Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1398: Murder elevator

   Chapter 1398 Murder Elevator

   Soon Ryuzhi's car arrived, and he had to rush to change the car, so he didn't talk more with the slippery ghost.

  Waiting to get off the subway and on the way to catch the bus, Ryuzhi felt as if he had forgotten something.

  He lowered his head to think, then turned his head to look, Liu Zhi found that the Sinking Demon he had brought was missing by one group.

  Liu Zhi turned his head and asked a Sinking Demon Necromancer, "Where is another group of people?"

  The Sinking Demon Necromancer screamed, and Liu Zhi knew what he meant from his actions, and the group of Sinking Demon Necromancer followed the slick ghost.

  Liu Zhi had no choice but to take a little out of the street after eating. He could only curse a few words in his heart, and then ran to change cars with the remaining Sinking Demon.

  After changing trains seven or eight times, Yanagi and the others finally arrived at a working station in Saitama Prefecture.

  After getting off the subway, Liu Zhi couldn't help but feel the spread of the power of time looking at the gray stop sign.

  It's just that no one has taken care of it for hundreds of years, and the stop sign in front of me has been covered with all kinds of vines.

  Liu Zhi glanced at the map behind the stop sign, and walked out of the subway station with the remaining few fallen demon necromancers.

  When he reached the elevator entrance of the subway station, Liu Zhi smelled a weird smell. He looked down at the hand-carried elevator that had stopped, with a smile of disdain in his eyes.

   "Send your men."

  Liu Zhi did not rush up, nor did he release his undead troops, but let the Sinking Demon Necromancer arrange the Sinking Demon to initiate a charge.

  These sinking demons shouted, ‘Rakanishu! ’, holding up his weapon, he rushed out.

  When they rushed into the elevator, the already stuck elevator moved.

  As we walked up the elevator, some of the corpses under the elevator were also rolled up.

  The corpses have been stuck under the elevator for a long time. The flesh on their bodies has rotted away, but their souls have not been released. Instead, the resentment in their hearts has been fused with the elevator.

  I want to drag those who step on the elevator into this elevator **** together.

  As soon as he saw the struggling corpses that came out of the elevator, a look of disdain appeared on Liu Zhi's face.

  This method is something he has played for many years. If it weren’t for the interesting combination of the elevator and the undead, Liu Zhi wouldn’t have waited for this to appear before he could take them down.

   But for those Sinking Demon, the corpse rolled out under the elevator is not so simple. They grabbed the Sinking Demon's legs and wanted to pull the Sinking Demon down.

  There were also cracks at the top of the elevator, which seemed to be trying to get people into the elevator.

  But these corpses also underestimated the situation of Sinking Demon.

  The sinking demons are not tall, they want to chop down these corpses, they don't need to squat down at all.

  They only need to chop off their weapons to the ground.

  The sinker quickly cut off the arms of the corpses, and some sinkers even wanted to remove the corpses.

  Yagiji knows that these sinking demons are affected by the demon energy of hell, and they have a habit of cannibalism.

  But this is not the reason why he is thinking about these corpses.

  Yagiji himself needs all kinds of corpses.

  Looking at the thoughts of the Sinking Demon, Liu Zhi directly turned his hand back and hit the head of the Sinking Demon Necromancer beside him.

  The fallen demon necromancers immediately reacted, and began to stop their subordinates.

  At this time, the elevator also walked to the leader, and a sinking demon's foot was rolled in by the elevator, struggling to get out but there was no way to get out.

  The remaining depraved demons screamed and ran down when they saw the situation.

  This is really in line with the habit of sinking demons, they will always run around when they encounter those that cannot be beaten.

  However, the elevator immediately accelerated and began to drag the Sinking Demon upwards quickly.

  Several sinkers are also smart, they want to jump out of the elevator.

But the elevator has been here for so many years and has swallowed so many lives. I have already known how to deal with enemies who want to escape. When the sinkers wanted to jump out from both sides of the elevator, the belts on the handrails on both sides of the elevator suddenly bounced. , Hit the Sinking Demon onto the elevator.

  Several fallen demons were immediately stuck in the elevator, and finally caught in the elevator, squeezed into flesh and blood corpses.

  At this time, Liu Zhi spoke.

  "Try to see if you can bring your men back to life."

  The Sinking Demon Necromancer reacted. They raised a small flag-like magic weapon and jumped to the elevator.

  At this time, all the sinking demons sent up have died under the elevator, and there are no living things on the elevator, so the elevator also slowly stopped.

  Sinking Demon Necromancer jumped like this, and the elevator kept twisting again.

  Ryuzhi stood aside and watched. He wanted to see how this elevator became what it is now.

  Is it turned into a murder elevator after inadvertently involving people in it and killing a few people, or is there other power behind it?

  To find out these, just observe more when the elevator is hit.

  The magic of the Sinking Demon Necromancer fell on the elevator, and then at the bottom of the elevator, several red arms stretched out.

  However, the elevator's response was quicker. The elevator that had stopped slowly turned backwards immediately, dragging the red arm back.

"The undead killed by the elevator can be resurrected, which means that the elevator does not depend on the people involved in it. If it is the kind of people who are involved in the elevator and die under the elevator, the result should be the ground bondage. Spiritual existence.

  This kind of existence has no way to leave the place where he died, and at the same time he thinks of dragging people here to die together.

  And this kind of earth-bound spirit can't be resurrected, and become a dead spirit without forgetting to bring his own land.

  So this elevator is another situation. "

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi took a step forward, drew out the thin stabbing sword and plunged into the gap of the elevator.

  Looking at his appearance, it was as if he was going to jam the elevator and prevent it from turning.

  But as I said before, the elevator has swallowed up so many people after so many years. He has seen all the reactions.

  Don’t talk about a thin thorn sword, even if you bring a steel bar over, you can’t stop the elevator from turning.

  Now the elevator was still lurking over there, only waiting for Liu Zhi to think he could go up, he started to roll in Liu Zhi.

  But the elevator did not expect that Liu Zhi had no idea of ​​getting on the elevator at all. He shook his hand, and the thin stabbing sword cut out a large number of wind blades and cut the elevator comb board.

After   , Liu Zhi raised his hand, and several pieces of elevator comb boards were picked up, revealing a lot of bones below.

  (End of this chapter)

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