Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1415: Sadako

  Chapter 1415 Sadako

  Because the entire Sumida district was already under the influence of Yanagiji, when he entered the Tokyo Skytree, he was not prevented at all.

  He soon came under the Tokyo Skytree.

  Looking at the past, Yanagi saw the existence of the Tokyo Skytree tower, but when he arrived here, Yanagi knew that Tokyo Skytree was a huge plaza, and there were many annex buildings underneath.

  All the buildings started out as a huge comprehensive entertainment venue, covering several blocks. It is not an exaggeration to call it a small town, with shops, restaurants, aquariums, and planetariums inside.

  The entire business district is divided into three areas: East Plaza, Tower Plaza and West Plaza.

  Yagiji entered from the East Square direction.

As soon as    entered here, Liu Zhi felt that his power of the undead had been severely suppressed.

  It can be seen that as long as you go further in, the power of the undead will be slowly suppressed to the extreme, and the power of the undead can hardly be used anymore.

  This situation convinced Yanagi that under the Tokyo Skytree, a powerful necroman must be suppressed.

  Ryuzhi does not think that he has not found Sadako now, but is thinking there, how to contact Sadako, at least he needs to let Sadako know that he is here to save him, not to come to trouble him.

  For this problem, Liu Zhi must not mess around.

   can scare the projection army into such a Sadako, it must not be a weaker existence.

  If he just demolished the Tokyo Skytree, he might not be able to release a complete Sadako.

  He must communicate clearly with Sadako, and see what is Sadako's situation, so that she can release Sadako.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi stopped.

  Started to release some troops to Tokyo Skytree.

  Of course, because the Tokyo Skytree has a strong suppressive power against the undead, all that Yanagi releases are spider troops.

  In addition to a large number of spider infantry, Liutai also mobilized many spider artillery.

  All these spider artillery are ready to attack. As long as the spider infantry rushes to the Tokyo Skytree and after contacting Sadako, Yanagi intends to use the plasma cannon to destroy the Tokyo Skytree directly.

  While Liu Zhi was waiting, a roar suddenly came from the sky.

  Liu Zhi looked up and found that a large number of flights were coming here.

  There are some monks standing on the plane with various patterns on their bodies.

   are those barbaric monks.

  Yagiji saw the situation here at a glance.

  He just pointed to the spider artillery beside him.

  The spider artillery, which was ready to attack, turned the target into the air.

  Facing these planes, the spider artillery is a wave of plasma cannon fired three times in a row.

  Those flights were bombed to pieces before the monks were dropped.

After   , Yanagi turned his gaze to Tokyo Skytree.

  At this time, Liu Zhi was even more curious about Sadako.

   In theory, Sadako shouldn't be too strong to be too outrageous. Why does the projection legion attach so much importance to Sadako.

  Is it possible that Sadako has really reached a different level?

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly heard the phone rang from a nearby telephone booth.

  Liu Zhi tilted his head and looked around. He found that there were many telephone booths in the East Square.

  These phone booths are scattered in every corner of the East Square. Make sure to walk thirty steps and you will encounter a phone booth.

  At this time, all the telephone booths rang, and this voice could be heard no matter where Liu Zhi was standing.

  Liu Zhi looked at the situation in front of him, and realized in his heart that this was part of Sadako had been released.

  Ryuzhi walked to a phone booth and picked up the handset of the phone.

  Sure enough, noise came from behind the earpiece.

   "I know you want to be resurrected, I will help you."

  Yiu Zhi ignored the situation behind the noise and directly expressed his thoughts.

  Yiu Zhi doesn't worry about being targeted by Sadako. After all, Sadako has one condition for killing, that is, he has watched the videotape.

  Liu Zhi hasn’t read it, so it doesn’t matter whether Sadako treats herself as an enemy. After answering the phone, Ryuzhi naturally said whatever he wanted.

  He finished speaking, and the phone was all put down.

  There is no accident in Liu Zhi, Sadako is still being released now, she can have such a response is considered good.

  Then the spider infantry sent out by Ryuzhi rushed back.

  These spider infantry can be regarded as half creatures and half undead. They don't have the ability to communicate. They often fight where Liu Zhi points.

  This time Liu Zhi found that one of the spider infantry was holding a special kind of Yin Qi.

  Yagiji knew at a glance that this was something Sadako tried to send out.

  Ryuzhi called the spider infantry over, and reached out his hand to take the yin spirit from the spider infantry.

After   , some of Sadako's information reached Liu Zhi's mind.

  Only then did Ryuzhi understand why the Projection Corps value Sadako so much.

  It turns out that Sadako was suppressed under the Tokyo Skytree two hundred years ago.

  Mephisto was suppressed together with Sadako.

  Or in the idea of ​​the projection army, Sadako is Mephisto.

  For Mephisto, Ryuzhi doesn’t know much about him. When he played Diablo 2 before, he only remembered the first and fourth bosses. After all, one is okay and the other is the total boss.

  The bosses in the other scenes are so ugly that they have no identity yet.

  Ryuzhi usually just plays around like a normal monster.

  Where can I remember so much.

  It was Sadako who sent some messages over there.

  Yagiji took a look and found that the reason why Sadako was treated as Mephisto was completely because Sadako's power was strengthened by her hatred after death.

  Mephisto was obsessed with the power of hatred, so Sadako was sealed as Mephisto.

After hearing the news, Liu Zhi thought about it.

  "I remember what I did when I went to find Mephisto. It seemed like I was going to hit six other guys. I got the heart, eyeballs, and brain and combined them with a chain.

  But are you going to do this now? What does this mean for Sadako? "

  Liu Zhi thought for a long time, and finally turned his eyes to the neighborhood.

  He pointed carefully: "I think about what Sadako has, video tapes, TV sets, and telephones. There are also three here. They are combined into weapons? Should these be enough?"

  While thinking about it, Ryuji got a headache. There are so many phones here. Which one is suitable? The TV is one of the props of Sadako's resurrection?

  There are also video tapes. He didn’t find it after looking outside for a long time. Will there be any here?

  This is all a problem.

  (End of this chapter)

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