Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1397: Slippery ghost

   Chapter 1397

  After getting on the subway, Liu Zhi found that in addition to the black figures in the subway, there were also a large number of physical monsters.

  They are in peace with the black shadows, they don't bother about the black silhouettes, and the black silhouettes don't care about them.

   However, the physical monsters often find a place to sit down, while the black figures will stand in the middle of the subway, as if the subway is very Ruyi Street, and they have to be squeezed in the middle.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, then found a place to sit down.

  As for the sinking demons who followed him, Liu Zhi didn't care much about them.

  These depraved demons are just Liu Zhi’s experiments, and Liu Zhi has no idea of ​​taking them back.

  Yagiji leaned his body on the subway seat, and was about to close his eyes to take a rest, only to find a monster staring at him on the opposite side.

  Yagiji glanced at this monster who was wearing a Japanese kimono and was about the same height as his own sinker.

  He can feel that the strength of this monster is quite strong, almost at level 14. In this game, he can be regarded as a master.

  People like this also come over and take the subway?

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then thought of himself, isn’t he also taking the subway?

  So Ryuji didn't ask much, just glanced at the monster with a long head over there, and prepared to continue to rest.

  At this moment, the monster jumped to Liu Zhi's side, and even if Liu Zhi ignored him, he patted him rudely.

   "Invite me to dinner."

  Ryuzhi suddenly felt that he was very familiar with this one.

  Of course, this feeling is only a momentary thing, but Liu Zhi has already seen it, this one is playing the rules.

  He was born to cheat and cheat from others.

  There seems to be only one such monster in Japan.

  Slicky ghost.

  This is the kind of person who eats and drinks everywhere, but it makes people feel that he is the master.

  But what Liu Zhi cares more about is his identity. He seems to be the mediator of the monsters. If there is a quarrel or dispute between the monsters, he will be approached for justice.

   After thinking for a while, Liu Zhi asked, "What do you want to eat?"

   "Whatever, as long as it is a product of your territory."

  Ryuzhi glanced at him, and thought for a while, "Do you want to leave here?"

  After hearing this, the slick ghost laughed loudly, "No, I'm just tired of staying here, I want to change places."

  Liu Zhi glanced at him and said, "Are you not afraid that I will lead you to some places that are not easy to come back?"

   "No matter how bad it is, can there be a difference here?"

  Listening to the slippery ghost, Liu Zhi also nodded in agreement.

  Yes, no matter how bad it is, can there be a difference here?

  Ryuzhi didn't think much, he directly took out a few coordinates to the slippery ghost.

  In these coordinates, there is no Ryuzhi's Ide plane.

  The slippery ghost took a look at the coordinates, then pointed at Liu Zhi and laughed.

   "You are also a slippery ghost."

  Liu Zhi laughed loudly after hearing this. What the slicker said was still correct, because the coordinates given by Liu Zhi were not his plane.

  Yagiji, this is equivalent to treating yourself as the master of those planes, please go in.

  What's the difference between this behavior and the slippery ghost?

After    laughed, Liu Zhi did not put away the coordinates, "Then do you want to go?"

   "Of course, you have already paved the road and the drinks are ready. Why don't I go."

  Looking at the excited look of the slippery ghost, Ryuzhi didn't say much anymore.

  I didn't want this slippery ghost but didn't let Liu Zhi's plan go. He pulled Liu Zhi aside and asked various questions there.

  Looking at the slippery ghost like this, Liu Zhi didn't know what to say, so he could only be dragged by him. He wanted to go but couldn't go away.

  Fortunately, the rules of the slicker have little effect on Liu Zhi. As long as Liu Zhi does not want to answer, even if the slicker asks more, Liu Zhi will not say it.

  It’s the fact that they exchanged views on the relationship between the several forces currently fighting in Tokyo.

  Yagiji didn't expect that, in addition to the battle between the projection and the **** demons he saw, there are actually several forces in the Tokyo circle that are fighting.

  It’s just that these forces have no obvious strongholds, and coupled with artificial control, if they have not been contacted, they may be ignored the next day.

  Hearing this, Yanagi became even more curious about Tokyo in front of him.

  He couldn't help but said, "How many big guys have been here?"

"I don't know. Anyway, in my eyes, this Tokyo city has been destroyed how many times, every time it has experienced a reappearance, and was destroyed again, I was tired of seeing it, so I wanted to find A place to go out and relax.

  But I have been to all the places I can go. I have been to all the half-monsters and Huazi Pavilions. Now I want to find a fresh place to go around.

Last time someone said that there was a great enchantment somewhere, but he didn’t make it clear. He dared to find an old man like me and didn’t find it after looking for it for a long time. It’s better to be like you, just give me the coordinates. I don’t know the name of the place, but I can just go over it.

  But how come your coordinates seem to be five-dimensional. "

  "Do you also know the five dimensions?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

"Of course, every time an outsider comes over, I will go to talk to someone. Some of them have very powerful brains, and some of them come from other places. Anyway, their knowledge is always different, so talk to people more. In fact, you will learn a lot."

  Yagiji himself didn’t know what the situation was with the fifth dimension above the fourth dimension. He didn’t expect to be taught a lesson by a monster boss in Tokyo in the game.

  Ryuzhi can only be regarded as knowing him, as long as he has no expression on his face, others will not find that he understands nothing.

  The slippery ghost did not see that Liu Zhi didn't know anything. He didn't know the coordinates Liu Zhi took out, but they were all locked positioning coordinates.

  In other words, this is the coordinate used by other faces to open to the outside world.

   can only send people to the plane, and cannot allow outsiders to enter the secret location of the plane.

  Slippy ghosts, following this coordinate, at most, people pass by.

  So it’s okay to give him these coordinates.

  Some space masters who know the five-dimensional or even higher dimensions may be able to deduce something based on this.

  But the slippery ghost in front of him is obviously not such a person. Besides, what if he is such a person, anyway, Liu Zhi did not give the slippery location coordinates of his plane.

   Instead, Liu Zhi smoothly gave a coordinate point in the Netherworld.

  I don’t know if the slick ghost will pass, and if it passes, will there be any conflict between them.

  (End of this chapter)

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