Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1419: Sadako appears

   Chapter 1419 Sadako Appears

  For the figure that appeared in front of him, Liu Zhi broke up with a palm.

  After that, several figures of Sadako appeared next to Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi looked at these figures and shook his head helplessly. He had never watched the video tape or received a call. Even if these guys stood up, Liu Zhi did not have the breath to attract them.

  They appeared completely because the Tokyo Skytree was released, and they had nowhere to go.

  After Ryuzhi broke them up twice, he finally had to say to Sadako who was hitting more and more.

   "You're never finished, I let you out. You don't want to go to resurrection, so what do you keep asking me for trouble?"

  Sadako finally did not come out after being yelled at by Liu Zhi.

   However, the Sadako who appeared before did not disappear, but surrounded Liu Ji.

  Ryuzhi was so stared by these guys that he could only scare them and said.

   "You can, if you continue like this, I will seal you up again."

  Yagiji finished speaking, all Sadako here disappeared, and a voice came from Ryuji's ear.

"help me……"

   "I was here to help you, how else would I call here."

  Liu Zhi was quite speechless. What kind of thing is this? He obviously came to help people, but the other party didn’t know anything.

  Fortunately, a new Sadako appeared in front of Ryuji in the next moment.

  The Sadako who appeared this time was not so gloomy, but had a trace of supernatural power on her body.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi felt that her strength seemed to have some problems. From now on, the strength of Sadako in front of her seemed to be jumping back and forth between levels 10 and 16.

  I don’t know what this is all about.

As soon as Sadako appeared, she knelt in front of Ryuzhi.

"please help me."

  Riu Zhi was a little surprised. You must know that in his mind, Sadako is the kind of existence that can be killed by all the people she is looking at. How could this be so.

  Sadako said again at this time, "Not many people know me anymore, I can't exist anymore."

  Only then did Liu Zhi realize that Sadako's strength is not her true strength, she is that kind of conceptual god.

  Only the more people who know her, the stronger her strength.

  And for hundreds of years, she has been sealed under the Tokyo Skytree. As long as she has some thoughts, she will be dispelled by the magic circle on the Tokyo Skytree side.

  So in the past few hundred years, Sadako has not received enough power to supplement her concept. Maybe now, except for some researchers and the troops guarding here, not many people know Sadako's existence.

  If this continues, hundreds of years may pass, and no one really remembers the existence of Sadako.

  In this way, the magical powers left by Sadako will be used for nothing at Tokyo Skytree. Maybe there is any last resort that will be taken away for other purposes.

Liu Ji thought for a moment, and said to Sadako: "I don't know how you spread it, but I have my own method. What do you think about this Tokyo Skytree? Would you like me to help you turn this Tokyo Skytree into A magic tower that belongs to you completely.

  This way you can spread your magic power outwards and let all people who come into contact with your magic power know that you exist. "

   "Magic Tower?"

  Sadako is also a little confused.

   "Yes, changing such a tall tower into a magic circle is actually a very challenging thing. If it succeeds, I will greatly improve the construction of the magic tower."

  Sadako is not a wizard-type undead, she does not know the benefits of the magic tower to the wizard.

  Just watching Liu Zhi say this, she nodded like that.

  Ryuzhi asked at this time: "Where are you locked up now?"

   "Underground, about five hundred meters underground, where my corpse and the first videotape are placed."

  "Did they find your body?"

  Ryuzhi was a little surprised. It was quite remarkable to be able to find Sadako's body. Anyway, Ryuzhi himself had watched a movie, and he didn't know where Sadako died in the end.

  But those people can find Sadako's body and the first videotape.

  It can be seen how much they know about Sadako.

  It can be said that in order to target Sadako, those people have already figured out all the circumstances of Sadako.

  That’s it, if Sadako doesn’t die, that’s weird.

  So Ryuzhi felt that those people must have other plans for Sadako.

  For example, what to do if Sadako escapes.

  This time things are interesting.

  Yagiji did not rush to renovate the entire Tokyo Skytree, but asked about Sadako there.

   "Sadako, may I call you that, I heard that you were a girl with super spiritual power before?"

   "I don't know what super spiritual power is, but it's true that I was very strong when I was alive."

"Really, that's great. If you are very strong when you are alive, and you will improve after death, then it is very possible that you are super strong and locked up. I'm thinking that the other party can When you are locked up, you must know you very well.

  They know your abilities before and after death, and they also have certain judgments about your strength after being imprisoned.

  So if you want to find a chance to resurrect, then you need to have something they can't think of.

  I feel that you can go like this. For example, you can change the direction of your advancement, as long as you change the direction, so that the other party can't think of your strength, so that you can break through the blockade of those people. "

   "Change? How do I change?"

  Sadako didn't understand Ryuji's plan at all.

  “In fact, you don’t want to change it. You used to use video tapes to spread your concept, but now there are not many video shops, so there is no way to spread your reputation.

  Before you answered the phone, now you are using mobile phones.

  You climbed out of the TV, and now you watch TV on your mobile phone, so no matter what, you need to change. It is not incomprehensible to change so much. "

  Sadako was a little confused by what Liu Zhi said. She was sealed here for hundreds of years, and she didn't understand the development of science and technology in this world at all.

  At this time, she really didn't know what the current world had become, and how she was going to go.

  At this time, Liu Zhi suggested.

"My plan is to start transforming your career, and then change your way of communication, and finally your way of playing. This can also be changed. In fact, you will always appear in the hearts of others. You just The BGM that comes with it when it comes out is very effective..."

  Ryuzhi kept talking about his plan.

  (End of this chapter)

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