Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1399: Lost all the way

  Chapter 1399 Lost all the way

  After opening the elevator comb, Liu Zhi took a step back and laughed when he looked at the corpses.

  Lost the stop of the elevator, those corpses seemed to have all awakened, and they wanted to climb out from under the elevator.

  However, these corpses have been crushed by the elevator many times, and the flesh and blood are almost muddy.

The person who could become the arm grasping the elevator before was completely because of the power of the elevator. Now that there is no power of the elevator, it is really not easy for those corpses whose flesh and blood have been mixed together to separate you and me. .

  Liu Zhi smiled and pointed to a Sinking Demon.

  The sinker hesitated and pulled a handful of corpses.

  As a result, all that was pulled out were pure flesh and blood.

Liu Zhi stepped forward and opened more elevator comb boards. He found that the next place was the same. Even the various parts under the elevator were already covered with flesh and blood. Those flesh and blood corpses wanted to struggle to escape. Come out, but there is no way to escape.


  Liu Zhi didn't plan to look any further. He already knew how this elevator works and what kind of existence this elevator is.

  He took out a staff that looked like a tree branch and moved it up the elevator a little bit.

  The branch automatically grew up here in the elevator, and quickly became a not-so-small tree.

  The root of this tree directly jammed the conveyor belt and engine of the elevator. The elevator that could have deceived people to go up and then drag people into the elevator was directly stuck.

  After doing this, Liu Zhi reached out and grabbed at the elevator, and a piece of soul pieced together was dragged out of the elevator.

  The thing looks like a huge worm, but the body is translucent, and there are many souls in the body.

  Liu Zhi grasped and studied it, and he knew that this thing was first transformed by an elevator that killed people. It was not born like this.

  He could make an elevator passage, but the elevator pass is used to transport troops quickly, and according to the situation here, it consumes at least three living people per kilometer, which is not too worthwhile for Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi then dismantled this guy, remembering the structure and production method of this guy, so he ignored this matter.

  After losing the soul, this elevator is really useless.

  The corpses below still want to get up again, but they are just masses of flesh and blood, and they are still struggling with each other. Liu Zhi doesn't think they will become undead in the end.

  So Liu Zhi didn't bother about this. He just clicked on the tree when he walked past the tree, and then walked up with the blood and flesh of the Sinking Demon Necromancer.

Those few Sinking Demon Necromancers still thought of their little brother who died on the elevator. They danced while walking, but those ordinary Sinking Demon flesh and blood had already been crushed several times, and finally there was no way to drag it any longer. come out.

  On the contrary, some nearby corpses were affected by their mana and turned into new Sinking Demons to join the team.

  After passing the elevator pass, Liu Zhi found that the subway station in front of him should be a guided subway station specially designed for the mall in front of him.

  Guide-type subway station refers to the way that some shopping malls specially build a subway station underground in order to gather popularity, regardless of the obvious lack of subway demand nearby.

  Because many of these subway stations are modified with underground parking stations or basements in shopping malls, there is no guarantee of safety.

  When Liu Zhi went up, he encountered roads blocked by landslides from time to time.

  Sometimes Liu Zhi also saw some video games and automatic shopping machines lying on the ground, and the food in the automatic shopping machines was emptied.

  It can be seen that there are still some living people here before.

  It’s just that now Liu Zhi has not seen a trace of popularity, nor has he noticed the existence of projections or other forces.

  After going around for a long time, Liu Zhi finally got out of the subway station.

  The moment he walked out of this commercial building, Ryuzhi felt that his mood seemed to be much better.

  At least he did not feel the depression in the commercial building anymore.

  But looking up at the sky, Yanagi knew that this Saitama Prefecture was not a good place.

  The sky is also densely covered with clouds, and sunlight has almost no way to penetrate the clouds.

  It is obviously daytime, and the street lights are still lit on the side of the road.

  And that street lamp had a problem. Liu Zhi had already clearly sensed that these street lamps were actually out of power. The reason why the street lamps could still emit light was entirely because the street lamps were also affected by the neighbourhood and turned into some ghosts.

  If you just look at this street lamp as a single prop, you may not see anything.

  But if you look at these street lights in combination with this street, you will find that the places illuminated by the street lights intersect with the dark places on the street, forming a maze.

  After entering the maze, how to get out is not something outsiders can deal with.

  Ryuzhi is not interested in trying out how to get this maze.

  It's as if Ryuji at the elevator didn't plan to try it.

  Liu Zhi glanced at the maze here, and threw something like a seed directly at the other side.

  Ryuzhi also does not require these seeds to destroy the labyrinth aura that has formed here. He only needs the seeds to grow quickly to form a bridge, and just take him out.

  These seeds grew very quickly, almost in an instant. At the request of Liu Zhi, the vines grown from these seeds were directly wrapped around the lamppost of the street lamp, forming something like a single-plank bridge.

  Ryuzhi carried his hands on his back, and walked through the maze in front of him along the tree-vine single-plank bridge.

  Looking down from the top, Liu Zhi found that many people in the maze were turning around constantly, and there were many dead bodies lying on the ground.

  It can be seen that the power of this maze is still a little bit.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi believes that those who wander around in the maze are no longer humans.

  While walking and observing the world, Liu Zhi quickly discovered that there were six iconic big stones in the maze, and there were some obvious rune marks on the big stones.

  Those who find this iconic big stone in the maze, as long as they touch the stone, the rune mark on it will glow blue.

  It’s just that they often have no way to find other big stones. After they leave them, the blue light will disappear for a while, and they will never know the function of these big stones and rune signs.

  Yuzhi has some ideas, but he won't do this kind of thing now.

   Isn’t it good to go to the countess in peace?

  (End of this chapter)

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