Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1396: subway

   Chapter 1396 Subway

  Stayed at the stronghold for ten days, and Liu Zhi’s second plan was just getting started.

  But he doesn't care about these, he has already had the beginning, and the next things are for the members of the Ide family to do well.

  Those people are all idle one by one, their brains are getting bigger and bigger, and they are still the kind of active people, as long as they are given a direction, they can study things.

  Ryuzhi has decided to start the matter by himself, and leave the next matter to the people of the Ide family to deal with it, so that they will not panic all of them.

After   , Liu Zhi left this stronghold.

  At this time, behind Liu Zhi, there were several Sinking Demon Necromancers, all of whom were the products of Liu Zhi’s experiment.

  Originally, Liu Zhi thought that the soul he released should become a zombie or skeleton soldier.

  But he did not expect that after the hand washing and transformation of the stronghold, they all turned into sinking demons.

  This also made Liu Zhi a little speechless. Could it be that the souls he released are all of the same attribute with him, and the Necromancer has priority?

  But it’s not right to think about it, he still has half the path of a druid.

  If the transformation is really based on his soul, then there should be a part of the moon family.

  All of them are depraved demons who are no more than one meter tall at the moment.

  This kind of weakest necromancer is better than not to come.

They can only summon five ordinary Sinkers at most. If they want to make more moves, they have to wait for the Sinkers to die before they can summon them. They also have the ability to put a ghost fire ball. For Ryuzhi’s battle, it’s nothing. To enhance the effect.

  Of course, it is possible that some of them will gradually become stronger, and finally become a named Sinking Demon. By then, they can control more than 100 Sinking Demon Necromancers, and may be able to gather a large army.

  In the current situation, Liu Zhizhen could not let them expand their troops.

  It seems that the suppression of the Necromancer in this world is stronger than other games.

  However, Liu Zhi has noticed that the fallen demon necromancers also know their problems.

  They have no way to summon more sinkers, so they are very good with the five sinkers under their hands. They need weapons for weapons, equip them with equipment, and even strengthen their bodies.

  Even though the ordinary sinkers are less than one meter tall, the knives in their hands are much higher than them.

  Looking at them jumping around with knives, you can know that their combat power will not be too weak.

  Of course, the ones here are not weak only for the monsters who guard the city. For Ryuzhi, they are still terribly weak.

  Liu Zhi took them on a trip, just to look good, at least not like others, looking like they don’t want to do the task.

  After leaving the stronghold, Liu Zhi followed the direction provided by Andariel.

  Although everything here has become like a game, at least it doesn’t require a teleportation formation like a game.

After   Yuzhi left the stronghold, he headed in one direction along the street.

On the way, Yanagi noticed that in addition to the previous projections, there are many little monsters that look like Japanese myths and legends, such as one-eyed lanterns, and flying heads. They are messing around on the street. Running.

  From time to time, there will be their voices coming from afar.

   "Mom said that there will be monsters on the street at night..."

   "It's terrible, run quickly!"

  For such words, Liu Zhi is really speechless. He is obviously a monster, and he is still afraid of any monsters there.

   However, Liu Zhi also understood that these little monsters should be those with a little blood of gods, or things like wild gods.

  So they will not be turned into projections by the emperor, and they have no idea of ​​turning into **** demons by relying on various strongholds.

  On the contrary, they have been in this Tokyo city fairly well, at most it is a little difficult to find food.

  Looking at them now, they still live here as usual. As long as they don’t go out at night, what they look like outside will have little impact on them.

  So Yanagi couldn't help but sigh, this world is really interesting.

  Of course, Ryuzhi is more concerned about his tasks now.

  The basic mission is considered complete. After meeting a few of the strongholds, Liu Zhi has proved his myth level.

   can also be regarded as showing the sacred in front of people, letting people know that they are gods.

  Unless he comes up with something bigger later, this task is already at the culmination.

  Now he is naturally more concerned about the gods who want to be resurrected.

  In this case, the gods who want to be resurrected will always have many arrangements and benefits.

  Walking for one or two stops, Yanagi saw the subway station Andariel was talking about. He heard that Tokyo’s current subway was still available, which made him speechless.

  No one is taking the subway anymore, how can this subway still be open?

  But seeing the situation at the subway station, Liu Zhi understood.

  It's not that no one can take the subway and the subway will not open. Those guys who seem to be black and translucent are also part of the residents of Tokyo.

  They are weaker than those monsters. They are just the shadows of the original residents of Tokyo. Now they are repeating what they have done every day in the gap between time and space.

  It can be said that they have no past and no future, they only live today.

  But they don’t know it yet, they are still busy living everyday as before.

  Looking at the black figures walking out of the subway station, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head, and then led the sinking demons to get off the subway.

After   , Liu Zhi finally found that he seemed unable to move forward.

  It’s not because the subway doesn’t open, but because Yanagi looked at the Tokyo subway map like a spider web and didn’t know how to get on the train.

  He has to admire those who can take the subway to get to work. With this route, they can accurately count every time.

   Anyway, Ryuzhi thinks he can’t do it.

  Finally, he simply ran to the ticket office and said to the black figure over there.

   "I'm going to Saitama Prefecture, how should I go."

  The one raised his head, glanced at Liu Zhi, and then at the Sinking Demon who followed Liu Zhi.

   "Children have to be half-ticketed."

  For this kind of thing, Liu Zhi is also quite speechless. They are all Sinking Demon Necromancers. Okay, how come they have become children.

  However, the rigidity of these people is a bit good for Liu Zhi, at least not saying that pets cannot be brought in the car.

  Ryuzhi didn't point out how many Sinking Demons were behind him, but just threw a gem in front of the black figure.

  Soon a few tickets were delivered to Liu Zhi, and the other party also explained in detail how to transfer.

  (End of this chapter)

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