Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1422: Ryuzhi's efforts

  Chapter 1422 Liu Zhi's Efforts

  Ryuzhi stayed for about seven days. During these seven days, Sadako was not idle for a moment.

  She kept in touch with her friends. Liu Zhi noticed that Sadako's contact method was very special.

  She directly sent a clone to pass the news. As for how her clone passed, there is no need to worry about it. As long as there is a TV and telephone, she can easily arrive.

  From now on, although Tokyo has become a weird place, the technology in these places has not been affected. TV and telephone are definitely available.

  After Sadako ran over, some people could be contacted immediately, and soon a large number of troops began to march towards Sumida District where Sadako was.

  At this time, Sadako found Yuji again.

  "Can you please put away the fog, there is a fog, although the enemy can't get in, but the people I've found can't get in very well."

  Liu Zhi knew right away that not all the people Sadako found were undead.

  Think about it, this is actually normal. It's impossible for such a big Tokyo city to be all undead.

  If they are allowed to enter the fog of eternal life, it may not take a few days, and these guys will all become undead, so it is useless for Zhenzi to call these people.

  So Sadako can only talk to Liu Zhi and ask if the mist of eternal life can be removed.

  Yagiji is processing those materials at this time.

  Hearing this question, he just had a flash of inspiration.

  Before, he had thought about taking away the mist of eternal life with the undead inside.

  But because he doesn’t have many artifacts in his hand, taking it away is not very realistic.

  Now the situation is different. Liu Zhi has enough materials under him, plus he still has enough time, maybe he can make the embryo of the artifact first, and take away the fog of immortality first.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi nodded and said.

   "Yes, but I need some help. I need to borrow it from the Tokyo Skytree. Otherwise, I can't take it away from the fog of immortality."

"Of course." Sadako actually doesn't care much about the situation on the Tokyo Skytree. All her abilities are not on this tower. Yanagi specially prepared this tower for her. She actually didn't realize it at all. Where is it?

   Did not realize the benefits of Tokyo Skytree, Sadako naturally would not take Tokyo Skytree into his heart.

  If Liu Zhi wants to borrow, just let him use it.

  For Sadako's thoughts, Liu Zhi really didn't know what to say.

  He finally reached the top of Tokyo Skytree.

  If anyone looks here, they will find that the appearance of Tokyo Skytree is no different from the previous Tokyo Skytree.

  But by observing other eyes, you will find that Tokyo Skytree has actually become a big tree.

  This big tree has Tokyo Skytree as its trunk, various underground cables as roots, and the radio waves radiating outward as branches and leaves. It has become a huge tree covering the entire Sumida District.

  If you look closely, you can even see that there are many light spots flashing on the branches and leaves of this big tree. Those light spots, like flowers and fruits, are constantly appearing and disappearing on the branches and leaves of the big tree.

  Ryuzhi didn't move those flowers and fruits, he knew it was Sadako's clone.

  At this time, Liu Zhi stood at the top of the tree and took out all the seven materials that had been sorted out.

  The materials given by Sadako are mostly things taken from the corpse, including hair, flesh and blood, and skin. The lowest level is level 10, and the highest level is a level 13 bone.

  Yagiji has been dealing with these materials these days.

  Although as a necromancer, Liu Zhi doesn't really like decorating other people's hair and skin on her body.

  The way he handles these materials is to melt these materials through some means, and then draw them into silk.

  Yagiji's initial plan was to make this silk thread into cloth and make a set of outer robe for himself.

  But now Liu Zhi has new ideas for these threads.

  Riuzhi took out a lot of spider silk.

  Most of these spider silks are obtained from the spider infantry side, and the rest are the products of the spider women who have been spinning their lives over the years.

  Don’t look at the Fangming Spider Girl not following Liu Zhi, in fact, she has always been Liu Zhi’s most important subordinate.

  Otherwise, the spider force under Liu Zhi accounted for 30% of his total force.

  At the same time, the spider army will also provide a lot of materials and resources for Liu Zhi, not to mention the chitin carapace, and various spider webs and silks, which are the materials that Liu Zhi needs most now.

  After mixing these spider silk with the extracted silk.

  Rui governance injected his divine power into these threads, and at the same time, throwing it out on the top of Tokyo Skytree, he controlled the fog of eternal life to gather in his hands.

  The fog of immortality looks strong, but in fact it is still the characteristic of fog and will be affected by wind.

  As soon as Ryuzhi absorbed it, the mist naturally gathered.

After   , Ryuzhi began to throw some gems into the mist of eternal life that had gathered.

  The gems that Ryuuji can make are naturally various mythological gems. Sometimes he can also make one or two infinite gems, but he doesn't have the gems of time, space, and soul that he wants.

  As various gems were thrown in, the fog became more and more solid.

  Those who are affected by the fog of eternal life and become undead, all follow the fog of eternal life and run.

   However, Yanagi is not interested in these guys who are only level 1 and don't have any soul at all.

  Instead, those corpses whose souls were taken away after being killed by Sadako met Liu Zhi's appetite.

  The souls of these corpses were taken away, but their own strength was still there. How many levels they were before they died, and how many levels they are now, Liu Zhi only needs to find them a soul.

Moreover, there is a little divinity on these corpses. Although it is impossible to be like the female undead army in the death **** of Liu Zhi, who are all 14-level divine undeads, these divinities are for these corpses. That's a good thing.

  While Liu Zhi was controlling the gathering of the eternal fog, he simply pulled out the undead souls transformed from the eternal fog and put them in these projected corpses.

  After a transformation, these corpses are definitely not as good as those directly transformed from the fog of immortality.

   But for Liu Zhi, this is actually enough, they will always live in the mist of eternal life.

   Staying in this way, the disagreement between their body and soul will always be resolved.

  So they can have a divine body and use this to fight for it.

  It was this, Liu Zhi controlled the whole situation and began to condense those silk threads.

  (End of this chapter)

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