Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1420: Huntress Sadako

   Chapter 1420 Huntress Sadako

"is it possible?"

  After listening to all the plans of Ryuzhi, Sadako asked with some worry.

  "Of course, you don’t need to worry about not being able to complete it at all. Think about it, you are actually a **** and you have strength.

  Before you became a god, you were still an undead, so you have the power of death, and at the same time you are still a weird, you have your own death rules.

  In the end, you were still a young girl with spiritual power, so your strength is quite sufficient.

  Our plan this time is to put your concept back together before it is forgotten, and a new concept will appear.

  This way you can gain new power and no longer be affected by the spread of the previous videotape. "

  Yagiji explained his plan this time.

  Sadako was a little silly when she was locked up. Except for her true origin who refused to let Liu Zhi move, all other aspects were Liu Zhi said, she believed in anything.

  There is such a mythical character that can be changed by Yanagi at will. Of course, Yanagi is having fun.

  In the end, it took about a whole day. Using his own knowledge, plus some intelligence from this world, Liu Zhi finally completed the transformation of Sadako.

  The transformed Sadako looks the same as usual, but her profession has changed from a myth-level weird **** to a myth-level huntress.


  Ryuzhi adjusted Sadako's career, borrowing the power left by the big pineapple, and transformed Sadako into one of the seven careers of the big pineapple huntress.

  It's not that Liu Zhi doesn't want to change Sadako to a better career, but only because of the big pineapple career, there are only seven, and there are only three female careers, the mage, the huntress, and the assassin.

  Yagiji wanted to transform Sadako into a mage at the beginning.

  After all, her spiritual power was quite strong at the beginning, plus it can be transformed into a mage tower, it is actually a good choice to transform into a mage.

  But Sadako chose the profession of huntress herself.

  In her words, she is born to play bows and arrows.

  Yagiji knows that in this world, the huntress is the kind of witch with a bow.

  They also have certain spell abilities and can be counted as part of the witch.

  So Ryuzhi did not refuse, but instead helped Sadako carry out a comprehensive transformation.

  Under this transformation, Sadako's appearance has naturally changed.

  The hair that was originally draped in front of her was tied up, revealing her cyan face with dark circles under her eyes. There was nothing terrifying about her face, except that her facial features looked scary.

  The purple-gray lips lost their vitality at a glance, and the eyes became three white eyes, no matter where they looked, they looked like death gazes.

   is no longer the original white dress on her body, but a set of white tight-fitting leather armor.

  At the same time, she was holding a longbow in her hand. It can be seen that she looks like that at least.

  Sadako's career has changed, and Yanagi's handling of Tokyo Skytree will naturally also undergo some changes.

  In the beginning, Yanagi's idea was to turn Tokyo Skytree into a magic tower.

  Riuji now thinks differently.

  He turned the Tokyo Skytree into a fairy world tree.

  The route designed by Ryuzhi for Sadako is to use the power of the world tree to build a race belonging to Sadako.

  This race can use the broadcast communication network and can appear at any time where there is a TV signal.

  At the same time, they are all elves-like huntresses, and they can take the lives of those people directly before others don’t react.

  The arrangement of Ryuzhi actually allowed Sadako to embark on another divine route, which is to build his own race and control his own beliefs and authority.

  This kind of route is better than Sadako's first conceptual route.

   is a double insurance.

  It doesn’t matter whether you have faith or not when you have authority, but when you are fighting for authority, the existence of faith can ensure that Sadako will not die directly because of temporarily losing authority.

  Even if Zhenzi is sealed again, she can rely on her church and her own men to rescue her.

  Unlike before, no one came to rescue her after being locked up for more than two hundred years.

  After completing the renovation of Sadako and Tokyo Skytree.

  Yagiji gave the stage in front of her to Sadako.

   "Okay, you have been resurrected, and then it is your own business. Come and announce your return to the world."

  In fact, when Ryuzhi was helping Sadako to resurrect, he already felt that the projection troops wanted to attack the Sumida area several times, but it was blocked by the eternal fog outside and never attacked.

  Now that Sadako has been resurrected, Liu Zhi simply wants to do it to the end and give Sadako a new help.

   "By the way, your enemy has arrived. They want to attack and are blocked by the mist of my eternal life, but they have three artifacts in their hands. You can always think of ways to get in. You have to deal with it yourself."

When Sadako heard this, she became nervous.

  "Are they going to fight in?"

"Yes, I have just helped you transform here at Tokyo Skytree. The people you kill will be transformed into huntresses like you here, but you still have less manpower now, so let me Give you all the zombies in the mist of eternal life."

  Ryuzhi said, while handing over the control of those zombies to Sadako.

  Sadako thanked him and acted.

  She knew that this first battle must be shot by herself.

  Just as Liu Zhi said, she must prove to the world that she is back.

  Otherwise, only relying on Liu Zhi to blow Sadako back, Sadako will never get back her original power.

   Raising the bow, Sadako rushed out of Tokyo Skytree.

  As soon as she rushed out of Tokyo Skytree, Sadako felt all the shackles on her body had been opened.

  All the power she had lost was injected into her body. If it weren’t for the fact that there were no TVs nearby, she could have crawled out more and more avatars from all the TVs.

  However, although there are not so many TV sets now, there are still telephones and so on.

  All the telephone booths near Tokyo Skytree rang.

  This kind of telephone fluctuation quickly spread throughout Sumida District.

  The projection units entering the Sumida District also heard the sound of the phone.

  They have already attacked the Sumida area for the third time. Because of the immortal fog, they are carrying more anti-fog equipment.

  When they heard the phone call, they didn't respond at first.

  And Huino, who knew about Sadako’s affairs, had already been captured by Liu Zhi, spiritual and divine, and now he has not been resurrected.

  So they don’t know what the sound of the phone represents.

  Until the sound of a phone call turned into a long arrow and hit a projection soldier, they didn't know that they were in an ambush!

  (End of this chapter)

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