Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1385: Conditions of leaving

  Chapter 1385 Conditions for leaving

   However, Liu Zhi is also a mythical rank no matter what, he clearly feels that this plane is not right. This plane is full of light and joy, but under this light and joy, it is repulsive.

  Ryuzhi didn't want to stay on this plane any longer, he asked for the way, and then went to the game teleportation point on this plane.

  The game teleportation point of this plane is not the same as the game teleportation point that Yanagi has encountered before.

  When he rushed there, what Liu Zhi first saw was a large number of weapons and equipment thrown on the side of the road.

  Those weapons and equipment have been thrown here for a long time. Although there may not be violent storms on this plane, many of the equipment has begun to fade.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi felt that the spirituality of these weapons and equipment was slowly diverging. Many of the equipment looked relatively complete, but as long as someone walked past these equipment, a slight vibration would make these equipment fragments.

   Just as Liu Zhi wondered what was going on, a group of players just came out of the game.

  Those players are followed by about tens of thousands of ordinary civilians.

  They should come out of a certain technological world, with some exoskeleton mechas on their bodies. Judging from the situation on those exoskeleton machines, their technology should be quite advanced.

  And when they came out of the game's teleportation point, they still maintained a cautious look.

  But they were quickly affected by this plane. Some people began to throw away their equipment and happily changed into the clothes here.

  Some people ran to the nearby grassland and immediately fell asleep, while others picked up the roadside food and ate and drank.

  The players who brought them here are quite happy watching this situation.

  They did not stop these civilians from leaving, but stood watching at the game teleportation point.

  After all the civilians have entered the range of this plane, these players then retreated to the game teleportation point, and quickly left through the game teleportation point.

  Such a situation fell into the eyes of Liu Zhi, which naturally made Liu Zhi understand the difference in this plane.

  Yagiji pressed the doubt in his heart and quickly moved to the game teleportation point.

  When Liu Zhi entered the game teleportation point, he suddenly felt that someone in the sky seemed to be paying attention to him.

  Liu Zhi looked up, and found nothing in the sky. The sky was white, there was no blue sky and white clouds.

After   , Ryuuji stepped on the game teleportation array, but there was no response from the game teleportation array.

  He was a little confused, and no one nearby came to help him.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and came up with a prop for game guidance, and wanted to activate this game teleporter by himself.

  At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared in front of Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji flashed past, the white light did not pursue, but stopped in front of him.

  This is the first time Liu Zhi felt the mythical breath after entering this plane.

  Ryuzhi got a message from this breath. This breath is asking whether Liuzhi is willing to live here for a long time. If Liu Zhi is willing to live here for a long time, then Liu Zhi can use all the tools of this plane at will.

  Of course, if Ryuzhi doesn’t want to, it’s okay, he only needs to pay the cost of leaving.

  Liu Zhi saw where there was any choice, he didn't have the idea of ​​staying longer on this plane.

  So he immediately sent a message out, saying that he was just passing by and he needed to leave here.

  At this moment, a surprised message came from the myth-level aura, and then he said something.

"wait for me a while."

  Liu Zhi was a little surprised. He didn't understand what happened.

  In the next instant, a white shadow that looked like a bare man appeared in front of Ryuji.

He walked up enthusiastically, "It turns out that there is a foreign god, look at me. I have been busy these days and I have no time to check the situation. Please follow me. This is a game for ordinary players. Teleportation point, mythical level shouldn't go here."

  As he said, the light man pointed to the ground, and a white avenue pointed to the distance in this way.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and stepped on it.

  As a result, a white light flashed in front of Liu Zhi, and Liu Zhi was sent to a white room.

  When Liu Zhi reacted, the light man had found a place to sit down by himself.

  "Please sit down, I am the patron saint of this plane, you can call me Bai Guang, that's it, let me explain to you, we welcome any player to pass by, and will not prevent any player from leaving.

  We don’t need money for food and drink on this plane. The only thing that asks for money is Gwanghwa wine, but I checked, your cup was requested by someone, so this is fine.

  But when we leave, we need to charge a little fee. After all, the situation of our plane is quite special, and you have also felt that our plane has a strong effect on body repair.

  So many foreign players want to pass by our side, which affects the normal development of our plane.

  One or two players may be fine, but at the most excessive time there will be tens of thousands of players entering our plane at the same time, then our plane can't stand it.

  So we also set up a toll point when we leave and let players pay some money to leave.

  Of course, if you don’t have money, you can help with tasks or join our plane. "

Liu Zhi understands what this is all about. Putting on the plane is connected to the Asomia plane, and Asomia's position faces the player's influence, which can be resolved on this plane, so many people will pass by here, that is I want to solve my problems.

  As there are so many connected places on the Asomia plane, it will affect the survival of this plane. It is reasonable to charge a little money on this plane.

  So Liu Zhi said directly: "Then how much does it cost."

  For money, Liu Zhi doesn't care at all. He has a plane behind him. Even if he doesn't, he can squeeze out a lot of gems at will, so money or money is really nothing to Liu Zhi.

  Don’t want Bai Guang to shook his head, “We don’t want money. We need you to bring a group of civilians to our world. If it’s a myth, you can attract 10,000 civilians.”

  Guide civilians?

  Yagiji immediately thought of what he encountered at the game teleportation point.

"Yes, our plane exists to understand and save civilians. The more civilians who get happiness here, the stronger our plane will be. Therefore, every player who wants to leave our plane will sign a contract. Use the guided civilians as expenses."

  (End of this chapter)

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