Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1403: Perfect skeleton

   Chapter 1403 Perfect Skeleton

  Liu Zhi was not surprised by the situation in front of him. He clearly felt that the breath that the woman in kimono showed when she opened the kimono was swallowed breath.

  It can be seen that this kimono woman is taking this route.

  Maybe she swallowed human blood in the beginning.

   But now she can swallow everything she sees.

  This is a very normal thing for Yanagiji. This is the expansion of the power's influence after the power has reached its peak.

  It’s like the Necromancer, who can only make the undead one by one at the beginning, but when they reach level 13 or 4, they can start using the undead natural disasters and other abilities.

   At the kimono woman who wanted to devour herself in front of him, Yanagi smiled.

   "Swallow, it depends on how much you can swallow."

  Yagiji let go of his hand, and the thin stabbing sword flew out.

After   , Liu Zhi put his hands together, and a gray and green light popped out of his hand.

  That is the breath of Liu Zhi's undead and nature.

  Liu Zhi This is the effect of directly invoking the undead natural disaster and the horn of fertility, and this is the first time he has used both powers at the same time.

  Yagiji used the natural disaster to balance his left hand before, and he could balance these two powers.

  It is different now. Now Liu Zhi can control everything with his own ability.

  Facing an enemy like this, Liu Zhi does not need to use his suit for the time being.

  I didn’t see that since he became a myth, even if Liu Zhi took the thin thorn sword, it was the most common one.

  The woman in kimono does not know the ability of Yanagi.

  She still opened her kimono to absorb everything that flew towards her.

After   , the face of the woman in the kimono changed. The black hole on her body began to change. Some vines grew out of the black hole. At the same time, the gray breath appeared on the white bones of the woman in the kimono, turning her white bones into dry bones.

  When it was found that the situation was not right, the kimono woman immediately began to react, trying to force the breath of Yanagi out.

  But it was too late. The reason why Ryuzhi would release two breaths at the same time was to block all the retreats of kimono girls.

  In a short while, the woman in the kimono was covered with vines, and her bones were so yellow that she could not be used. Only her head was still lifelike and seemed to be struggling hard there.

  Yagiji will not give kimono girls any chance.

  He took a step forward and pressed the index finger of his right hand directly on the center of the kimono woman’s forehead.

   With this press, the head of the woman in the kimono exploded, and the blackened brain was sprayed everywhere.

  After finishing this blow, Liu Zhi did not stop, he reached out and grabbed it among the vines.

  This is not his first thought.

  Yagiji had accidentally discovered a situation after killing the kimono woman.

  As Liu Zhi stretched out his hand and grabbed it, a group of things like a black hole was pulled out by Liu Zhi.

  The power in the black hole that was caught was quickly dissipating. After thinking about it, Liu Zhi realized that the kimono woman who controlled the black hole was dead, and the black hole was going to disperse naturally.

  Liu Zhi caught this black hole, but it didn't let the black hole spread out like this.

  He stretched out his hand, and a lot of white bones flew out from nearby, layer after layer on top of the black hole.

   is covered with white bones, and the dissipation of the black hole naturally slows down.

   But with the perception of Liu Zhi's divine power, he still clearly felt that the black hole was overflowing, and all this was something that Liu Zhi could not stop.

  Yuzhi knew that she was not a woman in a kimono, and she could not control the absorption and enlargement of the black hole with her body.

  But he can’t even stop the black hole from spreading.

  Yagiji took a look and gave up the idea of ​​using the kimono woman to wrap the black hole in the kimono.

  If he really does that, he is losing a mythical face.

Liu Zhi’s method failed, so he immediately thought of another method. He put the black hole wrapped in bones on his hand and squeezed it, using mythical gem knowledge, and wanted to use the bones and black holes to make one. Mythical gems came out.

  Ryuzhi just thought about it casually, but he did not expect that he would succeed this time.

  Because of the rules of this world, the last thing that appeared in the hands of Yanagi was a skull.

  This skull is quite perfect, with a small black spot on the forehead between the eyes.

  Holding this perfect fist-sized skeleton in his hand, Yanagi was helpless and excited.

  Excitement is because Liu Zhi finally made a myth-level gem with spatial attributes, which can be used as an infinite gem.

   Helpless because this gem is too big, he can't inlay it on the glove, let alone use it as an infinite gem.

  It can be said that Liu Zhi clearly saw the hope of infinite gems, but could not use it. This made Liu Zhi quite speechless.

Fortunately, Liu Zhi already knows how to make it. After he goes back, he can think of ways to make other infinite gems of the same kind. Not to mention, just reduce this gem to use with his own gloves. That is enough for Liu Zhi. Up.

  After such a harvest, Liu Zhi did not look at the space inside the gem.

  He can feel it, there are still many souls swallowed by kimono women trapped in the gems.

  But so what, those people may have been swallowed by the kimono woman voluntarily.

  Furthermore, now is not a good time to release the souls inside. It is better to release these souls after Liu Zhi returns to his own territory.

   With this idea, Liu Zhi put away the perfect skeleton.

  When turning his head to look at his two subordinates, Liu Zhi found that neither of them seemed to be right.

  The Golden Skull Army fighting with the Umbrella Monster seems to be in trouble.

Although the figures released by the Umbrella Monster are insufficient in combat power, each of them has special abilities.

  At this time, they actually used their special ability to press the golden skull to fight there.

  This situation made Liu Zhi quite speechless.

  He didn’t understand what was going on with the commander on the Golden Skull. Isn’t the situation in front of him very obvious? It’s like fighting a necromancer, first kill the umbrella.

  But in the next moment, Ryuzhi knew what was going on.

  When he looked at the umbrella, the eyes on the umbrella flashed, and then Liu Zhi would have a thought of ignoring the umbrella.

  This effect is definitely useful for Ujiruji's subordinates, but for Ujiruji, this effect is useless.

  The spiritual power of that umbrella is no better than that of Liu Zhi, and the influence on Liu Zhi is naturally passing by.

  It was this influence that made Liu Zhi understand the situation on the Golden Skull Legion.

  (End of this chapter)

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