Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1410: guess

   Chapter 1410 Guess

  There is a 17-hectare imperial palace in the central area of ​​Tokyo. This is the residence of the Emperor of Japan, also known as the Imperial Palace.

  Of course, since what happened two hundred years ago, this place has become one of Tokyo's three defensive points. Among the three artifacts, the eight-foot jade gou jade is enshrined here, and at the same time, the eight-foot jade gou jade is also the defensive core of the Imperial Palace.

  The other two are Ise Shrine, which enshrines Yata Kagami, and Atsuta Shrine, which enshrines Kusana sword.

  Of course, these two shrines are actually branches that migrated from their original places after the Tokyo accident. Without the presence of these two shrines and the imperial residence, Tokyo might have been swallowed by demons and ghosts.

  The maiden who had just completed the cleansing work also returned to their respective shrines, and only the one headed, with the decapitated head of the Devouring Beast, headed towards the imperial palace.

  Different from Ryuzhi's use of the subway, all of these Miko actions can be taken by cars.

  In addition, there are no more vehicles in Tokyo now, and there are no traffic jams, so they can return to their respective places soon after beheading the Devourer.

  After entering the Imperial Palace, the sky is obviously brighter. This is actually the power of the Imperial Palace.

  After all, there are not so many people in the Emperor’s family. Even if the guards are included, the 17 hectares of land can’t fit in much.

  Most of here are mountains and forests, and all the trees have spirituality, and even with daily prayers, they have begun to have divinity.

  With the existence of these divine trees, the air here will naturally be much better.

  After bringing the beast devourer to the imperial residence, the shrine maiden did not enter the main courtyard of the imperial residence.

  That is the place where the emperor lives, and the maiden is just the guardian of the periphery.

  The places where they usually live and train are all outside the imperial residence. Of course, in order to ensure the scenery of the imperial residence, their buildings will not be higher than the emperor's palace.

  So most of their living and training places are underground.

After entering the underground passage with the head of the Devouring Beast, several witches and priests surrounded him.

   "Master Huo Ye, you are back."

  "Take this to check and see what the Devouring Beast was originally transformed into, and then check again. Why is there no divinity in this thing?"

   "Okay, Lord Hino."

  The witches and priests immediately took the head of the Devouring Beast to deal with it.

  As for how they deal with it, as far as Tokyo is concerned, it is either some Shinto techniques or some techniques that seem very scientific but are actually black technology.

  No matter what technique they used, they soon found out what the original source of the Devouring Beast was.

"what is this?"

   Looking at the black granular fragments that were sent up, the Hono Miko asked.

  " is the material left by the video tape after it was burned. According to the aura detection response, it can be seen that the video tape was originally spiritual and divine, but the spirituality and divinity in it were quite weak.

  The reason why the videotape of this time became a devouring beast is because someone gathered tens of thousands of spiritual videotapes in one breath, and activated one by one, taking away the divinity and spirituality inside.

After losing the divinity and spirituality, the video tape began to swallow the nearby things to supplement, and the person should have left the ritual props through some kind of ritual, let the ritual props be swallowed, and finally become this kind of swallowing beast.

  The reason why we can't find the divinity in the swallowing beast is because the divinity has been taken away in advance. "

  "Do you analyze, what is the situation?"

   "Master Huo Ye, in fact, we think that someone wants to use some kind of ritual to resurrect a certain god."

  After listening, the Huoye Miko seriously considered it, and finally nodded. This situation is really as they said, like using some kind of ritual to resurrect the dead god.

   "Who is it all?" The Hono Miko muttered to herself.

"Master Huo Ye, in fact, I have a guess. This time the other party used a video tape to extract divinity, and I also found out how he arranged the ceremony. It was a TV, so it is very likely that it is the one who wants to be resurrected. "

  The Huoye Miko gave a white glance, "Which one, just say it clearly."

   "This name cannot be said, but the one who climbed out of the well and then out of the TV."

  Hino Maiden's face turned blue when she heard it. As a Japanese, how could she not know Sadako's name.

  If someone really wants to resurrect Sadako, then the situation is different.

  Sadako was not an ordinary monster at the beginning, she caused chaos throughout Japan.

  In the beginning, in order to suppress Sadako under the Tokyo Skytree, they paid a lot of money.

  Relying on the various TV radio waves passing by Tokyo Skytree every day, dispersing the space where Sadako exists.

  Unexpectedly, someone would use the method of spiritual and divine extraction from videotapes to resurrect Sadako.

   "It can be seen that the person who resurrected Sadako has been preparing for a long time."

  The Huoye Miko said faintly.

   "Yes, it takes a lot of thought to find so many divine and spiritual videotapes. At least he has to start layout more than ten years ago to get the spirituality of my videotape."

   "No, we can't bring Sadako back to life. The order will be passed on so that people will monitor the situation on the Tokyo Skytree. If an abnormality is found, the special team will be dispatched immediately."

  The witches and priests immediately understood.

  In their thoughts, this is just the possibility of resurrecting Sadako, not that Sadako has been resurrected.

  Because the real Sadako was suppressed under the Tokyo Skytree.

  No matter what the other party wants, it is impossible for him to conjure two Sadako, so his ceremony must be only half done, and the rest needs to wait for him to release Sadako from under the Tokyo Skytree.

  The man has done so many things for Sadako, and it has already started, and he will definitely not stop.

  So now that person must be on the way to Tokyo Skytree.

  Thinking of this, these witches and priests immediately reacted, and they began to shake people in their own way.

  The Huoye Miko thought for a while, and finally said: "Help me prepare the staff, I also have to go over and take a look."

   "Master Huo Ye, we will handle this matter."

   "Yes, Lord Huo Ye, we can do it with a little bit."

"You can't say that. This time I want to release Sadako. You have never experienced Sadako's era. You don't know her horror. She is the most difficult kind of weird to deal with. No one wants to be one in seven days. The phone was called to death, so don’t say more, get ready and we will set off right away."

  (End of this chapter)

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