Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1409: Devourer

  Chapter 1409 Devouring Beast

  Liu Zhi still wants to continue looking for the video tape.

  He simply found a few more TV sets and video recorders, dragged things together, and sent the undead to various places to look for video tapes.

  At the same time, he arranged for people to experiment with the video tape continuously.

  Although this is still a bit slow, it is better than he had seen one by one before.

  In this way, Liu Zhi directly showed the videotape of this district almost.

  However, Liu Zhi did not expect that he could not find the videotape that belonged to Sadako.

  This is quite an incredible thing.

  If he is Sadako and wants to be resurrected, he must copy a lot of videotapes.

  All his subordinates ran through the video store in this district, but they couldn't find a single disc.

  This is unreasonable.

  Ryuzhi sat on a lot of video tapes that had no aura, thinking about this in his mind.

  He is considering whether he is going in the wrong direction. What if Sadako is resurrected without a video tape?

  This situation is not so good. You must know where Sadako died, but she was not in Tokyo. The reason why she is famous in Tokyo is entirely because of the videotape.

  If you don’t find the videotape and want to find the place where Sadako died, you have to go to that island.

  Ryuzhi hasn't watched the whole film completely. Even if he has watched the whole film, he would never know on which island Sadako died.

  At most, he knew that there were volcanoes, wells, and villages on this island.

  There are not one hundred or eighty islands like this in Japan, and they are scattered in various places in the Sea of ​​Japan, which makes him look for them.

  Yagiji thought for a while, and finally he decided to go around Tokyo again, and take a look at the video stores in other Tokyo districts. If it doesn’t work, he gives up.

  Anyway, the gain this time is not without.

  After this wave of processing, Liu Zhi's female undead with expressions have come out again, and soon they will be able to make up to sixty.

  At the same time, the strength of the 30 or so female undead has been improved again. Liu Zhi believes that at this speed, these female undead may reach the 14th level.

  As for whether they can break through 15th level, then it is not for Liu Zhi to know, but Liu Zhi can be sure that he has made a profit this time.

  Regardless of whether they have the ability to fight or not, one thing is certain, Liu Zhi pulls this unit out, it is definitely a good thing.

  Because all the video shops in this district have been searched, but no suitable video tape was found, Liu Zhi began to call his mind elsewhere.

  He raised his head and looked at the sky shrouded in dark clouds. In fact, he found that although the whole Tokyo is gloomy, there are actually several obvious landmarks.

  Among them is Tokyo Skytree.

  Tokyo Skytree is the tallest landmark in Tokyo, and it is also the launch area for all radio waves in Tokyo.

  Most of the TV stations’ signals in Tokyo come from here.

  If you insist on saying that there is something that can replace the video tape, the TV signal here is one of them.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, he felt that he could go over here and take a look.

  Maybe there is a tape of Sadako hidden here.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi was ready to go on the road.

  When he stood up, all the neatly folded video tapes fell down like dominoes.

  Ryuzhi heard the voice from behind, only looked back, and left in strides.

  Some time after Liu Zhi left, the video tapes that fell down began to rot, and the rate of decay seemed to have been left in the wind and rain for hundreds of years.

  Because of the material of the video tapes, even if these video tapes rot, there is no way to rot them all, leaving many black fragments in the end.

  These black fragments slowly merged together and turned into a black slime-like thing.

  After this thing came to life, he looked around, then pounced on the TV and VCR that were also left by Ryuji.

  The black slime swooped at the TV, and several TVs that were still usable exploded, and the wires and components inside were swallowed by the black slime.

Then the slime's body slowly became black and translucent, and it was obvious from the outside that there were some dark blue figures in the body moving, and it looked like it was performing in the slime's body. TV shows are the same.

  After swallowing the TV, the slime felt not enough. He rushed to other shops, where he passed by, all the things that could be swallowed were swallowed by him.

  Even part of the asphalt roadside was swallowed.

  It was precisely because of swallowing too many different things that the black slime became bigger and bigger, and its body became more and more weird.

  At first he looked like a slime, but now he looks more like a moving garbage dump.

  And this guy still doesn't know his problem, and is still devouring everything around him.

  He swallowed the electrical appliances and materials that can be swallowed, not to mention, some things that can not be swallowed casually, he also tried to swallow them there.

  For example, now he stretched out part of his body and entered the sewer, trying to swallow the wires in the sewer.

  Separated part of the body again, devouring the foundation of a nearby building.

  It can be seen that he wants to make himself big.

  But the problem is that this guy has swallowed so much things, so much that his body is a little uncontrollable.

  This guy obviously wants to enlarge his body.

  But when he zoomed in like this, the situation was different. A ball of fire came from not far away, and it happened to fall on this guy.

   With a bang, this guy's body burned.

  At the same time, a group of wizards dressed as witches appeared nearby.

  Some of them had fireballs in their hands, some of them with lightning or ice, and they quickly surrounded this guy.

  One of the women in the red and white robe walked out, looking at the huge guy who had become three stories high from a distance, she said calmly.

   "It's the Devouring Beast. It becomes like this after being stimulated. Just burn it. In addition, let the maintenance team come over. After the Devouring Beast is killed, let them repair this place. At least it needs to be changed back to the original state."

  The witch was finished speaking, and the wizards dressed as witches shot at the same time, and the fireball, lightning and ice bolt fell on the devouring beast at the same time.

  Each hit will knock out a layer of Devouring Beast’s body.

   Slowly the most original thing of the Devouring Beast was shot out.

  The witch's face also slowly became serious.

   "What about divinity, why is there no divinity?"

  (End of this chapter)

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