Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1426: Sadako's licking dog

  Chapter 1426 Sadako's licking dog

  However, Liu Zhi’s belief did not last long, and soon as each player arrived, they all had a connection with Sadako in one way or another.

  There is a 13th-level necromancer, he is the first player to participate in the murder of Sadako.

  I heard from the Necromancer that he was less than level 5 at that time, and Sadako, who killed for the first time, had already surpassed level 5.

  And Sadako, who played for the first time, had a terrifying effect that exceeded the imagination of normal people.

  At that time, the Necromancer was almost scared to death. In the end, he even wondered for a while whether he was suitable to be a Necromancer.

  Later, the necromancer had no other way to choose. He came to this world again and challenged Sadako again.

  At that time, he was only 6th level, and he had some strength. When fighting with Sadako, he saw Sadako's face.

After   , there is no after.

  The Necromancer has become a very determined Necromancer. His goal is to transform himself into a ghost-like existence from the route of the Ghostman.

  It can be seen that the necromancer had some careful thoughts about Sadako.

   But his careful thoughts are of no use at all.

  Compared with the previous paladin, the strength of this necromancer is not a little bit worse.

  The paladin directly hit the 14th level and then started to practice again. It is now 10th level. Ryuzhi can see that the paladin possesses a very strong divinity.

  After rushing to level 14, his step will be quite simple.

  But the necromancer in front of him knew it was cannon fodder.

  The first time I saw Sadako, he was less than level 5, and when he wanted to chase Sadako, he was already level 6.

  Sadako has been in this world for so many years, and after being sealed for so many years, he is only level 11.

  I really don’t know how he got here over the years. If you have to give Liu Zhi two or three hundred years, he can definitely rush to level 19.

  Where will it be like now.

  Fortunately, the necromancer did not know Liu Zhi's complaints.

  After he came here, he directly took out a lot of toys and put them in front of Sadako.

   "Zhengzi sauce, this is what I have collected over the years, all for you."

  Liu Zhi looked at the cursed dolls and the little scarecrow toys that the Necromancer took out, and he felt that the world had become unknown to him.

  This is clearly a good combat game.

  How does it feel like the three views are not right.

  But the necromancer didn't take this situation into his eyes at all, he kept holding things out, as if his cuff was a treasure bag.

  The following things are really useless for the necromancer. They are clothes that can be worn for female ghosts, cosmetics that can be applied to female ghosts, and some rings that look very imaginary.

  Neither can these things improve their strength, nor can they bring any benefits to Sadako, at best they are better-looking.

  And Yanagi believes that these things are quite troublesome to collect.

  Like the gem on the ring, he couldn't make it.

  But the Necromancer took more and more, and he didn't know what he thought. From this point, we can see where the Necromancer spent all his time.

  As for the things brought out by the necromancer, Sadako was also a little speechless, but as a woman, even if she became a ghost, she still pursued beautiful things.

  She quickly put away the things she placed in front of her, and nodded to the Necromancer with satisfaction.

   "I knew you would come and help me."

   "That is, as long as Zhenzi-chan is willing, there is nothing for me to stay here."

   Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Zhi felt speechless.

  What kind of thing is this?

   But among the players who rushed over, there are still several such wonderful works.

  As soon as they appeared, the tense atmosphere of the battlefield was averted.

  Fortunately, Ryuzhi still remembers what to do.

  He simply did not look at those people's pursuit of Sadako, and did his own thing.

  Ryuzhi's mobility is not bad, especially to train his undead and undead heroes. As long as he releases the undead, he will be sent directly to the battlefield.

  As a result, the situation has changed.

  From the projection unit suppressing the Sumida area, it turned into a force under Yanagi and attacked the Sumida area.

  The projection troops simply cannot withstand such pressure, although they can continuously release batches of troops out.

  But it takes time for their troops to refresh.

  On the contrary, Liu Zhi's men are all kinds of undead, each time they are sent out in tens of thousands.

  After releasing 10,000 undead troops, Liu Zhi will cast several heroes into these undead.

   "With these undead shocks, either these undead will all die in battle, or you will form a formation, otherwise you will not come back."

  Under this order, Liu Zhi didn't care where the undead troops had killed.

   So wave after wave of undead rushed into Tokyo like a tide.

Of course, the undead who rushed in were not of high level, most of them were around level 3 undead, and they did not have much advantage in number, so the three rivers near the Sumida area were piled with undead and projected corpses. .

  Liu Zhi couldn't stand it anymore. He simply released some spider troops out and asked them to go to the river to fish for corpses.

  After these corpses are recovered, they will all be processed again, and the ones that can be used will be sent back to Liu Zhi’s personal space, transferred to the plane of Ide and then transformed.

  If it is useless, it will be used as a material to prepare some undead rituals that can be used on the spot.

  There are enough corpses these days, but Liu Zhi has been carrying various materials to experiment with undead magic.

  All kinds of natural magic with undead attributes are being formed in the research of Yuji. This is exactly how Yuji, through such intense battles, is studying some magic that he has never thought of before.

  All the magic of the previous Yanagiji was all considered for battle.

  He never thought about it. In fact, there is another thing called combat magic. Even if he had such a foundation, he didn't think about it in this direction.

  It's different now.

  Ryuzhi is now entering a large-scale battle, and there are tens of thousands of people fighting every day.

  Yagiji also found that the battle magic of some heroes is very interesting.

  This battle magic can strengthen your own troops and weaken enemy troops.

  In this plus and minus, the strength of both parties will also undergo many changes.

  And all this, Ryuzhi can also do it.

  So he started some experiments of his own, wanting to master some super large-scale battle magic.

  (End of this chapter)

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