Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1412: Five Elements Miko

  Chapter 1412 The Five Elements Witch

  Looking at the battle below, Liu Zhi frowned slightly.

  He can see that the other party came to ambush himself.

  And they are still organized.

  What are these people called special forces.

   don’t know what Japan thinks, they just like to take some weird names for their people or teams.

  It's just that these special forces actually don't have any real combat power. On the contrary, Ryuzhi pays more attention to those behind the special forces.

   Near the Tokyo Skytree, there is a witch carrying a magic eliminator.

  This witch is obviously different from others.

  The witch costume on her body is also a red and white witch costume, but it is just the opposite of normal.

  Normal people have white shirts and red skirts, while her side has red shirts and white skirts.

  At a glance, you can feel that she is more advanced.

  At the same time, Xing noticed that there was something like Gouyu hanging around her neck.

  This kind of thing is quite common in Japan, but Liu Zhi can be seen so far away because this piece of gou jade is too dazzling.

  Ryuzhi sometimes felt that he seemed to be attracted by that piece of gouyu, and almost ignored the witch in front of him.

  When commanding the special forces to take action, the military abilities displayed by the witch made Ryu Zhi also a bright eye.

  It can be seen that she has learned this specifically, and she has also experienced a lot of battles.

  Even she has experience dealing with gods. Under her command, the female undead under Liu Zhi were suppressed one by one.

  Obviously, they have no way to exert the corresponding divine power.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi had no idea about Sadako.

  He felt that the woman in front of him was okay.

  Or catch it and transform into undead, and see if you can become a hero or something.

If possible, it would be a good thing for Liu Zhi. At least she can let the female undead under Liu Zhi play a corresponding role, instead of being like now, who obviously has a divine nature and is so strong, but Was crushed and beaten.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi jumped out of the building.

  He stretched out the Death God Featherbone and appeared in his hand.

After   , Liu Zhi took the Death God Feather Bone and waved to the front.

  With such a wave of Liu Zhi, a cloud of mist appeared in front of Liu Zhi.

  This mist is a gray mist, and after it appears, it spreads around.

  This is exactly the epic ability that Liu Zhi has mastered before, the mist of eternal life.

  It’s just that the former Liu Zhi put a mist of eternal life, he needed to set up an altar, he needed to deliver sacrifices, and various materials.

  Now that he has reached the myth level, Liu Zhi doesn’t need to be like that. He only needs to wave his hand forward, and the eternal fog will be released by himself.

  Although he can only play once in each game.

  But after releasing the fog of immortality, Ryuzhi can clearly feel that he can collect the fog and the undead in the fog at any time and place it in another position in this game.

  If his strength is stronger, and there is another artifact that can be used to store the mist of eternal life, then he can even take away the mist of the mist of eternal life with the undead in the mist.

  After experiencing several worlds in this way, Liu Zhi will have an artifact composed of eternal life mist and undead.

  Now, Liu Zhi doesn't have such an artifact in his hands.

  He understands that if he now absorbs the eternal fog and the undead inside into his death feather bones, it will only destroy the balance of the three legions in the death feather bones.

  In the end, not only did he not get the fog of immortality, but also the legion.

   Then he might as well use the Immortal Mist casually like this.

  As soon as the mist of eternal life is released.

  The projection unit immediately reacted.

   "Attention, there is a powerful divinity, everyone is ready to fight."

  Those projection troops also reacted quickly. Although their names don’t sound very good, their combat effectiveness is still very strong.

  Just for a while, they felt that the fog of eternal life was wrong.

  It's just that they didn't expect that the gray fog will affect the human body if it only touches a little.

  Although they are the kind of projection, but the fog of immortality has never been picked.

  When the fog of immortality enveloped the entire Sumida area, Yanagi then entered the Sumida area with the Death God Featherbone.

  He just kept entering, and an arrow shot straight from a distance.

  He flashed past, and found that the arrow carried a trace of wood attribute power.

  As the existence of the undead and the balance between nature, Ryuzhi can naturally feel it, the situation of the wood attribute power, does this turn the path of the druid to the shooter?

  Yiu Zhi hasn't figured out what the situation is, but several more attacks are directed at Liu Zhi.

  Yiu Zhi waved his hand, and a row of female undead appeared in front of him, blocking these things for him.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also noticed the presence of five women nearby.

  Among these five women, there happened to be the witch who was targeted by Yuji.

  Beside her, there are two witches and two witches with bows.

  The outfits on their bodies are also different from normal witches.

  The difference between them is their skirts. All the normal witches are red skirts.

  The colors of these skirts are blue, green, yellow and black.

  "Five elements attribute?"

  Yagiji looked at them curiously and found that the two witches, like the red witches, had a gou jade hanging around their necks.

  And the two bow-wielding witches hung a dagger that looked like a leek on their waist.

  Two witches, one in blue and one in black.

  It can be seen that one of their power should be water, and the other should be Jin Zhuanlei.

  The skirts of the two witches with bows are green and yellow. It can be seen that one of their strength is wood and the other is earth.

  After seeing Ryuzhi, the red witch said: "I knew you would come, you want to release Sadako, right, don't you need to think about it, we won't let you release Sadako."

  When Liu Zhi heard this, he was also a little shocked. Has their intelligence reached this level?

  He only asked a few people about Sadako, how did they know it all at once, and they still ambush themselves here.

  I think so, but Yuji doesn't think that these witches can deal with him.

  Yagiji raised the death feather bone in his hand.

   "Get out of the way, otherwise I will turn you all into undead."

  Yagiji's words fell, and the red witch said: "Attack."

  Following her order, flame, ice and lightning, plus two arrows, shot towards Liu Zhi.

  If Liu Zhi is just a simple necromancer, under such an attack, he may suffer serious injuries.

  But it’s not just a Necromancer for Liu Zhi.

  He is still a sword..., no, he is still a druid, and Ryuuji dodges the blow in a flash.

   Then he shot.

  (End of this chapter)

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