Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1407: Videotape

   Chapter 1407 Videotape

  For the army that directly attacked, Liu Zhi's idea was simple. He wanted a force of wizards.

  This is actually a dream of Liu Zhi.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi usually has fewer wizards, and there are not many wizards that have fully grown. The wizards in his hands are actually turrets that only master one or two spells.

  This time Ryuzhi intends to take this opportunity to build a big one.

  The selected mages can be undead or natural druids. They must master at least three magics, and at least one of them must have an auxiliary ability.

  Yagiji knew that it was not easy to do this.

  However, he believes that he has a plane, there are so many undead under his men, and he has enough time to slowly get a legion like this, at most it is a matter of taking some time.

  As for the last legion, Liu Zhi intends to serve as the honor guard. There was such a legion under Liu Zhi at the beginning.

  At that time, Liu Zhi traveled quite a lot, and he was not like what he is now. He could only go forward alone.

  So Ryuzhi still wants to have his own legion. When the time comes, all the carriages will be engaged, and a few heroes will guard him. Usually, he can sit down and read a book when he is idle.

   After determining the direction of the three legions, Liu Zhi wrote all this into the Death God's Featherbone.

  After the information entered, it immediately spread into three light spots. If Liu Zhi touched the light spots, he would see his requirements for the three legions, as well as the establishment and vacancies of the three legions.

After   , the organization of the three legions is set, as long as Liu Zhi finds suitable soldiers and heroes, he can send them in directly.

  This kind of corps is much simpler than a normal corps. At least it does not need to fight constantly, and it does not need to work hard to merge. It only needs to meet the criteria for entering the corps.

  This is a good thing for some heroes, at least they don’t need to work harder, just lie flat and choose.

However, there is also a problem here. After they become the heroes of these three legions, they cannot be as autonomous as the other legions. All the troops they own are arranged by Liu Zhi, and they have no way to propose them. Any comments come.

  Ryuzhi didn't care about things here.

  At this time, Liu Zhi checked the details in the Death God's Featherbone, and after confirming that there was no problem on his side, he did not put his mind on it.

  After killing the three enemies who were blocking the road, Yanagi also had a certain understanding of the dangers of Tokyo.

  At this time, Liu Zhi did not drag on any longer. What he wanted most now was to complete the task at hand and leave the game quickly.

  Fortunately, I learned from the countess the existence of the **** who wants to be resurrected last time.

  Now Liu Zhi already knows where to go to complete this VIP mission.

  He raised his head and glanced around, and finally his gaze fell on the medieval video store on the street.

  There may be some news about Sadako's sister who crawled out of the album.

  Ryuzhi took the Death God Feather Bone in his hand and headed towards the video store.

  It’s strange to say that when big changes happen, they are already considered high-tech. There will be video shops in Tokyo, and I don’t know what they think.

  And these video shops are exactly how Sadako was resurrected.

  Yagiji didn’t know how many such video stores in Tokyo, or how many people had watched this video tape, but he knew that there must be a video tape related to Sadako in the small store in front of him.

  Yagiji didn't think much, opened the door and walked in.

  The video store he chose was half collapsed, and the video tapes inside were scattered all over the floor.

  Yagi just glanced at the video, and saw that many videotapes had a little bit of aura.

  This situation also surprised Liu Zhi.

  This kind of video tape has aura on it, which means that this video has many people watching, many people paying attention, and many people seeking it.

  It is precisely because of the popularity of so many people that this video tape has a lot of inspiration, and even the people in the video can be enshrined in advance.

  This kind of thing made Liu Zhi quite surprised.

  Because when Liu Zhi came in, he thought he would only see one or two inspiring video tapes, and then he would be relatively easy to find clues to Sadako.

  What kind of situation is this?

  Are all the members who filmed in Japan enshrined them?

  If this is the case, it would be too easy for Japan to become a god.

  Riuzhi curiously picked up a video tape that had fallen to the ground.

  As soon as the videotape was held in his hand, Liu Zhi felt the message in the aura.

  "It's so white, not too big..."




  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment. He turned over both sides of the videotape, wanting to see what the videotape was about.

  But after so many years of ups and downs, the cover of this videotape is gone, and even Liu Zhi can't see anything from this black shell.

  Liu Zhi looked around, and finally set his eyes on a video recorder.

  He intends to take this video recorder and see what kind of video it is, it will be sought after by so many people.

  However, Liu Zhi soon found out embarrassingly that there was no electricity in this store, and there was no TV if there was electricity. He finally found the TV from a nearby store, and finally found quite speechlessly that the video recorder was still broken.

  The more this happened, the more curious Liu Zhi was about this thing. He ran several places and finally found a usable video recorder.

  Take the VCR to a place with electricity, and then bring the TV over.

  In the end, Liu Zhi used a small cart to put together all the video tapes that could be found emitting aura.

  After that, he put a video tape that he had been holding in his hand into the recorder.

  As the picture on the TV changed, Liu Zhi saw the familiar blue-bottomed English notice page.

  As soon as I saw this, Yanagi knew why this videotape can concentrate so much popularity. This is a videotape that was taken because it was too cold in Tokyo.

  If it is normal, Liu Zhi knows what the contents of this videotape is, so he will immediately change another one.

  But at this time, Liu Zhi is really curious, which artist is this who can concentrate so much popularity.

   So Ryuzhi glanced more curiously.

  Looking at it, Liu Zhi found that he was homesick.

  This is not thinking of his own plane, but of his home before crossing.

  Returned the videotape, Liu Zhi sighed, replaced another one, and turned on the video recorder.

  (End of this chapter)

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