Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1384: The plane of sunlight

   Chapter 1384 The Plane of Sunlight

  After clearing all the heterogeneous energy and coordinates in the body, Liu Zhi was once again sent to the beach by the sea.

  This time the thin and dry old man was still standing by the beach, and he said happily: "You are good boy, you made me win two games in a row."

  Ryuzhi shrugged, he still didn’t understand what was going on.

At this time, a young man ran out from nearby. He patted Liu Zhi on the shoulder and said, "Don't you know, blame the old man is the worst character in our place. He bet that new people will be caught by the sea every time. Delivered to the shore, but we don't think so.

  I can swim on my own, why must I be sent by the sea? That is quite uncomfortable.

  It turned out to blame the old man for losing and failing to account again and again. In the end, if you let him win twice, he let us pay the bill. Do you think this is reasonable? "

  Listening to the young man’s words, Liu Zhi was trying to answer, but the next moment, Liu Zhi shut his mouth.

After taking three deep breaths, Liu Zhi said.

   "Your strength seems to be very strong."

  The young man laughed as soon as he heard it, "You are not bad too. Not everyone can resist my spiritual speech art. It seems that you are already quasi-spirited."


  Liu Zhi's heart is tight, is it possible that it's not even a myth in this plane?

  There are so many hundred and eighty people here. Is it possible that all of them have exceeded the myth level and reached the level of gods above level 20?

  Liu Zhi couldn't help looking at the people here playing on the beach. He found that the people here didn't seem to have any breath, and they didn't seem to be very powerful.

  Moreover, there are too many people here. There are at least a thousand people here. How can it be possible that each of them has passed the level of 20?

  Liu Zhi’s doubts naturally fell into the eyes of the thin, dry old man and young people. They all understood what Liu Zhi was thinking, but they couldn’t explain the problem like Liu Zhi.

  They can only look at Liu Zhi, without saying or explaining anything.

  Ryuzhi felt a little weird about this, but he didn't ask much.

  At his level, he naturally knows that each plane has its own rules.

   Perhaps what is unreasonable to oneself is actually the manifestation of the other party's rules.

  Ryuzhi can’t say that he doesn’t understand, he thinks the world is wrong.

  Similarly, he will not integrate the opponent's rules into himself just because the opponent's plane is stronger.

  Ryuzhi is just a passerby on this plane. What he needs is to transit through this plane and return to his plane.

  As for what this plane is like, what will change in the end is not really important to Ryuzhi.

  It's like a Chinese traveling abroad. No matter how long he spends there, his life abroad has little effect on him.

  They will not let life abroad affect their future habits.

  Yagiji is doing this now.

  So no matter what Liu Zhi suspected now, he did not show it.

  And the thin and dry old man was very happy. He took Liu Ji and said, "You have brought me good luck. I want to invite you to eat. It happens that they owe me. You can eat anything on the beach."

  After talking about the thin and dry old man, he brought a glass of wine to Liu Zhi, and then ran with a bikini girl.

  In response to this situation, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head.

He took a sip of a wine glass made of coconut shells and found that the taste of the wine was okay, but there was a strong light power in it. This light power was not the same as the sunlight, but like the little fish before, it was a kind of Very pure power of light.

  This light power has a certain degree of exclusivity.

  It’s okay to drink a little bit, if too much, it will produce a kind of bright seed in the body, and begin to reject the player’s own power.

  Yiuzhi felt it while drinking this drink. With each sip, he always sprayed a cloud of white mist.

  Someone saw Liu Zhi like this and couldn't help but persuade him.

   "Those are the spring water of Guangming Spring, after drinking it, it will be good for you."

  Liu Zhi smiled and replied: "I have absorbed the good things."

  What Liu Zhi said is correct, he really absorbed the good things.

  Don’t look at Liu Zhi. The two gods that support his mythical level are the harvest and the undead, but his body is composed of the gods of the sun and the gods of rain.

  The divinity of the sun constitutes his bones, and the divinity of the rain constitutes his flesh and blood.

   After drinking this glass of wine, the power of light inside was absorbed by his bones, and the power from the spring water was absorbed by his flesh and blood.

  The extra thing, that is the rule of real exclusivity.

  So Ryuzhi took a big advantage in this regard.

  If it seems that the drinks here are not enough, he wants to drink more here for a while.

  As for the people playing on the beach, Liu Zhi didn't care about them.

  Those people just persuaded that Liu Zhi would not listen, and they would not take care of it. Soon Liu Zhi found that these people no longer cared about themselves, but played their own on the beach, having fun.

  For such things, Liu Zhi will not say much, everyone has their own way of living.

  What choice they are willing to make is their own business, and Liu Zhi will not participate.

  Walking out along the beach for a while, Liu Zhi finally walked out of the beach.

  At this time, Liu Zhi noticed that after leaving the beach, the atmosphere of this plane remained unchanged.

  There are casually dressed people everywhere, and there is a lot of food on the street.

  Most of these foods are based on fruits, and of course there are some good-looking barbecues.

  It seems that except for the kind of wine that Ryuji drank at the beginning, other things are almost free. As long as they want to eat or see something, passers-by can eat and drink at will.

  Behind these roadside stalls, there are mats that are randomly spread on the ground. If you are tired, people can fall asleep on a mat at will without worrying about safety.

  There are no vehicles or horses on the road. Instead, some people wear gorgeous clothes and carry out some parades on the street.

  It can be seen from just such a small corner, this plane is a very lively plane.

  In this way, Ryuzhi walked for about an hour, and at the speed of Ryuzhi's walking, he had walked out more than a hundred miles at least.

  He found that there is still such a lively situation all around, people are happy and not worried, do not worry about eating and drinking, everything in life seems to be full of sunshine.

Although Liu Zhi only looked at this plane in a passing state, he already began to like the life of this plane in his heart. Walking on the road, Liu Zhi's footsteps became lighter, and sometimes he wanted to find a mat and fall down well. Sleep on the ground.

  (End of this chapter)

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