Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1424: Sadako's friends

   Chapter 1424 Sadako's Friends

  When Ryuzhi's troops entered the world one after another, the battle outside the Sumida District had also begun for a long time.

  Since two days ago, players invited by Sadako have come to the world in front of them one after another.

  It's just that they didn't come to the Sumida area.

  The reason why Ryuzhi knew it was entirely because Sadako would come to tell herself every day what had happened, and someone had come to help him.

  Liu Zhi noticed that Sadako’s contacts are quite extensive, with players of all kinds of professions.

  The range of strength is also relatively large, from level 10 to level 17.

  After they got here, they didn't rush to Yanagi immediately, instead they ran around in Tokyo.

  In this situation, only Sadako can dissociate. In Sadako's words, they have been to Tokyo before, but they haven't been here for many years.

  When Sadako finally saw them, it was hundreds of years ago, before Sadako was sealed.

  At that time, even a level 1 player, as long as he can survive, if he is not too stupid, he can get to level 10 or higher. It is not impossible to reach the mythical level with normal luck.

  So the strength of these players will be so different.

  And they didn't have much to say when they received Sadako's news, Sadako just said a word.

   "Come to slaughter the gods."

  So they ran over one by one.

  They all know that in the world where Sadako lives, even a cannon fodder below level 5 can be counted as a wild **** as long as he has his own rules.

  Even if Zhenzi deceived them and didn't take them to fight the great gods, and beat some wild gods and small gods, it would be a good harvest for them.

  If they are really planning to slaughter the gods, then Sadako has a complete grasp. Maybe they can really win a 19th-level myth level.

  Know that the closer to level 20, the harder it is to kill the gods. After reaching level 20, they can be transformed into tens of millions. Even if one place is dead, as long as their legend is still there, they can immediately be resurrected in other games.

  Even if the legend is suppressed, they will fall asleep at best, and there is no way to kill them easily.

As long as they wake up, they will find ways to improve their strength, and finally take revenge for themselves. No one wants to be targeted by a 20th-level god. Unless the enemy is great, most people will not go to the 20th level. The above gods are troublesome.

  So the 19th level is the most secure and safest level line for slaughtering the gods.

   Right now Sadako said to kill the gods, they would naturally think of the existence of level 19.

  And it happens that there is such an enemy in this world.

  Someone in front takes the lead, and there are big guys in Daguai. They just come and beat the drums. Why don't they come for such a good thing.

  So after Sadako sent the message, in addition to some players who have died, there are also some players who really can't come over, and all that can come.

  Of course, they enter the game at different locations, and they enter here as players, naturally they also have corresponding tasks. It is not Sadako who asked them to come over, and they have no tasks.

  So after entering the game, they must first come to Tokyo City to figure out the changes in Tokyo City over the past few hundred years.

  If there is a chance later, they may have to complete their tasks first, and then turn around to help Sadako.

   Regarding this situation, Sadako has no objection, and Sadako has not contacted two of her friends yet.

  In Sadako's words, only when these two friends are in place can they have a chance to fight Mihara God.

  Otherwise, no matter how many people are called, they won't have any chance of winning. After all, they are going to fight three 19th-level myths this time.

  Under such circumstances, Sadako is naturally willing to wait a little longer.

  Fortunately, Sadako also noticed that Liu Zhi had been waiting here for a long time.

  When she contacted the two friends, Sadako still did not forget Liu Zhi, and would secretly take Liu Zhi outside the Sumida District and introduce some players to Liu Zhi.

  All these players are players who entered the game one step in advance.

  Their strengths are as mentioned before, there are high and low, but they can play with Sadako, all of which are not simple roles.

  Among these people, Liu Zhi most values ​​a level 10 player.

  It can be seen from his level that he is a Paladin who has just stepped into the 10th level.

   But looking at him wearing an ordinary long windbreaker, biting a branch that looks like a cigar in his mouth, holding a silver two-handed hammer with a human head-sized diamond as a hammer head in his hand.

When    stood in front of Ryuuji, he looked up and down at Ryuuji.

   "A god? It seems that the battle this time is really not small."

  Yagiji could feel that the paladin did not have much light power in his body, but his thighs were filled with the breath of light and thunder.

  This kind of breath made Liu Zhi understand what happened to this Paladin who seemed to be a head taller than him.

  "The power you use is stimulating your body. Are you afraid that your body will not be able to resist it?"

  The Paladin said happily: "You can see all this, it's because I have suffered."

  Speaking of this, the Paladin pulled his long windbreaker, revealing a book hanging around his waist.

  Liu Zhi noticed that the book was a book made of gold, and the size of the book could be used as a brick to beat people.

  This golden book is engraved with some patterns and words familiar to Liu Zhi.

  "The Golden Sutra of the Sun?"

  The Paladin was even happier after hearing what Yanagi said.

  He said triumphantly: "Unexpectedly, I can get this, and there is this one."

  The Paladin spoke, flipping his hand, and a golden spear that can be picked out appeared in his hand.

  "I went to fight the pyramid of the Scorpion King. I was already level 14 at that time. Did you know that the Scorpion King is so perverted. Behind him is a 19th-level god, and that guy's strength is close to the 20th level.

  It's a trouble to fight.

  But the most troublesome is still one, that guy can actually deprive you of the power you get from the outside world.

  At that time, I was wearing a heavy helmet and using the power of light.

  As a result, as soon as the light power was deprived, I couldn't use any power. Wearing a heavy helmet, I couldn't move at all, and I was directly beaten to death on the spot.

  Fortunately, I have the Black Sutra of the Undead in my hand, and I escaped through this.

After   , I decided that the strength must be practiced by myself, and I can no longer borrow the strength of others.

  I abolished my level and re-trained from 1st level. I took the paladin route, but all the light and thunder power I learned was used to stimulate my muscles and wash my soul.

After   , I will challenge the Scorpion King at level 9. As you can see, my full set of equipment came from there. "

  (End of this chapter)

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