Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1400: Home girl?

  Chapter 1400 Housemaid?

  The tower of the Countess?

  According to the address provided by Andariel, Ryuzhi came to the Countess’s tower.

  His path can be regarded as going through a strange situation. Various yin and evil auras affect the surrounding environment. Several times, Liu Zhi was almost deceived.

  But fortunately, Liu Zhi's current strength surpassed those weird situations too much. Everything fell into his eyes, just like a child's toy, and you could see what was going on at a glance.

  Occasionally, when I was deceived, Liu Zhi was quite happy.

  It’s just what kind of situation is in front of you. This is obviously a very orthodox Japanese one-family house.

The    is no more than two stories high, and the floor area is not too large. It can only live in a family of three.

  Where is this tall tower?

  With a hint of curiosity, Liu Zhi took a few steps forward. He looked at the "high tower" in front of him without any popularity. At first glance, it looked like it had been abandoned for a long time, so he simply pushed the door directly.

  But as soon as he pushed the door, Liu Zhi felt his pores stand up, as if he was being stared at by some ghost.

  This is something he has never encountered since he became a necromancer.

  You need to know what it feels like to make a ghostly ghost scared by a mythical necromancer.

  Ryuzhi became curious about the tower in front of him.

  It's hard to say that this Countess is really the kind of powerful mage, so that it is possible to turn her tower into a building that combines offense and defense.

  Thinking about this, it is not difficult for Liu Zhi to understand why he feels that way.

  The strength of a mage in the mage tower and outside the mage tower is vastly different.

  Want to understand this, Liu Zhi carefully sorted out his equipment, and then opened the door of this Japanese-style house.

  The moment the door was opened, Liu Zhi felt the cold air on his face.

After   , he felt as if he was being stared at by someone.

  Liu Zhi ignored these, he walked into this house.

After entering the entrance, Liu Zhi saw that although the house in front of him had been unoccupied for a long time, there was no obvious dust and it was quite clean everywhere. If it weren't for the gloomy house, Liu Zhi even thought that many people would Would like to live here.

  But after going around the house for a while, the accident happened again, and Liu Zhi didn't find anyone here.

  This is an unlikely thing. Liu Zhi had clearly felt that someone was staring at him before. How could it be that there was no one.

  Yagiji suspected that the house in front of him had an attic or a basement.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi never found the passage to the attic or basement. He doubted whether this basement or attic was already hidden in the inner world like his underworld.

   "It seems that this countess is a capable person."

  Yiu Zhi had a judgment in his heart, but he had already arrived here, and it was naturally impossible for Liu Zhi to leave like this.

  He began to find the position of the countess here.

  But the countess seemed to be hiding very deeply. No matter how Liu Zhi looked for it, she didn't mean to come out. Liu Zhi wondered if he didn't follow the standard, but just found it.

  So there is no way to open the passage to the world of the Countess, so there is no way to find the Countess.

  But thinking about it, Ryuzhi felt wrong. If that was the case, Andariel didn't need to tell him the location of the countess's house directly, but told himself how to find the countess.

  Thinking about it, Ryuzhi sat down in this home.

After   , he switched to the state of soul extraction.

  After that, everything in this house became completely different, and Liu Zhi saw a large amount of yin enveloping somewhere on the second floor.

  Ryuzhi then laughed.

   "That's right, I guessed it, there is a loft here."

  Liu Zhi walked to the most yin-qi position, slowly flew up, and tapped the attic with his hand lightly.

  After that, Liu Zhi noticed some movement in the attic. He saw a crack in the attic, so he glanced over and took a look.

  As a result, he found that there was a bloodshot eye looking out from there in that seam.

  Ryuzhi was about to push the door of the attic open. At this moment, he felt that someone was pulling his calf.

  Liu Zhi looked down and found a little boy with a blue face was pulling his calf.

  Just pulling it so gently, Liu Zhi felt the chill flow directly into his body along his calf.

  If he is not a necromancer, just like this, he may have died in the hands of this little boy.

  But this little boy is not the kind of strong ghost. From his appearance, it can be seen that he is just an ordinary dead spirit.

  Liu Zhi was a little puzzled, and he reached out and lifted the little boy up.

  The little boy did not struggle, but stared at Liu Zhi with eyes with dark circles, as if he would die if he stared like this.

  This situation made Liu Zhi quite uncomfortable, but when thinking of the role of the countess, Liu Zhi lifted the little boy and sent it to the attic.

   "Your Excellency Countess, I have come to see you. I want to ask you about something."

Maybe it was because of the little boy, maybe it was Liu Zhi that he had said his purpose of coming here, the attic moved slightly, and the attic was not opened. He just stretched out a pair of cyan hands and hugged the little boy. Up.

After   , a voice came from the attic.

   "Thank you, I don't want to see outsiders, so please don't come up yet."

  Liu Zhi saw that the Countess had said so, he couldn't force it up, so Liu Zhi explained his intentions.

   "The wise man? Me?"

  The voice above didn't seem to understand what was going on. She seemed to be thinking where, how did she become a wise man.

  Yiu Zhi heard the doubt in her voice, so he asked again, "Is there something wrong?"

   "The wise man you are talking about should not be me. I am not the countess you are looking for. I am just a housewife."

Listening to this, Liu Zhi didn't believe it very much. If he didn't feel his own personal experience, maybe he would still have a little doubt about Andariel's introduction, but after experiencing the strength of this one personally, Liu Zhi didn't do that. Thoughts out.

  Don’t say anything else, just the little boy can make him feel cold.

  What kind of talent is this?

  Know that Liu Zhi is a 17th level mythical level, and this little boy obviously has no level yet. He survived by the power of the voice above.

  In other words, the little boy borrowed the power of the one above.

  It can be seen that the strength above should be close to the myth, or in fact she is already a myth, but she does not know it.

  (End of this chapter)

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