Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1425: The story of the paladin

  Chapter 1425 The Story of the Paladin

  The Paladin introduced this, and Yanagi also understood the situation of the Paladin.

   Liu Zhi still admires this kind of fierce man who is willing to start from scratch.

There are actually many players like   .

  After all, not all players can find the most suitable route for them from the beginning.

  Some players often find that their route is wrong after reaching level 10.

   If they bite the bullet and go down, they may not be able to hit the mythical level, and if they don’t bite the bullet and go down, they need to start all over again.

  So most players, when they find something is wrong at level 10, they will choose to seal some of their things, give up all their levels and start over.

  With the previous accumulation, coupled with the new direction or something, their growth rate will not be slower than before.

   And they have the previous insights, and at the same time they know the route they are going to take, so there will be no problems with the route in front of them.

  Often they have a chance to hit the mythical level once they wash white.

  It’s just that it’s relatively rare to see the one who has re-whitewashed from level 14 in front of him.

  After reaching at least level 14, those players will often hit level 15 to see if there is a chance.

  After all, after hitting level 15, they still have the opportunity to re-adjust themselves.

  And the paladin in front of him was obviously not a problem with the road, but suffered a second loss at some point.

  As a result, he started all over again, and he was able to walk a different path on the light route of the Paladin, and he was able to get through the hole to his place, which was considered a skill.

  Seeing the admiring look in Yanagiji's eyes, the Paladin was very proud.

"Actually, you don’t want to be a Necromancer. I see that you still have a natural aura. You just don’t have the courage. If you were like me, you would have the courage to cut down the path of the Necromancer from the beginning. Now there must be something different. direction."

  Liu Zhi shrugged. To talk about his growth process, it is a novel of nearly three million words, which cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

  Furthermore, his initial goal direction was not the same as it is now. It was just two opposite divinities. That was a route where the four divinities were mixed together. He didn't go down in the same way at that time.

  He doesn’t need to give up his efforts for so many years for others.

  Seeing Liu Zhi not speaking, the Paladin also understood that Liu Zhi had understood his own path, and even this path he had already cleared.

  The paladin frowned, staring at Liu Zhi and asked, "Which step have you taken?"

   "Yes, I am now at level 17, and I am moving towards a higher level. This road has been passed by me."

   Listening to what Yanagi said, the Paladin also took a cold breath, "It turns out to be a highness, I'm really sorry, I thought you were only level 14 now."

   "It's okay, the world is different. What you see is divine, and it's normal not to see high or low."

  Ryuzhi said casually. He was telling the truth. Since entering this world, he has not seen the level of other people's strength.

  In his eyes, everyone always feels like a 14th-level divine person.

  He can see the opponent's situation clearly at a glance unless the strength is so weak that he is only at the level below level 5.

  Everything else is chaotic among the divine.

   So that Liu Zhi simply treated everyone as a myth.

  This has also brought many benefits to Liu Zhi’s military training.

The troops brought by   Ryuzhi were organized at the beginning, as long as they came to maintain the battlefield.

  The unorganized units in the back are prepared to fight one by one.

  They treat all their enemies as mythical level. Although nothing can be seen in combat, the pressure on their minds makes their organization easy to take shape.

  Ryuzhi believes that as long as he fights here for a while, he will be able to produce a large number of undead legions.

  Of course, the corps created in this way may not have any special features, but for Ryuzhi, the uncharacterized corps can also be regarded as a corps.

  He has a plane to guard, and there will be all kinds of big battles afterwards, and he also took the people of the Ide family back this time, these people also need troops.

  In this way, the number of undead legions under his hand may not be enough. Later, when he needs to fight other planes, the legions that shot must be shot in hundred units.

  Yagiji could not release all his legions in one go.

  The most common legion, to the strength of Liu Zhi's subordinates, is actually a supplement.

  So these days, Ryuzhi has been quite happy to play the projections outside.

  He is not afraid to tell others that he is in this world, and he can’t see clearly.

   Hearing what Yanagi said, the Paladin nodded.

   "It's really like this. If you don't say it, I really didn't find it. When you say it, I can see it. It is really not that easy to guess the strength of the enemy in this world.

  When I was playing here before, I always rushed up directly. As a result, the enemies I encountered were sometimes too strong and sometimes too weak. If Sadako specifically asked me over this time, I really didn’t want to come here again. "

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi was also curious.

  He didn't expect that Sadako would have such a paladin friend, so Yanagi asked.

   "Oh, so you have a good relationship with Sadako, how did you meet? Mission?"

  Speaking of this, the Paladin recalled it.

"No, when I met Zhenzi before, she was just a child, a child full of spirituality. At that time, she was still alive. You don’t know when I saw her, I felt She is the daughter of nature.

  She is super spiritual, I thought I saw the sun descend from the sky at the time.

  It happened that I couldn't complete the task at that time, so I asked her to help me.

   And she didn’t agree at first, saying that she was going to class, didn’t you say this was a joke?

  But she helped me in the end, and I got in touch with her.

  Later I left this world, and then I received a letter from her, she said she was going to die.

  This shocked me, so I rushed over to look at her, only to find that she was killed and thrown into the well.

  I avenged her.

  After about a few years, she wrote to me again, saying that she was resurrected.

   But when I saw her again, she was already what she is now.

  No matter what, she will always be my friend. My friend is in trouble, so I naturally want to come and take a look. "

  "Have you seen Sadako during his lifetime?"

  Yagiji was very curious.

   "Of course, it wasn't me who was blowing with you. If it weren't for me to go fast, I might have taken her away."

   "Well, I believe that sentence." Liu Zhi patted the paladin on the shoulder and said.

  (End of this chapter)

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