Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1375: In danger

   Chapter 1375

be cheated!

  Ryuzhi and the three of them saw this situation, and this voice sounded in their hearts at the same time.

  The death knight dragged all the five clones here into his range at once, and said to Yanagi and the others.

   "Save people!"

  Yagiji and the Grim Reaper saw this situation, they gave up the battle on the spot and rushed in the direction they came.

  At this time, on the trap side, the necromancer also found that the situation was not right. He ignored the hiding, and stood up directly, holding the staff against the ground just a little bit.

  As he did this, the swamp on the ground began to be covered with a layer of yellow sand.

  At the same time, some footprints appeared on the yellow sand.

  The distance between the footprints is quite long, often more than ten meters before there is a footprint.

   But it is enough for the Necromancer.

  Necromancer only needs to find out where the enemy is.

  After determining the position of the enemy, the Necromancer pointed at that direction, and a cloud of clouds flew out like this.

  There are a lot of twisted skulls in the cloud.

  If Liu Zhi is here, he will find that this trick is actually a variant of poison fog and overcast spells. This poison fog spell has a large attack range, and nothing else.

  But it is a very useful trick in front of my eyes.

  Because no matter who it is, as long as he is poisoned, his body will be stained green.

  As long as the assassin is found, there is nothing terrifying about the assassin. After all, the biggest feature of the assassin is stealth and stealth.

  Sure enough, after the clouds flew over, a green figure appeared where the footprints were.

  The figure is not like the figure outside, with a cloak or something on his body. At this time, he is dressed as a normal assassin, and all the things that hinder him from shooting are gone.

  At the same time, his weapon is not like those avatars before, hung on the wrist, and will pop out when it is needed. He holds a recurve knife in one hand and a dagger in the other.

  Neither of these two weapons is the matte color used by normal assassins, but transparent weapons, with a lot of powder or sand inside.

  These things carry a little gloomy light. When the white death **** swings, those gloomy lights will follow the white death god's movements and affect the surrounding situation.

  As it is now, the white **** of death realized that he had been discovered, so he waved the weapon in his hand, and the gloomy light actually wrapped him.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi also rushed in.

  When he saw the situation of the white **** of death, he also judged that this guy should be the main body.

   "I am coming, you are ready."

  The Necromancer knows what Liu Zhi said about preparation. At this time, he was supposed to be preparing magic such as dimensional anchors, but the White Reaper’s strategy changed the whole situation in the worst direction.

  If he hadn't stood up just now, now the white **** of death has touched the witch's hiding place.

  This is a terrible thing for the bosses of the southern swamp plane.

  This big guy may have been fighting the Netherworld all his life.

  In addition to the deity, he has two clones.

Now he respects the injury, and among his two clones, one of his avatars fell below the 14th level because of the fact that Alda-Marrick City last time, and he finally recovered. If he dies like this again, he is the one. The noodles are really unsafe.

  So no matter who it is, no one can take this responsibility.

  For this reason, even if the Necromancer knew that he was going to be exposed, he had to stand up and stop the white death from advancing.

  Now that Liu Zhi is here, the Necromancer can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

  And Liu Zhi did not use the sword at this time, but released the balance behind him.

  Of course, Liu Zhi released the balance at this time. He didn't have the idea of ​​a natural disaster or a horn of abundance for the undead. It was not like this right now.

  Yagiji now only uses another power of the balance.

  Holding the balance and swiping in the direction of the white **** of death, the white **** of death only felt that his body was full of vitality.

   Then he looked down and found that where he stepped on, flowers and plants began to grow.

  This situation shocked the white **** of death, and then he discovered that the undead aura in his body had been transformed into a natural aura.

  As a **** of death, although he is an assassin, his body and men are driven by the breath of the undead.

  Especially his subordinates, all of them are made of light spots behind him, plus the breath of the undead, plus a face and a dagger.

  If there is no undead breath, then his men will be useless.

  Without the subordinate clone, then his strength has gone by half. You must know that although he is an assassin, the reason why he is so famous is entirely because he is not afraid of death, and can release many clones to go out to die.

  Those avatars can explore the way for him, block the sword for him, and test the enemy’s weaknesses for him.

  Even if his body is dead, he can resurrect on the clone at any time.

  But as soon as the power in his body was transformed, the connection between him and all the clones was severed.

  At this time, he is equivalent to the deity facing Ryuzhi here.

  At this time, ghosts of death also appeared nearby.

  He saw the meaning behind Liu Zhi's actions at a glance.

  As soon as he saw that the white **** of death had cut off from his clone and was transformed into a power of nature, the **** of death asked immediately.

   "How long can he support this way."

  Ryuzhi was about to draw his sword and rush forward. When asked by the **** of death, Liu Zhi immediately laughed.

  "You can support as long as you want."

As soon as Liu Zhi saw the death ghost shot, he began to concentrate his mental power on the balance. If he was not sure before, it is different now. With his full shot and suppressing a property of the same level, he can still do of.

  The same is true of the death ghosts. Hearing Liu Zhi's response, he immediately rushed out with his spear.

  At the same time, the Grim Reaper also notified the shrine maiden who was hiding, telling her that she was ready to take action.

  The witch walked out with a long bow higher than hers.

  The longbow looks like it is made of ordinary wood, but it is full of spirituality.

  Ryuzhi felt that the shrine maiden’s situation was not right, she was clearly a dead spirit, and she was still a burial puppet made of clay, but she had a strong spirituality.

  The longbow in her hand still has the power to break the magic, and she does not know how she practices.

   After coming out of the hidden tree hole, the witch took out a very ordinary-looking long arrow. The arrow of the arrow was even made of stone, pointing to the direction of the white death god.

  In the next moment, Liu Zhi only felt a dangerous word written in his heart. He instantly felt that this long arrow could kill the gods.

  (End of this chapter)

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