Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1374: be cheated

   Chapter 1374 Fooled

  When Liu Zhi took out the sword, the target he was attacking, the assassin had actually discovered the actions of Liu Zhi.

  But just as Liu Zhi thought, this assassin didn't care about anything except the target. Even if he died, he would die on the way to the target.

  At the same time, Yanagi noticed that the same was true for the enemies attacked by the death knight and the death ghost.

  They ignore their lives and put their goals first.

At the same time, their appearance is not the same as that of Yanagi’s targets. One of them is wearing a white robe and the other is wearing a white robe with oriental style. However, all the weapons in their hands are fixed on the wrists and can be ejected. Dagger.

  It can be seen from their movements that they are not real.

   Seeing such a situation, not only Liu Zhi was shocked, but the Death Knights were also shocked.

  The reason why they set up a trap here is to draw the white death **** over and kill them so that they can bring the situation back.

  If all three of these are clones, then the situation is different. Even if they kill these three clones, what can they do? The situation in the southern swamp plane is still that troublesome.

  Although he had such thoughts in his heart, Liu Zhi's movements were not slow at all.

  No one is idiot enough to be distracted too much in the battle between the myth level, Liu Zhi stabbed with a sword and directly used his most powerful technique.

  Eternal peace! You can find out!

  But the white leather armored assassin didn't look evasive at all. Instead, with the attack of Ryuzhi, he wanted to rush into the tree hole.

  If it’s not for the eternal tranquility of Ryuzhi, the surrounding space can be solidified, maybe just like this, the other party has already rushed into the tree hole.

  Yiu Zhi shook the thin stabbing sword in his hand, and the assassin turned into white light and disappeared in front of him.

  The white light still contains the breath and energy of death, which can be felt. The amount of energy is about the level of a single blow from a mythical player.

  As soon as he saw this white light, Liu Zhi understood what it was all about. If they were all such clones, he could make as many as he wanted.

  This clone is clearly a conscious attack weapon.

  Even if they don't make a move, these clones will disappear after rushing to the enemy and launching a blow.

  At this time, the death knight and the death ghost also killed the enemy in front of them, and they all understood how this came back at the same time.

  In that case, the white death **** who is still outside the trap is the real existence.

  When the death knight saw that the trap was useless, he turned his head and walked out of the trap.

   "It's all here, kill him!"

   has come.

  Yagiji felt that the death knight’s words were a bit funny. The white **** of death was not a fool. He knew that this was a trap and would stay here.

  It may not be useful to rush out now.

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi rushed out and naturally slowed down.

  The death knight is not like that. He mounted his bone warhorse with a sheep skull, and rushed out with a whole body of blood.

  A short distance is nothing to the death knight. The bone warhorse has rushed into the range of the trap after only a few steps.

  As soon as he rushed out, the death knight saw a white figure standing on the top of a hill not far away.

This white figure is wrapped in a white mist-like robe, with a white smiley mask on his face. He has long white hair, and from time to time there will be some white light spots on the long hair. .

  This kind of light spot is exactly the characteristic of the Netherworld. The clone that Liu Zhi killed before actually also had this characteristic.

  It's just that the clone that Liu Zhi killed has his hair glowing.

  Seeing the death knight rushing out, the white **** of death pulled the robe that wrapped his body outwards. Under the robe was not a body, but a starry sky composed of countless white light spots.

  There are a large number of daggers and faces hung on the robe. Those faces are large and small. The large ones are about three times larger than the normal heads, and the small ones are only the size of a thumb.

  The daggers come in a variety of styles, and their qualities are different, from mythical level to ordinary level. I don’t know how such a small cloak can hold so many daggers.

  After pulling the robe apart, the white light spots behind the white Reaper’s hair flew out, and at the same time some human skin faces and some daggers flew up.

  Each face is matched with two daggers and a white light spot, and a white light group will be formed in a blink of an eye.

After   , the white assassin that was shot before will appear. As for what kind of armor dress the assassin will look like, it is completely random.

  After releasing the five assassins, the white **** of death finally stopped as if it had been affected by something.

  He wrapped the robe, and his body changed back to a human form.

  At this time, Ryuzhi and the Grim Reaper rushed out of the trap. They looked at the five assassins in front of the white Grim Reaper, and then at the death knight.

   "What's going on?" Grim Reaper said, "When did the assassins start to kill them head-on."

  Ryuzhi didn't speak much. He seemed to remember that there was an infiltration called a professional assassin.

  As long as it is not found, it is professional, and as long as it can kill all the enemies, it is also professional.

  So he intends to kill?

While thinking about it, Liu Zhi held down the thin stabbing sword at his waist. As for the staff and balance of Liu Zhi, it is not time to use them. In the face of this kind of enemy, the army is useless, only his own swordsmanship. It is the truly powerful means.

  The death knight and the death ghost both understood that at this time, what they needed was not a large army, but to show their ability to kill.

  The death knight drove a bone warhorse and headed towards the assassin over there in person. The heavy hammer in his hand turned blood red, and the three assassins were taken away in one blow.

  Liu Zhi looked at this situation, and shot the thin stabbing sword, the wind blade enveloped the other two assassins, and at the same time said to the death ghost.

   "That big guy belongs to you."

  The **** of death saw that Liu Zhi and the others had shot, and they also picked the target away. He could only hold his spear, and hit the figure that included the white robe with a blow.

  This spear broke the level of time and space a bit, and with one blow, it successfully plunged into the white robe.

  But in the next moment, the death ghost discovered that something was wrong, and his blow broke the white robe entirely.

In   , a large number of white stars like morning stars flew out, illuminating the neighborhood extremely brightly.

  (End of this chapter)

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