Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1373: White grim reaper

  Chapter 1373 White Death

   Regardless of whether the white **** of death believes it or not, looking at the arrangement of the Necromancer anyway, Liu Zhi himself already believes it.

  The big guys of this world are recovering from their injuries here, and they have been raising them for a long time.

  Looking at what the Necromancer did, Liu Zhi believed that the Necromancer must have gone further than the Necromancer in other respects.

  The two of the southern swamp plane and the northern glacier plane have long been accustomed to the techniques of this necromancer, and they are not surprised by the situation in front of them.

  On the contrary, Liu Zhiyou noticed that the Southern Swamp Plane opened up part of the authority of this plane to the Necromancer, allowing him to make some arrangements more conveniently.

  Ryuzhi didn't dare to do this kind of thing.

  This also had to let Liu Zhi admit that the big boss of the southern swamp plane really had enough strength and confidence. I also have to sigh that this gangster has two fairly good friends.

   And he himself, it seems that there is no good friend who can surrender his life.

  Liu Zhi couldn't help sighing that his time was still too short. If it were longer, he would not be so embarrassed.

  At this moment, the death knight pulled Ryuuji a bit.

   "Attention, they are already here."


  Liu Zhi was a little puzzled, but he did not release his divine perception to check the situation, which was also said at the beginning.

  As an assassin, the white **** of death is quite sensitive to all kinds of traps and perceptions. If there is a trace of wind and grass, he will disappear.

  So here can only be arranged for ordinary undead to patrol here, Ryuzhi and the others cannot use divine perception to check the surrounding situation.

  Only the death knight can perceive the arrival of the enemy through blood.

  For this reason, Liu Zhi didn't know how many people had come from the enemy.

  So when the death knight talked about them, Yanagi was also a little confused.

   "Yes, they, we did not expect that the white **** of death also brought two of his clones."

   "Two clones, are you sure?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

"Yes, my perception is like this, but there is also a possibility. This is the characteristic of the white **** of death. He may not be a clone, but something like a phantom, so that he can usually be there three to one. "

   "Then do we need to change the battle plan?"

  Ryuzhi asked again.

The death knight shook his head, "For the time being, even if there are two more clones, we can still deal with it. At that time, we will deal with one at the same time. As long as we don’t let them together, we can only look at each one. Means, use your best ability, and kill them when they react."

  Yiu Zhi nodded. For fighting, Liu Zhi is no stranger to the battle. This is the way he has reached his own rhythm.

  Now all he needs to do is wait for the enemy to fall into the trap.

  Soon Liu Zhi felt the appearance of the white **** of death.

  This time he did not use divine perception, but directly saw three white objects drifting past his eyes with the naked eye.

  This kind of thing made Liu Zhi quite speechless.

  Even if he does not have undead troops or heroes like assassins, he still understands that assassins do not sneak like this.

  If every assassin sneaks into this way, then it’s really a vain assassin career.

  The three groups of white things walked quite coquettishly. They kept switching the course of advancement, making it impossible for people to judge which one was in the front, which was in the back, and which was the main force of the attack.

Faced with such a situation, the three of them just hesitated and quickly locked on an enemy. They had already decided that when they made the move, they would kill the enemy they were facing as soon as possible. .

  Afterwards, according to the situation on the battlefield, determine whether to help other companions.

  The timing of their shots is entirely up to the death knight to judge.

   Seeing that the three white shadows were about to enter the tree cave where the witch was staying, the death knight also raised his right hand.

  Now the death knight is fully engaged in the observation of the three white figures. He is making the final judgment, judging the enemy's direction and distance.

  At this moment, everyone’s ears heard the voice of the Necromancer.

   "Don't rush to do it, I found there is a clone outside."

   Liu Zhi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. That's right. If you don't judge anything, you won't be an assassin who can live to the mythical level.

The opening of the Necromancer directly affected the judgment of the Necromancer.

  And at this moment, the three groups of white influence shot at the same time.

  They rushed into the tree hole in an instant, and the witch in the tree hole found the signal of attack.

  After that, the death knight understood that there was no way to drag it any longer. He waved his hand and the three of them rushed out at the same time.

  As he rushed forward, Liu Zhi naturally rushed towards the enemy he was facing.

  When he rushed out, he had already discovered that the enemy had changed from a white shadow to a human form.

  The person facing Yanuji was covered in a white armor that could only half cover his body. The appearance of the armor was quite gorgeous, which made him feel that the effect of the armor decoration was far greater than the effect of using it.

  The helmet of the armor only has the headband part, not to mention blocking the face, the head is not covered, and the white luminous long hair floats in the wind when the opponent is running, which looks quite beautiful.

  The white leather armor on his body looked like a combination of things. The breastplate only covered his chest, revealing a large waist.

  In fact, this point is easier to understand, because the most important thing for an assassin is flexibility.

  But what about the boots that go directly to the thighs? This assassin is a male.

  Yagiji noticed that there were four pop-up daggers on the assassin’s hands and wrists.

  These daggers can appear in the hands of the assassin at any time, and they can also appear on the back of the opponent's hand at any time. With the opponent's flexible movements, many different changes can be made.

  Yiu Zhi quickly made a judgment in his heart, raised his hand and threw a death thunder at the opponent.

  Yuzhi did not intend to blow the opponent to death with the Thunder of Death. He had only one idea, paralyzing the opponent, so that he could approach the enemy at a faster speed and take action to kill the enemy.

  However, Liu Zhi never expected that this assassin's resistance to lightning is quite strong.

  When the thunder of death fell on him, he obviously felt it, but he didn't care at all and rushed towards the witch in the tree hole.

  It can be seen that he is the kind of clone that can act as a cannon fodder, even if he is dead, he has to complete the task.

  Yagiji must not be able to watch the witch being killed just like this, he quickly waved the thin sting sword in his hand and stabbed it at the enemy.

  (End of this chapter)

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