Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1401: information

   Chapter 1401 Information

After knowing the identity and strength of the opponent, Liu Zhi did not force the opponent to come out, he just said to the attic above.

   "I just came to ask about things, and I will leave after I have asked."

   "What do you want to ask, then ask quickly, and leave after you ask."

  "I know that there is a **** nearby who wants to be resurrected. I want to know who it is. It would be better if I could know the detailed address."

   "There are no gods around here!"

  The one in the attic roared.

  The breath that broke out of her made Liu Zhi clearly feel that many people were dead in her hands.

  This kind of aura is very pure. It is the kind of woman with a powerful aura. After being killed for some reason, she was transformed into a yin qi from resentment.

  If it is in a normal place, this kind of breath may be able to push the level of this woman to level 5 or above, and it is almost the same when it is close to level 10.

  But in the island country, a little thing can make a big deal.

Objects left unused outside can also become Fusangshen. After word of mouth, this woman who turned into a ghost slowly fermented. Under the guidance of people’s beliefs, her strength was inadvertently pushed to 13. Level 4 this horizontal line.

  If it weren’t for her that she hadn’t left her house and ran outside to kill her, maybe she could suddenly be level 15 and become a mythical master at that time.

  When the island nation changed greatly later, she was also affected, and she received the name and power of the countess.

  It is precisely because of this power that she should have broken through level 15 and become a righteous god.

  It’s just that this straight guy is very nerdy and has never left his house. Coupled with all kinds of rumors before, no one dares to come over at all. His affairs are only spread among some gods.

   But no matter how this house is, her influence on the neighborhood is still there.

  Not to mention the other places in Saitama Prefecture, but the weird things on the road leading to her house, in all likelihood, they were caused by the guys who became the ghosts because of her aura.

  Those ghosts also know that they can get the most benefits by staying at her house. Even if it becomes weird, they have no plans to leave.

  On the contrary, they have been hiding this secret, preventing other outsiders from coming over.

  In this way, this man clearly has mythical strength, but he doesn't know how strong he is. Instead, he hides on the ceiling every day, as if he is afraid that someone will drag him out.

  For such a thing, Liu Zhi really didn’t know what to say.

  But he didn’t come to care about this status, nor did he come to care about this life state.

  Yagiji came to ask about the resurrection of nearby gods.

  He waited for the outbreak above to end, then asked calmly.

   "Well, you are not a god, and I am not here to ask the gods. Have you heard of any interesting news nearby? I just came to collect some information."

  Maybe it was Yanagi's attitude that made the person above feel at ease.

  The one who suppressed her breath, she still said a little anxiously, "I'm sorry, I haven't talked to anyone for a long time."

   "It's okay, your breath doesn't affect me much."

  Yiu Zhi said calmly, what he said was the truth, because what Liu Zhi said was also a 17th-level **** of death. Although the one above had passed the 15th-level line, just like her, she had not found her own way.

  She is the kind of being pushed away by others.

  Sora has a lot of power, but he doesn't know how to use it.

  Yagiji didn't want to make a move. If she wanted to make a move, her men would definitely get a mythical undead servant.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi didn't mean to deal with her, the one who separated from the ceiling of the attic said.

   "In fact, there is nothing interesting nearby. I heard that there seems to be a videotape. As long as you watch the videotape, the TV will automatically turn on after seven days..."

  Ryuzhi listened and felt that the story became more and more familiar. Isn’t this just Sadako’s business?

  It seems that Liu Zhi really underestimated the one upstairs, this is not enough, and he wants to bring two over.

  However, Yanagi changed his mind to think that Sadako's position in Japan should be beyond the present one.

  Before he played the game, he had watched a Japanese movie called "Sadako vs. Kayako". If you don't talk about the others, just listen to the title and you know that the two heroines are relatively high.

  What if Sadako wants to be resurrected?

   So Ryuzhi said calmly, "Oh, where is the videotape?"

   "No, I don't have one here. You have to go out and look for it."

  The person upstairs refused quite quickly, as if he was afraid of any contact with Sadako.

  Ryuzhi was a little surprised, even if Sadako was a god, she didn’t need to be like that.

   "Well, thank you very much, you gave me useful news this time, what do you need me to do for you?"

   "No need, please leave now."

  Liu Zhi is also quite speechless for the above-mentioned refusal attitude. He still wants to talk with him more.

  But this man is obviously dead and does not want to communicate with others. Liu Zhi is afraid that they will fight if they continue to communicate.

In the end, Liu Zhi could only say simply, "Well, I will leave you with a breath of breath. If anything happens, please activate this breath, and I will come to help you. Of course, I will have to be in this world at that time. Row."

  Yiu Zhi lifted his hand and let out a breath.

  In this breath, Ryuzhi left not only his own contact information, but also some insights about the **** of death.

  He saw that the man in front of him obviously didn't know his state, so he hoped to use this method to lead him to the path of death or other mythological level.

  Maybe this one does not want to be a god, but she has reached the level of mythology. If Liu Zhi doesn't push her, someone will push her behind.

  I just don’t know who was pushing this person at that time, and what kind of thoughts he would have about this person.

  Rather than let others take action, it is better to let Liu Zhi have a good relationship, at least Liu Zhi did not have the idea of ​​hitting this one.

  After leaving his breath, Liu Zhi withdrew from the house.

  After quitting, Liu Zhi keenly sensed that many eyes fell on him.

  It's just that the strength of these eyes is too weak, and Liu Zhi is not willing to trouble them.

   Just turned his head and glanced at the direction from which his gaze came, and the breath on Liu Zhi's body forced those gazes away.

  These guys didn't dare to come over and trouble the housemaid. They wanted to get their idea on him. They were just trying to fart.

  But Liu Zhi overestimated the role of his breath. Not long after he left the house, he was blocked on the road by three people.

  (End of this chapter)

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