Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1406: Yuji's thoughts

   Chapter 1406 Liu Zhi's Thoughts

   Seeing that Roshan was about to rush into the sewer, the short staff held in Liu Zhi's right hand pointed towards that side, and a huge gray hand fell from the sky and grabbed Roshan who wanted to escape.

  Na Roshan exploded on the spot, turned into a large amount of flesh and blood, and drained into the sewer.

  For such a situation, Liu Zhi was also a little speechless. He never expected that this person would react so quickly and his heart was so big.

  When he can't beat others, he turns his body into this way.

   But think about it this is a good way to escape, as long as they can run away.

  But for Yanagiji, it is really not that easy for Roshan to escape.

  Ryuzhi entered the state of soul extraction. He just swept over there and saw a little divine light.

  This is what Liu Zhi wanted. As for the soul of Roshan, Liu Zhi really couldn't come over.

  When the Roshan was crushed, a large number of souls ran out of Roshan's body, and Yanagi did not know which one was the real soul of Roshan.

  So he simply waved his left hand and took all the souls flying towards him.

  At the same time, his attention is still on the divine position.

   Following Liu Zhi's arrest, he really caught something.

  It was a beating red jade-like heart.

  With a little bit of divinity on his heart, Yuji felt for a moment, it was the divinity of fusion with the undead.

   can be seen, that’s why Roshan can become like that.

  For Liu Zhi, a heart is very useful.

  He stretched out his left hand, and something like a balance appeared on his left hand.

In Liuzhi’s current suit, the balance of natural disasters is a balance in his left hand. The balance is composed of bones, branches, gold, and vines. On both sides of the balance, there is a beating heart on one side, and a ball of thunder and lightning on the other. Feathers composed of elements.

  It’s just that because there is no divine object, the balance of Liu Zhi has not reached the level of a divine weapon.

  Now that there is a new heart with a divine nature, Liu Zhi is also tempted by it.

  He has already planned, as long as he finds another feather with the same level as the heart and the same divine nature, he can find a way to transform this balance.

  Just now, Liu Zhi still plans to put this away first.

  After putting away the heart and the balance, Liu Zhi's eyes fell on the two legions that were still here.

  The combat effectiveness of the two legions is okay, but Liu Zhi has their own arrangements, one is the main field force, and the other is the main regular force.

  They shouldn’t be trapped by Ryuzhi.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and put the two troops back.

After   , I figured out the legion used to store the Death God’s Featherbone Short Staff.

  Unlike a legion like the Light of the Arena, the Reaper’s Featherbone Short Staff is built with a legion.

  In other words, as long as Liu Zhi has an idea and has suitable heroes and soldiers, he can directly establish three legions in it.

  Now Liu Zhi is not thinking about where to get such soldiers and heroes, but thinking about what kind of troops he needs to bring with him.

  Yagiji recalled several battles after he became a myth.

  He found that he had called out the legion to fight a few times, all because of the number of enemies, not because he couldn't fight.

  In fact, this point is also well understood. Every mythical figure has super combat power. The reason why they will lead their men is just that they don't want to consume their own divine power to fight against some ordinary people.

  So Ryuzhi has a certain judgment about the legion that is about to get it.

  He needs a cannon fodder that can be taken out directly.

  Of course, as a mythical master like Liu Zhi, his cannon fodder is definitely not level 1 real cannon fodder.

  To be honest, even if Liu Zhi is asked to find level 1 undead, he still has to find it himself.

  In the underworld of Liu Zhi, level 1 undeads are rare. The several decorations in his underworld make the undead under Liu Zhi start at least at level 3 as soon as they are trained.

  So Liu Zhi, the cannon fodder unit, intends to use level 5 undead. They are easier to train, and it is easier to form a brigade, instead of just a 5-man team like those high-level arms.

  What Liu Zhi wants is a 60-man troop, and he needs a 60-man organization in this corps.

  As for the fighting power of these undead, Liu Zhi also had some consideration.

  The characteristics of the undead need to be fully utilized.

Regardless of other things, Liu Zhi’s requirement for this cannon fodder is to join the battle when he can rush out. After joining the battle, he cannot be killed immediately. At the same time, he must have the ability to strike the enemy and cannot fight for a long time. , None of the enemies died.

  There is no need for these cannon fodder to cooperate, because there is no time for them to cooperate.

  No matter how Yanji, he didn’t plan to treat the spiders as his main force, otherwise, the advanced version of the spider infantry could be used.

   So Liu Zhi thought for a long time, and finally picked a very special unit among the undead.

  Of course, this undead unit is not a mummy. Although there are some stories, the mummy’s movement speed, attack power and special attributes are very strong.

  Also, Liu Zhi also had mummies, and even he had some connection with the Egyptian divinity before.

  But Ryuzhi really didn't intend to use the mummy as cannon fodder this time.

  Yagiji chose a kind of undead spirit this time.

  The undead of the elves are vampires, but they have not completely turned into vampires.

  Let’s put it this way, they are somewhat similar to the existence of the **** queen Lanna Sal and her men in the undead natural disasters in "World of Warcraft".

  They have the power of vampires and the power of elves. Except for quantity, they can be regarded as the best choice for Liu Zhi's cannon fodder.

  As for the quantity, Liu Zhi would not worry too much.

  Ryuzhi has a race of elves under him, and he also holds a fragment of the elves plane.

  Although that elven plane is a bit weird, as long as you want a legion of elves, it is enough.

  After Ryuzhi was ready to go back, he immediately established such a legion, and as long as there was a battle, he would just release the elven vampire legion.

  The other two legions, Liu Zhi also had his own ideas. After having a cannon fodder legion, Liu Zhi also needed a powerful assault legion that could directly attack the enemy and a backing legion to give Liu Zhi a face.

  For these two legions, Liu Zhi also had his own ideas.

  (End of this chapter)

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