Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1402: Attacked

   Chapter 1402

  The three guys who appeared in front of Yanagi were not part of the Hell Demon and the Projection Legion. From their appearance, it can be seen that they are three of the original Japanese monsters.

   Walking in the front is a woman in a kimono. Her face is coated with a lot of white powder, but Yanagi can see through the kimono. Under the kimono, there is a thick bone.

Walking out from the left back of Liu Zhi is an umbrella. The handle of the umbrella has become a long hairy leg. The eyes appear on the surface of the umbrella. Although the umbrella is now closed, it is obviously OK. It can be seen that his eyes are not only showing.

   Coming out from the back right is a human figure like a hill. His head is the head of a cat, and his body seems to be made up of many internal organs and human heads.

  It can be seen from the appearance of these three that they are walking on different paths.

  If Liu Zhi studies slowly here, he will discover some of their characteristics.

  But Yanagi did not have the idea of ​​studying Japanese monsters at all.

  Seeing these people surrounding him, Liu Zhi believed that they were definitely not here to say hello to ask if he had eaten them.

  Ryuzhi shook his hand and released his troops.

  Since entering the game, Ryuzhi has put his two strongest armies in the portable space, as is the Vidnina, who he will always take with him.

  It’s just that he felt that it would be more convenient for him to walk alone before, so he didn’t let them out.

  Now that he has encountered a challenge, Liu Zhi will of course not put his men away.

  He lifted his hand, and the Arena of Light Legion appeared nearby.

  The leader of the Light Legion of the Arena, the hero Dak, the violent blood shark, appeared, raising his battle axe and rushing towards the Roshan-like thing.

  He had already seen that the three enemies in front of Liu Zhi, the most suitable thing for him to deal with was the existence of Roshan.

   was attacked by the violent blood shark Dak, Roshan let out a dog bark, and at the same time all the heads that made up Roshan flew out.

  There are internal organs behind these people's heads to connect with Roshan. These meaty filths can be stretched for a long time. No matter what, the connection between these people's heads and Roshan will not decrease.

  The number of heads flying out at the same time is also quite large. The most important thing is that when these heads and filths fly out, the Roshan does not get smaller.

  Instead, there are more heads poking out from under Roshan, twisting and trying to fly out there.

  In the beginning, Dak, the violent blood shark, still went on his own, and later had to call his men to besiege.

  It's not that Dak, the raging blood shark, has insufficient level, but because this Roshan is too troublesome to fight.

  The Roshan seems to be unkillable, and the more the head hits.

  When the violent blood shark man Dark took a shot, the other two monsters also rushed towards Liu Zhi.

  As soon as these two monsters took action, Liu Zhi could see their strength.

  The strongest one is the woman in kimono, and she should be at level 13.

  The umbrella-like thing is level 12, Roshan can't see it for the time being, but it should be level 13 or below.

  Their level is actually not the most troublesome.

  The most headache for Liu Zhi is that these three should all come with their own corps.

  Yagiji glanced at them with the soul extraction state when they appeared.

  In the eyes of Liu Zhi, there are many souls in their bodies.

  There are a lot of souls, and it looks a little pale.

  It feels like dying ceaselessly, without staying in the soul.

  If in a normal world, souls that keep dying like this will eventually become soul fragments, but in the body of these people, they are repeating the moment before death.

   And every time they repeat, there will be a soul like them appearing in these people.

  These souls are of different strengths, and they also carry the breath of this world.

  It can be seen that these souls have been affected by this world to some extent.

  They will blend into the bodies of the three, become part of the three sources of power, or become new undead, fighting for these three.

  It can be said that these three are considered as offensive and defensive entities, and they are a city themselves.

  Such a situation, if it was before Liu Zhi was level 10, he might look at it in one direction, but now that Liu Zhi is already at level 17, he doesn't need to do this anymore.

  Yiu Zhi lifted his hand, and the Golden Skull Army appeared and surrounded the umbrella, while Liu Zhi himself rushed towards the woman in the kimono with a thin stabbing sword.

  The sudden appearance of the Golden Skull Legion is more stable than the Arena Light Legion.

  As soon as they appeared in this game, they immediately formed an attacking battlefield.

  The first wave of arrows fell towards the umbrella.

  In the face of the arrow rain covering blow, the umbrella opened by itself.

  On the umbrella are drawn eyes with different styles and colors.

  As these eyes appeared on the umbrella surface, the owner of countless eyes appeared beside the umbrella.

  These figures are all dressed up as ordinary people with weapons in their hands. The only difference is that their right eyes have all been gouged out.

  It can be seen that all their right eyes are on the umbrella.

  Yagiji did not pay attention to the situation here. He did not realize that the colors of these people's hair and eyes were not normal people's black, but colorful.

  There are all kinds of blue hair with red eyes, all kinds of purple hair and purple eyes.

  After these people appeared, they immediately took their weapons and began to attack the defense line formed by the Golden Skull troops.

  The movements of their weapons are not smooth at all, but they are quite fierce, as if they are not considering their own safety.

  In fact, this can be regarded as a normal Necromancer's style of play. After all, which necromancer will consider the safety of breathing, and the Necromancer will rush forward without pointing it.

  In such a situation, Liu Zhi believes that his men can cope with it. At this time, all his attention is on the woman in the kimono.

  The woman in kimono, only the upper part of her neck is intact. Her body, including her exposed arms, knows that there are only bones left.

  When Liu Zhi carried a thin piercing sword and rushed towards Liao, the woman in the kimono was not afraid, but pulled the collar of the kimono, revealing her chest full of ribs.

  Liu Zhi had never seen anything, even if he was afraid of it, he flicked his hand and stabbed the thin stabbing sword out.

  But in the next moment, Ryuzhi realized that something was wrong. The woman in the kimono was like a black hole in her chest, absorbing nearby power.

  For the first time, Liu Zhi felt that he could not control the thin thorn sword in his hand.

  (End of this chapter)

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