Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1408: Special Undead

  Chapter 1408 Special Undead

  When the second video tape was fed into the video recorder, Liu Zhi suddenly felt something wrong. He turned his head and saw that there was a phantom image on the video tape he had just put aside.

  Liu Zhi has seen too much of this situation. He has dealt with all kinds of souls, but he has never seen something like this.

  This thing is regarded as a soul, but it is not the same as a soul. On the contrary, it is like a video idea left behind by some people with aura and obsession.

  Liu Zhi grabbed the phantom shadow casually, moving up and down, and he knew how this thing came into being.

  This thing is the shadow that has been read in the video tape.

  Because there are more people who read, this shadow gradually gains spirituality.

  If you haven't encountered such a big thing in Tokyo, maybe this spirituality will slowly dissipate in one or two years.

  But with such a big event in Tokyo, this spirituality was left in the video tape when Tokyo changed.

  Now Liu Zhi glanced at the video and activated this spirituality and this group of things that were not like souls.

  For this, Yanagi's judgment is that it is weaker than the average soul, but it contains some divinity and spirituality. In Japan, it may be a level 1 wild god.

  But for Ryuzhi, this might be made into a divine army.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's heart moved. Instead of watching the second video, he injected some mana into this phantom.

  This injection, Liu Zhi's mana was absorbed by the phantom, and then the phantom began to solidify.

   Then a level 5 undead appeared in front of Ryuzhi.

The reason why    is level 5 is actually because Liu Zhi injected more mana into it.

   Normally, the effect of summoning the undead can make the undead reach level 3 at most.

  Looking at the female undead in front of him, Liu Zhi pointed.

   "What do you know?"

  The female undead raised her hand, and a white light shot out from her hand.

after that……

After   , there is nothing. The blow of the female undead has no effect, there is only a white light, nothing else.

  Looking at Liu Zhi this way was quite embarrassing. He originally thought that this female undead must have a certain ability, and then use this undead as a member of his own army.

  Unexpectedly, besides looking human and a little pretty, she can only play a sound and light effect.

  This situation is a bit tricky.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and then ignored the female undead in front of him.

  At this time, Ryuzhi's attention was naturally placed on the remaining video tapes.

  Yagiji still knows his goal this time, he needs to find Sadako's videotape.

  So he has to take a look at the video tape here.

  Ryuzhi is not idle now. He often puts a video tape in, takes a look at what is going on, and then quits it immediately after discovering that it is not Sadako’s video tape and replaces it with a new one.

  The old video tape will be thrown aside.

  Those tapes all appeared in clusters of phantoms.

  Yiu Zhi didn't notice the situation here at first. After he watched all the videotapes here, and found that Sadako's videotape was not found, he inadvertently turned around and found that the situation was not quite right.

  All the phantoms on the video tape turned into female undead, standing behind Liu Zhi.

  This situation made Liu Zhi startled.

  You must know that he has watched hundreds of videotapes this time, and there are hundreds of female undead here all at once, and what is their strength, how can all of them reach level 5.

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and dragged past the female undead at the beginning.

   "Did you make it?"

  The female undead nodded, and Liu Zhi felt that all the breath of the female undead here merged together.

  If it’s just the breath, it’s okay. The most important thing is that they have divinity in them. Every female undead has only a little divinity in them, but when a few hundred are put together, the situation is different.

  Riuzhi clearly felt that the divinity in these female undead had begun to condense.

  If there was only one female undead before, Liu Zhi might not have seen it, but with so many female undead gathered together, Liu Zhi had to admit that he had missed it.

  Liu Zhi took out the short wand, the Death God Featherbone, and waved at the female undead.

  Then these female undead were all taken in by Death Feather.

  Liu Zhi checked the situation in the Death God's Feathers, and he found that the female undead were automatically combined in the Death God's Feathers.

   don't know how they combined.

  Anyway, there are a few hundred female undead here, and only less than 30 female undead remained among the death feather bones.

  The appearance of these thirty female undead is almost the same as the real person. Wearing thin clothes on their bodies, they don't look like any hard-to-fight existence.

  However, Liu Zhi felt their strength the first time. Every female undead here has reached level 11, and their situation is between the class and the hero.

  In them, Liu Zhi also saw the cohesion of divinity.

  When he saw the divine nature for a moment, Liu Zhi understood how they were fused together.

  In their divinities, in addition to their unique undead divinities, there are also a variety of different divinities.

  These divinities are different from each other, but it can be seen that the previous hundreds of female undead were fused with each other under the influence of the same divinity.

  Seeing such a situation, Liu Zhi sighed, even if he regards these as rechargeable batteries.

  Under such thoughts, Liu Zhi moved his hands and integrated these female undead into the army of Death Featherbone.

  There are thirty female undead here. They became the first team in the honor guard of Liu Zhi's army.

  Of course, this team is not yet full, with only 30 female undead.

  Wait until Liu Zhi finds a few more video stores in the future, he may be able to find more female undead. At that time, his team will slowly add enough manpower.

  But Ryuzhi doesn't care about this anymore, he puts more of his mind on the videotape of searching for Sadako.

  Liu Zhi understands that this is the key to his coming this time. As for these female undead, they can't improve much.

  You can’t just show all the video shops in order to supplement these soldiers. Then what kind of person is Liu Zhi.

  No, he can't do such a thing.

  (End of this chapter)

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