Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1411: ambush

   Chapter 1411 Ambush

  Tokyo Sky Tree, the tallest building in Tokyo, also known as the Tokyo Sky Tree, is located in Sumida District, Tokyo, Japan.

  Liu Zhi didn’t know the way, but he didn’t want to take the subway anymore.

  Tokyo’s subway is more troublesome than spider webs, and there are no vehicles in Tokyo, so he simply walked across the street.

  Yagiji couldn't fly here, but he didn't run too slow at all.

  Liu Zhi jumped to the roofs of some buildings where he didn’t understand the direction and just took a look at the direction.

  After all, a building as high as Tokyo Skytree, as long as it is not blocked by something, Yanagi can see it at a glance.

After   , Ryuzhi can quickly run in the right direction.

  At this time, Ryuzhi felt that he was obviously faster than in the subway.

  As for the monsters that will appear along the way, Liu Zhi is not worried at all.

  With his current strength, even if he faces the Japanese mythology Tokahara, he will have no problem.

  Not to mention, I didn’t feel the presence of those people in Tokyo.

  So Yanagi was very happy as he moved forward, until he had already reached the Sumida area, and he felt that the situation was not right.

  Outside the Sumida area, the projection troops that had previously attacked the city appeared.

  The troops coming this time are obviously an enhanced version of the previous projection troops.

  They are still those seven arms, but the number is obviously smaller and the strength is obviously stronger.

  If the strength of the seven arms in the siege that Liu Zhi saw before was about level 5, the strength of the troops here is mostly between level 5-10.

  At the same time, their weapons and equipment are obviously much better, and they are also more professional.

  These people dragged various nets in Sumida District, sealing all the passages into and out of Sumida District.

  Even in the sky, there are a large number of crows and crow tengu flying in the sky.

  It can be seen that they are preventing some people from entering the Sumida area.

   Standing on a tall building outside Sumida District, Liu Zhi looked at the situation here from a distance.

  As for the actions of those little guys, Liu Zhi just thought about it and knew what they were doing.

  They are preventing someone from entering the Sumida area, or preventing someone from reaching the Tokyo Skytree.

  And their arrangement here is dominated by witches and onmyojis.

  The remaining few arms are all guarded relatively outside.

  Those Onmyojis set up a magic circle under the Tokyo Skytree.

  Liu Zhi can clearly see that the role of the magic circle is to suppress.

  Suppress the undead under Tokyo Skytree?

  Liu Zhi was surprised.

  Is there anything under the Tokyo Skytree?

  Looking more closely, Liu Zhi noticed that the situation here still seemed to be wrong. They did not try their best to suppress, but to prevent outsiders from coming to release the suppressed souls below.

  What is the situation?

  Is there something suppressed under Tokyo Skytree?

  Yagiji looked at the Tokyo Skytree curiously.

  Although it hasn't been repaired for two hundred years, Tokyo Skytree is still at its original height, and at most it is covered with various plants.

  Looking at it from a distance, you can see that the architectural style of Tokyo Skytree has added many ways to suppress the dead.

  Cylindrical, built on a triangular base, as the height rises, the tower gradually becomes thinner.

  There are many steel bars on the tapered tower.

  At first, Liu Zhi thought it was just some support, but now it does not seem to be the case. Every steel bar is fixed in a position, and that position just leads a strange wave of fluctuations.

  Finally, the entire Tokyo Skytree controlled various special fluctuations, as if a sword hilt was inserted into the earth.

  At the same time, it is these various fluctuations that prevent the Yin Qi from entering, and the strange aura spreads outward.

  It can be said that as long as the dead are trapped under the Tokyo Skytree, they will completely cut off contact with the outside world. Even if there is power, there is no way to fight them out.

  To break open this Tokyo Skytree, unless the inside and outside are connected, the inside and outside should be typed together.

  This approach seems difficult.

  Yagiji is now considering who is sealed under the Tokyo Skytree.

  Will them use this method?

  It is hard to say that it is the ancient **** of death in Japan. What is the name of the moon reading is wrong. Yanagi still doesn't know much about Japanese gods.

  If someone uses a sword to suppress it, is it possible to be Baqi?

  Yagiji thought while looking there.

  He felt that his idea of ​​going to Tokyo Skytree to find Sadako's news was lost.

  Now that Sumida district can’t get in, how could it be possible to run in again to check if there is any sage in the Tokyo Skytree?

  Yagiji's heart suddenly moved, is it possible that Sadako was suppressing under the Tokyo Skytree?

  After this thought appeared in Yanagi's mind, the more I looked at Tokyo Skytree, the more I felt it was true.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi is a little curious. Why do they value Sadako so much, and from the defense of Sumida District, they are obviously the people who have just arrived. How did they know that Ryuzhi wanted to find Sadako?

  This thought made Liu Zhi feel tight.

  Is it possible that there is anyone in this world who can fortune teller?

  Think about it, it’s actually not impossible. There are many witches who can tell fortune-telling in various Japanese animations.

  What if those witches can also divination.

  Ryuzhi hesitated for a moment, and then planned to try him.

  He took out the Death God Feather and waved it at a certain place.

   More than a dozen female undead were released by Liu Zhi.

  The female undead released this time are only part of the female undead in the Yubone Space of Death God of Liuzhi.

  Yagiji didn't choose their attributes, just let her out and let them enter the Sumida District to see the situation.

  As for whether they will die, Liu Zhi is not worried at all.

  This female undead is different from the undead controlled by Liu Zhi before. These female undeads are composed of countless female undeads of the same divinity.

  After they die, they will also be reborn in Liu Zhi's Death God Featherbone Space. Unless they die too many times, their strength will not weaken much.

After the female undead set off, Liu Zhi ran to the top of the building to observe the situation there.

  Sure enough, when these female undead entered the Sumida area, it was like throwing a grenade into a fish pond.

   directly blow all the fish out.

  Liu Zhi noticed that as long as the nearby projection units could receive orders, they all rushed towards the female undead.

  They don’t give the female undead any chance to speak. It’s their own trick to take action.

  But the female undead possessed divine nature. Although they were not very powerful, they could only inject their power into the divine nature and then throw it out.

  But divinity is divinity, and even ordinary divinity cannot be blocked by ordinary people.

  Ryuzhi soon saw the dozen or so female undead fighting with the enemy.

  (End of this chapter)

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