Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1387: Eight million true gods

   Chapter 1387 Eight Million Righteous Gods

  At this time, Liu Zhi didn't know what kind of treatment his spider infantry had received. In fact, he had already entered the game at this time.

   Feeling the salty taste of the sea breeze, Yanagi found that he didn't seem to have changed at all.

  No matter which game he is going to go, he will always meet the sea at the beginning, and maybe some murlocs will be met again.

  While shaking his head helplessly, Liu Zhi looked around.

  Ryuzhi found that this time he seemed to have been sent to the shore, but he could feel it right now that he was thrown on a desert island.

  The entire desert island is not big, and Ryuzhi doesn't need to go. As long as you close your eyes, you can feel that the desert island is about thirty or forty square kilometers in size.

  There are no living things on the island. Most of the places are stones, but there are some coconut trees on the shore, which grow from coconuts that float along the water.

  As for the rest of the island, they are all rocks.

  The noon sun shines on the island, making the temperature on the island quite high.

  This situation reminded Ryuzhi of the game he had entered in order to find a soul tower.

  At that time, he also lived on a desert island, but he was not a mythical level at that time. He just relied on a small amount of wood on the desert island and built a boat to leave.

  Unexpectedly, he would be thrown to the desert island now.

  It’s just that now he doesn’t need to think about that much anymore, Liu Zhi can communicate with his personal space at any time, and he can release as many ships as he wants.

  Understanding this, Ryuzhi also understood why players above the myth level are reluctant to participate in the game.

  These games are not very attractive to them.

  No matter how difficult the task is, for them, it is just a matter of raising their hands.

  One or two times is fine, there will be a kind of crushing pleasure, but the more times, it is meaningless to them.

  Not to mention other things, just Liu Zhi thought, he can release undead troops of more than 100,000 levels here at any time.

  Even undead elites with a level close to 15 are released. After that, he can completely ignore his mission and destroy the entire game world.

  So what did he come over to do to challenge the origin of the game or plane consciousness?

  Ryuzhi shook his head, he was going to take a look at what tasks he was going to do now, and then he finished the task with a snap of his fingers, quickly leave the game and return to his plane.

  Ryuzhi opened his task panel, took a look at his task, and then his brows frowned.

  He raised his head and looked at the sky. He felt that the game seemed to be in trouble this time.

[Reminder: Player’s basic mission-Eight million righteous gods. Somewhere off this island, there are eight million righteous gods. All of them are righteous gods. Although the authority is small and pitiful, please show your holy before others and join them. . 】

  【Note 1: For people in that place, gods are also divided into righteous gods and evil gods, but no matter what, they are gods. 】

  【Explanation 2: What will happen to places with more gods, needless to say, you will understand. 】

   [Reminder: VIP mission-resurrected gods, gods can exist, and they will naturally die. There are some dead gods who are unwilling to fail. They are looking for a chance to resurrect. 】

  【Description: Choose to help or prevent a certain **** from resurrecting, according to the player's efforts, you can get the blessing of that **** or swallow that god. 】

   "Are there eight million righteous gods? How come it sounds like an unreliable island nation’s myths and legends. If this is the case, what level of their gods are they, level 15?"

  Yagiji started to figure it out, because there was not enough information, so he didn't know how to face the situation before him.

  For Liu Zhi, the matter of showing a saint in front of people is not bad, even if he shows a little power with his strength, it is enough to prove himself.

  But the task of resurrected gods is not so simple.

  It can be seen from this task that there is not only one **** who wants to be resurrected, but there are several or even dozens of such gods.

  The gods who can be resurrected should be much stronger than normal gods.

  Just as Liu Zhi had a headache, he suddenly thought of something. If there are many gods planning to resurrect, it means that they have prepared the souls and the corpses of the gods, and even the sacrifices needed for the gods’ resurrection.

  If he can **** these things away, he can make a mythical undead after returning to the plane of Id.

  This is a good opportunity, at least he is not a loss here.

The idea of ​​   brightened Liu Zhi's eyes. He originally thought that this time he was here for a cutscene, but he didn't expect that there would be such an opportunity.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi began to figure it out. He planned to fly out to the sea and first find a place to inquire about the situation around here.

  After inquiring clearly, consider whose corpse should be attacked.

   Just when Liu Zhi was about to fly, he felt a strange pressure in the air.

  The pressure is preventing Yanagi from flying.

  Ryuzhi immediately thought of a world he had encountered before. That world was in the twilight period of the gods, and Odin and Zeus joined hands to seal the authority in the sky.

  Unless they join them, or they have natural flying ability, no one else will let them fly.

  This is just a trouble for Liu Zhi.

  If he doesn’t let him fly, he will go out to sea.

   Anyway, Ryuzhi has the ability to walk on the water.

  He didn’t even want to build a ship this time.

  At his current walking speed, as long as this is not a planet, as long as there is no problem with the direction, he only needs a little time to get to where he wants to go.

  No more, Liu Zhi still has a teleportation array in his hand, anyway, it will not affect his going to sea.

  So Ryuzhi is not so anxious.

  Liuzhi intends to rest here for a long time first, and then find time to go out to sea after determining the direction.

  So Liu Zhi shook his hand, and a group of ghosts were released by Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi pointed to these ghosts and said: "You go and check it nearby, to see where the nearest island is, and to see if there are other different creatures on the sea floor."

  After arranging the ghosts, Liu Zhi went to the depths of the desert island.

  Sent him to this island at the beginning, there must be a different place.

  Yagiji doesn’t know what’s on this island, but it’s always good to go around on this island.

  Anyway, it’s just relaxing now, so it’s better to take a walk here.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi stepped onto the highest point of the island. When he was about to take a look at the surroundings, he accidentally found a figure passing by.

  (End of this chapter)

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