Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1372: Layout

  Chapter 1372 Arrangement

  After a few days of communication, Liu Zhi has already made a decision.

  After receiving the support of two mythical clones on the southern swamp plane, they discussed a plan.

  According to the half-faced Grim Reaper on the southern swamp plane, Liu Zhi needs to act as a main attacker this time, and their goal is to target the white Grim Reaper.

  This white **** of death has actually been moving in the southern swamp plane all this time.

  He is looking for the hidden location of the mythical boss of the southern swamp plane.

  As long as this mythical boss is killed, the resistance of the southern swamp plane will drop to the lowest.

  At that time, the Netherworld can easily swallow the southern swamp plane.

  So chasing and killing the boss of the southern swamp plane is what the white death must do.

  And several of their avatars also intend to use this to draw out the white **** of death.

After   , they set another volt to kill the white **** of death.

  As for whether the White Grim Reaper has other clones or something, that is not what they can care about.

  All myth-level players understand that the battle between gods and gods takes a long time.

  If the **** has a clone, the time may be calculated based on ten thousand years.

  It might be better if you don’t have a clone, but it’s common to play for a thousand years.

  Yagiji doesn’t believe that this kind of assassin enemy will not have some means of clone.

  Not all assassins talk about a one-shot kill. If they don’t kill people, they must have other means of life-saving.

  The avatar is interchangeable with the deity, and it is the most normal idea to let the avatar die.

  So their ambush this time, the goal is quite clear, to kill the white death who entered the southern swamp plane, and cut off the devouring of the southern swamp plane by the Underworld.

  As long as it can stop the devouring of the southern swamp plane by the Underworld, the next thing will be much simpler.

  The southern swamp plane will make up for these lost territories by itself. This kind of thing has also been done by Ryuzhi. He did it when his Id plane was still semi-plane.

After    was transferred to the exclusive star field, Liu Zhi also swallowed many plane fragments.

  These people who believe that the southern swamp plane actually know how to replenish the territory and energy required by the plane.

  Even if they lose a third this time, they can make up for it elsewhere.

  The key now is how to convince the white death gods that the news they gave is true.

  According to their simple plan after several discussions, they will arrange a location for the necromancer from the eastern desert plane.

  The location was not chosen by the necromancer, but by the existence that looked like a witch, saying that this was the place where the southern swamp plane first enlightened.

  The big guy here still left some breath.

After   , it will be arranged by the Necromancer.

  The characteristics of the Necromancer or the big boss on the Eastern Desert plane is that it is indistinguishable from the real and the real.

   Let him set it down, even if this place is fake, it will make people look real.

After   , the witch will hide here and act as a bait, because her current situation is most like that of the deity. She is seriously injured but not well, and has strength but has just recovered.

  And Ryuzhi and the death knight, together with the three death gods and ghosts, will be hidden under the protection of the necromancer.

  They will be here waiting for the appearance of the white **** of death.

  The three of them are the main attackers and blockers. This time their goal is only one, and that is to kill the enemy here.

  Because the three of them need to cooperate with each other, the three of them also handed in the bottom line.

   Among the three of them, the death knights all belong to their own troops.

  So when it comes to fighting, cannon fodder is not a problem.

  Now it’s up to the level of combat effectiveness between the three of them.

  The death knight thought for a while and said: "As a death knight, my melee ability is definitely not a problem. I am on a **** road. I use a hammer and I can't attack far away."

  Ryuzhi second said: "Melee swordsmanship is close to the swordsman, and a series of natural spells such as lightning and wind blade can be used at a distance. In addition, my soul extraction ability is relatively strong."

The last person who spoke was the Grim Reaper. He said faintly: "My melee ability is average, but I can finally fight. When I shoot, the passage of the underworld will be opened, and some undead will appear behind to participate. This is out of control. of."

  The three people said the situation, and then they took out some skills to compare.

After   , they made a decision.

  The death knight takes the lead, acting as a meat shield to attract the enemy, and then Liu Ji takes the lead, and the death ghost prevents the enemy from escaping at the end.

  As for the undead troops they brought with them, they are all in ambush nearby. When necessary, these undead troops can quickly take action.

  After arranging the situation here, the Necromancer asked them to transport all their troops.

  Because he finally needs to put down the space anchor here to prevent the white death from escaping.

  Wait until that time to bring the troops over, then it is not as convenient as it is now.

  So they must do it well in advance.

   Soon a few of them came to the chosen place.

  It was in a swamp outside a village that didn't look very eye-catching.

  There is a relatively dry tree hole in the swamp. According to the maiden, this is the place where this plane boss became enlightened.

  He got super enhanced here, from an ordinary person to a player, and finally embarked on a mythical route.

  It can be said that the strongest cause and effect and aura are left here.

  If it weren’t for the big brother’s myth level, he would have his own place to grow and recover. Now he is seriously injured and he should be able to regain his strength nearby.

  It is precisely for this reason that the witches chose this place as an ambush spot.

  When the three of them came here, the layout was almost complete.

  The Necromancer, who came one step in advance, set up a decent restoring place here.

  The witch sits in the cave for the final recovery.

  The weird bugs that are following the witch are transporting vitality and soul. This kind of bug is called the dead soul bug, and normal undead will know this thing.

These dead soul worms are also one of the key props. They have to show their busy state of constantly sending vitality and soul to the cave, in order to convince the white death that this is the southern swamp plane mythical boss who recovers from his injuries. local.

  Only in this way, the arrangement of the Necromancer can take shape, and only when the enemy believes it can everything be faked.

  (End of this chapter)

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