Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1414: A little bit of spirituality

  Chapter 1414 A little spirituality

   Listening to the red maiden, Liu Zhi immediately thought of some situations since he entered this world.

  He was really under surveillance.

  Yagiji's heart moved and shook his head, "It seems that my guess is really true. Sadako was suppressed under the Tokyo Skytree."

  Yagiji talked, stretched out his hand and pressed it to the center of the red maiden’s eyebrows.

  The red witch snorted heavily, but did not notice Ryuji's movements.

   "Don't think about it, Sadako's suppression circle, we have strengthened it a bit, we will not let you release Sadako."

   "Really, you haven't thought about it. In fact, Sadako doesn't need this body at all. She is actually a concept. As long as she has another video tape outside, she will exist."

  Listening to Ryuuji's words, the red maiden screamed instead.

   "This is impossible. All the tapes related to Sadako are buried under Tokyo Skytree. No one can release Sadako."

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi was quite happy. He now knows what to do with Sadako's affairs.

   "Thank you, I didn't know it, but now I know it."

  The red maiden's face changed, and she understood what she had said.

  At this time, the red maiden stared closely at Yuji's eyes, as if she wanted to take a bite.

  Liu Zhi looked at the appearance of the red witch, the index finger of his right hand did not leave, but suddenly asked.

"What's your name?"

  Yagiji asked this question in a way similar to drinking question.

  The witch in red responded on the spot: "Hino!"

  The next moment, the red maiden only felt her body tighten, as if she had been taken away from somewhere.

After   , he saw a purple all around, as if he was locked up.

  Yagiji took away the spirituality and divinity of the red maiden Huo Ye, but did not leave as before, and just drove the remaining souls into the gou jade on Huo Ye’s neck.

  Yagiji doesn’t know what the gouyu is for, but one thing is for sure. Gouyu is definitely a good thing in Japan.

After   , he quickly retreated back to a distance of about 100 meters, watching the changes there.

  Liu Zhi saw that the black hole that had been chasing away the divinity and spirituality before was affected a bit. After absorbing the gou jade, it seemed to expand the range of absorption.

  It's just that the spirituality and divinity of Huo Ye were all suppressed by Liu Zhi into the soul gem he made.

  Among countless souls, that rule simply cannot find the spirituality of Huo Ye.

  Finally, the rule continued to expand, allowing Liu Zhi to see through the black hole what was behind the rule.

  It is a gou jade with a lot of divine nature, and Ryuzhi can see that the gou jade affects the entire Tokyo and even the entire island country.

  "Gouyu? This is Bachiqiong Gouyu?"

Before Liu Zhi took a closer look, there was a burst of light over there.

  Inside the light is the divine power reaching level 19.

  Liu Zhi closed his eyes, and the light disappeared. What disappeared together was the black hole that wanted to take the soul away.

  Liu Zhi had already seen it. Just now, it was not Bachi Qiong Gouyu who launched an attack on him, but his strength aroused some reactions of Bachi Qiong Gouyu, causing the power stored in it to counterattack him.

  It can be seen that the **** behind Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu is level 19, yes, but that **** is not in this world, at least he has no way to directly control Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu.

  This gave Liu Zhi some thoughts in his mind.

  His artifact is still a bit short, if he can get Ba Chi Qiong Gou Jade.

  Maybe he can have one more artifact.

  How can I just grab Bachiqiong Gouyu?

  A few thoughts flashed in Yanagi's mind, and finally, Yanagi's gaze fell on the Tokyo Skytree.

  The red witch named Hino was so afraid of releasing Sadako.

  It can be seen that the appearance of Sadako will affect the situation in Tokyo as a whole, and will even attract the attention of some gods.

  At that time, Bashaqiong Gouyu will definitely be used to suppress Sadako.

  In this way, Ryuuji's idea of ​​releasing Sadako became even stronger.

  He raised his head and glanced at the time. The fog of immortality had been released for nearly half an hour, and the Sumida area had already been shrouded in the fog of immortality. It was time to go in.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi stepped into Sumida District.

   Lost the command of the Hono Miko, and because of the eternal fog, the Sumida District at this time has become a ghost territory.

  In the beginning, those special forces also discovered that the fog of immortality was wrong.

  But they didn't get the order first, and secondly, it was just a layer of gray fog. They had encountered this kind of gray fog many times, so they didn't withdraw all of them from the beginning.

  After half an hour, all the soldiers who stayed in the gray mist turned into things like zombies or zombies.

  When Liu Zhi walked into the gray fog, he also caused these zombies or zombies to react.

  Ryuzhi glanced at them and frowned.

  All the zombies and zombies here are only level 1.

  This is very unreasonable.

  Be aware that when Yanagi saw them before, they were all level 5 or higher and less than 10th level.

   Even if it is a normal transformation of undead, it is impossible to transform only level 1 zombies.

  Is there anything wrong with it?

  Ryuzhi grabbed a zombie casually, and then he found out speechlessly that all the zombie’s soul was gone, and the power of the original zombie disappeared with the soul.

  No, it is not the power of zombies, but the power of the original special forces.

  Only then did Ryuuji understand, don’t look at the big difference between the strength of these special forces and the witches, they are actually similar to the witches.

  All of their strength, spirituality, and divinity will be taken back after death, leaving only such a body to exist.

  And this kind of shell can be seen at a glance that it was just made, and the quality is not bad, which is the quality of an ordinary adult.

  After understanding what the projection army was all about, Liu Zhi ignored it.

  All the members of the projection army special team here have turned into zombies, then no one will stop Ryuzhi from approaching the east, which is the Skytree.

  Yagiji bypassed the zombies, and he did not direct the zombies to do anything.

  If these zombies still have the previous strength, maybe Liu Zhi will still be moved.

  Now these zombies are all level 1 and even the weakest undead under Liu Zhi's is inferior, so what does he want these zombies to do.

  So Yanagi simply left these zombies in place, and entered the vicinity of Tokyo Skytree.

    The new month has started, try to write more, and please support!



  (End of this chapter)

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