be very different. Without more than ten troops, Liu Zhi would not be able to come out safely even if he entered.

  So before that, he needs to discuss with the few in the southern swamp plane what level he wants to achieve.

  It happened that the Ide family had already left, and this underground space was still left, and Ryuzhi simply released three legions here.

  The three legions are naturally the key forces of Ryuzhi, the light legion of the arena, the death bone legion, and a newly established golden skeleton legion.

  These three legions are all relatively strong under Liu Zhi, so needless to say, the light legion of the arena.

The Dead Bone Legion is also a veteran legion under Liu Zhi. This legion is made up of dead souls of the skeleton type. After years of fighting, their combat power has become quite strong, and the weapons in their hands seem to be all Weapons made of skeletons, but in fact, the quality has exceeded the level of normal troops.

  It can be said that this is a comprehensive force, and it will not be weaker than the Arena of Light Legion.

The   Golden Skeleton Legion is Ryuuji's plan after the Great Battle on the Plane of Logan.

  This is a kind of exclusive force under Liu Zhi.

  After all, Golden Skull’s research from the beginning was unique to Liu Zhi.

  After such a long time, Liu Zhi got together with such a golden skeleton army.

  The situation of this unit is not the same as that of the Deathbone Legion. It can be said that there are various skeleton professions in the Deathbone Legion.

  The Golden Skeleton Legion is different. In the Golden Skull Legion, two-thirds of the troops are melee troops, and one-third of the troops are long-range archer troops. There is no law system and no cavalry.

   Regarding the arrangement of the Golden Skull Army, Liu Zhi’s plan was not to let them act as cannon fodder or something, and Liu Zhi could not do things like using an army group as cannon fodder.

  His arrangement for the Golden Skull Legion is actually an attack.

  Their role is to directly rush up when the enemy's powerful troops appear, replacing the enemy's elite troops in a one-to-one manner.

  Although he has not proved himself on the battlefield, but Liu Zhi believes that their strength is sufficient.

  In addition to these troops, Liu Zhi also transported a large amount of cannon fodder.

  Of course, more than half of these cannon fodder are spider troops, and all the rest are ordinary undead troops in the plane of Liu Zhi.

As a necromancer, it is normal to have more undead under his hand. In this underground space, Liu Zhi has gathered nearly 100,000 undead and about 200,000 spider troops, which is not actually counted in the southern swamp plane. What a big power.

  To know the three main cities on the southern swamp plane, each is calculated on the basis of 100 million people.

  Only the strength of Ryuzhi might not be enough for the number of guards in the city of Sulk.

  The reason why Ryuzhi will release these undead and spider troops is just to prevent his several main battle regiments from being used as cannon fodder and being destroyed instantly.

After all the undead under his hands were stocked in this underground space, Liu Zhi began to contact several mythical clones on the southern swamp plane.

  The main body of the southern swamp plane is wounded and is recovering. He will not appear in front of Liu Zhi.

  Only two avatars were sent over the eastern desert plane and the northern glacier plane. One was the necromancer that Liu Zhi saw last time, and the other was the death knight full of blood.

  Yiu Zhi understood the situation of the necromancer, but he did not understand the situation of the death knight very well.

  At least, he didn't quite understand why a death knight from a glacier took the route of fire attributes. Although the guy was full of blood, his body temperature was obviously above the level of the necromancer from the desert.

  But thinking about the fact that there are still some who play the holy light and follow the paladin route, Ryuzhi didn't ask much.

  At the same time, he also saw two other mythical clones of the southern swamp plane.

  Liu Zhiyou noticed that one of them seemed to be a little weak. It looked like he had gone back to practice after being seriously injured.

  Ryuzhi felt that this man was probably because the city he controlled was destroyed and his strength dropped a lot. After the new city was established, he regained his strength.

  This is an existence that looks like a Japanese-style witch. There are many ghosts that look like snakes and some like fish hovering around her. They are constantly replenishing her vitality.

  The other one is much better. His level is 15 and it is stable. It can be seen that he is now the main force in the southern swamp plane.

  This is a man whose half of his head has been destroyed and had to wear a mask. He has purple hair, wears a Japanese-style armor, and carries something that looks like a spear.

  If you only look at the lifelessness in him, Liu Zhi believes that he is the strongest among these myth-level clones he has seen.

  And now he is also the leader of the whole battle.

  (End of this chapter)

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