Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1388: Fu Sangshen

   Chapter 1388


  Liu Zhi was shocked, and he quickly chased the figure.

  This time, but Liu Zhi was taken aback.

  Liu Zhi never thought that someone would be lurking beside him silently.

  This situation is quite sudden. You must know that Liu Zhi's perception is already super strong before he reaches the myth level.

  Not to mention that he can also spot the presence of enemies against other people’s souls.

   But no matter what the situation is now, Liu Zhi hasn't noticed the existence of the figure in front of him, and even when he first scanned the situation on the island, he hadn't noticed his existence.

  This is not enough for Ryuzhi.

  This is equivalent to allowing the enemy to lurch over.

  So after seeing the enemy, Liu Zhi chased him immediately.

  The speed of the figure was not fast, and Liu Zhi stood in front of the figure just a flash.

After    blocked the figure, Liu Zhi couldn't help but stunned. He saw the appearance of the figure and found that he was not a human, nor an undead, but a piece of scrap objects.

  The most important thing is that this figure is not a robot, and Liu Zhi has no idea how he moved.

  The human figure in front of me, the head is an old basketball that has been worn out, with a pair of eyes drawn on it with a marker. This thing has no mouth and no hair, just that face looks weird.

  His body is made of clothes racks with some paper skins, and some bandages and other things are wrapped on it.

It can be seen that after going through the ups and downs, the paper skin has been torn out of shape, and there is nothing different about the exposed part of the paper skin, which seems quite weird, because no one knows. How did this humanoid monster appear.

   didn’t know where the motivation for his activities came from.

   While staring at this guy, this guy also stared at Liu Zhi. He hesitated a bit, not knowing whether he was going forward or backward.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the guy's head.

  He just tried hard, and the basketball head fell into the hands of Liu Zhi.

  After the head was taken off, the guy kept waving his hands, trying to get his head back.

  However, Liu Zhi has already stepped aside. He already knows where this thing came from and why he became like this through the basketball in his hands.

  There is a trace of faithful divinity in this basketball. If it is put in the eyes of ordinary people, it is nothing, and it is not even useful for extracting divinity.

  But on this basketball, it is a different thing. This divine nature makes this basketball from an ordinary basketball into a god.

  Fu lost God.

  This is Yanagi’s only guess. According to Japanese legend, certain artifacts have been left unattended for 100 years, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, accumulating resentment, or feeling Buddha’s nature and spiritual power, and their souls turn into monsters.

  These monsters are called Fusangshen.

  They are part of Japanese legend, and they can also be regarded as one of their eight million righteous gods.

  The basketball in front of me may have to add the drying rack and paper, all of which are part of the sorrow.

  And basketball can be used as a head, it is probably because someone gave basketball spirituality, so that he can gather divinity, and finally become a god.

  This is the eye drawn on the basketball. There may be some sacrifices or spiritual communication activities.

  Yagiji moved his mind and began to observe with the ability of soul extraction.

  Although this guy is already a god, he has no combat power at all, and his level is almost only level 3. It is no problem to fight ordinary people, but it is cannon fodder to fight players.

  Ryuzhi only used a little soul extraction ability to find a pitiful soul, and read the origin of this basketball from the soul.

  This basketball was just ordinary basketball at the beginning, and there is no memory, but Liu Zhi saw that in the memory of basketball, this basketball witnessed the action of a red-haired monkey shooting 10,000 times.

  It is the persistence of this red-haired boy that gives this basketball a little spirituality.

  This spirituality is just the beginning of everything. After that, the basketball was packaged and sent out, and because of something, it ended up on this deserted island.

  There was also a delivery courier who came to this deserted island with basketball. He didn't know what he thought. He would think of the idea of ​​sending express by plane.

After   , he took a few packages and fell on the desert island.

  Because there are only a few parcels in his hand, the person's life on the desert island is not very good.

  However, he survived tenaciously and took apart all the packages he had transported.

  Because this basketball is useless, and the person wants to have a ‘person’ to accompany him, he drew a pair of eyes on the basketball and treated the basketball as a person.

  The man talked to basketball every day, and kept talking like this for fifteen years, until the man died in the sea one day.

  It is precisely these 15 years of non-stop talking that gave this basketball finally real spirituality. Basketball considers itself to be an individual.

  So after a hundred years have passed, basketball has become Fusangshen.

  Of course, at that time, basketball only had a head, so he jumped onto the clothes rack, and it took another 100 years to turn the clothes rack into his own body.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi was silent. He was not there thinking about how touching the story was, but about one thing.

   There was a private jet serving as a courier two hundred years ago, so two hundred years have passed, what is the outside world like now?

  If according to Ryuzhi's judgment, two hundred years ago and Ryuzhi lived in the same age, what kind of technology is here now?

  Future technology, cyberpunk?

  Spaceship flying in the sky?

  If this is the case, then what are the eight million gods in this world like, and who are the gods who want to be resurrected?

  Thinking about this, Liu Zhi held the basketball in his hand and kept spinning.

  The basketball turned faster and faster, and finally made a sound.

   "Don't turn, please stop, I am willing to obey your orders."

  Hearing this sound, Liu Zhi was still taken aback. He was about to take a shot of this basketball, but found that it was the basketball in his hand that was talking.

  Liu Zhi brought the basketball to front: "What is your situation?"

  A mouth immediately appeared on the basketball. Liu Zhi noticed that the mouth was not painted on, but a wound was made directly on the stone with the basketball.

  However, this opening is just a certain distance below the eyes, so it is reasonable for Ryuji to use this as his mouth.

   "I haven't harmed anyone, I'm really a good person."

  (End of this chapter)

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