Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1423: Training plan

  Chapter 1423 Training plan

  When Liu Zhi released the silk thread, he had already begun to gather the mist of eternal life.

  Part of the silk thread released is used to influence the undead in the mist of eternal life, but more of it is used to control the mist of eternal life that gathers and disperses.

  Under the control of these silk threads, the gray fog was easily controlled by Liu Zhi.

  Yagizhi even saw golden spots of light flashing in the gray mist.

  Those are all part of the divinity left behind by the projection of the dead in the gray mist.

  Although they were dying, their divinity and spirituality were taken away for the first time.

  But it will leave a little bit more or less.

  And as long as the number of this point is large, it is also a powerful force.

  Now it seems that Liu Zhi’s idea is right. The gray mist here has been stained with divine nature. With these divine natures, this gray mist can be integrated with the materials and divine nature prepared by Liu Zhi.

  In addition to the large amount of gems that Yanagi put into it, a gray cloak soon appeared in Yanagi's hands.

  This cloak can just completely wrap up Yanagi's back.

  The cloak is gray on both sides, but the inside flashes with golden light spots like starlight, which looks like a starry sky blocked by a gray mist.

  The outside of the cloak looks like a painting. The painting is a steel jungle shrouded in gray mist. In this steel jungle, there are many zombies and zombies moving slowly.

  However, the position of this painting is only at the corners of the cloak, and does not occupy much of the cloak.

[Reaper's Mist (cloak): One of the artifacts dedicated to the fertile death of Yanagiji. It can be grown. It can be improved by using the legendary magic eternal fog. The eternal fog will be absorbed and taken away by the cloak when you leave (it takes up to seven days to set up. The range of influence reaches 30 kilometers, affecting up to 10,000 undead creatures), and the enemy can be introduced into the cloak to fight during the battle. 】

  Looking at the attribute description, Liu Zhi was a little surprised.

  Using the fog of immortality to improve the attributes of this cloak, this is the direction he designed from the beginning.

  But he can only fight in the range of the cloak, which is something that Yanagi couldn't imagine.

  What is the use of his cloak like this? When the enemy comes, pull the cloak to cover the enemy in?

  This is unreasonable.

  Yagiji thought for a while, and put the cloak of death mist on him.

   Then he lifted his cloak with his hands.

  Under this blow, Liu Zhi understood that the reason for this situation was entirely because he had added too many spider silks in this cloak.

  The characteristic of spider silk is the cloth web, when the enemy enters its own web, then it traps the enemy.

  So the spider web will not put anything outside.

  So the people inside will not come out to fight, only bring the enemy into the fight.

Fortunately, this cloak refers to the scope of the cloak. When Yuzhi sets up a new fog of immortality, he can lift the cloak and melt it into the fog of immortality, so that the troops stored in his cloak can live in immortality. Fight in the mist.

  Oh, this is not a troop, but some undead controlled by Liu Zhi.

  They do not have the blessing of the undead troops.

   is not an undead army, they will not be under the command of an undead hero, and the blessing of an undead hero will not fall on them. They can only maintain the most basic attack defense.

  Although there will be more in number, when they really fight, they are no different from civilians.

  For such a situation, Liu Zhi can only recognize it.

  Whether it is a troop or a corps, he said that he can build it if he has it.

  After so many years, Liu Zhi, the number of legions in his hand can still be found.

  All the soldiers in the legion under him add up, and it may not be as many as the immortal fog and undead this time.

  In this, how much effort and effort Liu Zhi put into it, only then did he get such a few legions, and some of these legions are garrison legions, which can’t be used casually.

  In this way, the undead in the cloak of Liu Zhi is actually quite easy to use for Liu Zhi.

  There are a large number of them, they have divine blood, they are undead and they are not afraid of death, and they can take them with them at any time.

  It doesn't matter if their attack power is weak at all. Skeleton Sea, if there are more, the combat power will increase.

  Yagiji satisfactorily covered his body with the fog of death, and then glanced at the Sumida area below.

  At this time, the fog has dispersed, and all the zombies on the ground that have lost their souls have lost their power and fell to the ground.

  Yagiji noticed that outside the Sumida area, a new group of projection troops are ready to attack.

  However, this projection unit has no strong soldiers. Most of them are cannon fodder units of level 1 to 3.

  The weapons in their hands are good, but their movements can be seen, and they are clearly a temporary boost in strength.

  As soon as he saw this situation, Liu Zhi knew that Sadako's actions had caused the projection unit to lose a large number of mid-level soldiers.

  Without these soldiers, they naturally can only use the cannon fodder.

  You can’t just throw 14-level high-level troops directly into it before the start of a battle.

  So they knew that the cannon fodder in front of them was sent here, and they also wanted to give it out.

  These cannon fodder will only grow after constant fighting.

  For the projection troops, as long as the spirituality and divinity of their true spirits can be dragged back, it doesn't matter how many times they die.

  Maybe after a few battles, they can grow up and become mid-level troops.

  At that time, you can deal with Sadako's troops.

  Liu Zhi looked at more and more projection troops, and felt that this was a good opportunity for military training.

  Yagiji pulled his cloak, and went downstairs to find Sadako.

   Randomly found a clone of Sadako, and Liu Zhi said: "Have you seen the projection troops outside? Do you have any plans to deal with it?"

Sadako looked at Liu Zhi and asked, "Do you want to fight out?"

   "Almost, anyway, idle is idle, just use this to train a soldier."

  Ryuzhi said it was easy, but in fact, he was also very easy to do.

  After getting Sadako's approval, Liu Zhi began to transfer troops from his own plane.

   Liu Zhi transfers troops through his own pocket space.

  He is in the game at this time, and the time does not match the time of the plane.

  Ryuzhi may have issued an order to go to the plane, and there must be a response. When the troops are sent over, almost a day will pass.

  So for the first few days, Liu Zhi used the undead stored in his portable space.

  On the third day, the undead in the plane began to enter, and the training of Liu Zhi's troops had just begun.

  (End of this chapter)

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