Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1427: Contacted

  Chapter 1427 I've contacted someone

On the tenth day after the Battle of Sumida District, Sadako’s friends were almost there. Ryuzhi’s troops had already entered several districts nearby, and the total number of troops he released had reached more than 300,000. people.

  Among these 300,000 people, except for the legion that was taken out of the town at the beginning, all the others are free-range undead.

  This is all the undead forces that Liu Zhi can send here at the first time. No matter how many undead forces, Liu Zhi's plane can be mobilized, but it will take time.

  In the game, time is the least valuable. The time in the game is not balanced with the time in the plane. It may be that the troops on the plane of Ryuzhi are mobilized, and the game here is over.

  So this is the limit of Ryuuji's release of troops this time.

  However, all the heroes under Liu Zhi who were not assigned to the army and had no jobs were released by Liu Zhi.

  There are nearly a hundred heroes here, and they are mixed among the 300,000 undead, each of whom must control at least 3,000 undead.

  For them, this is both pressure and challenge.

  They happily combined with each other, exchanging formed teams, and cooperated with each other to fight together.

  Some new legions have slowly begun to form during the battle.

  Now Ryuzhi runs to the battlefield every day, on the one hand to observe the formation and changes of these legions, on the other hand, he is also experimenting with the battle magic he has just researched there.

  Yagiji's initial direction has not been out of the idea of ​​using attack magic at the beginning.

  His first battle magic was chain lightning.

  The power is large and the scope is also large. Often, once the blow goes down, there is nothing under Liu Zhi's.

   However, Liu Zhi found that even with the blessing of Death Featherbone, he could not always use Chain Lightning.

  This kind of battle magic actually enlarges the lightning attack by many times, and its consumption is also many times larger.

  As far as Ryuuji's current magic power is, he can only support such an attack about ten times at most.

  Of course, Liu Zhi is not worried about his magic power. After reaching the myth level, his magic power recovery speed has also increased a lot.

  The problem that Liu Zhi worries about is that the blame has been beaten by himself, so what kind of mixed experience does he rely on.

  To know the enemies that can be directly killed by chain lightning, Liu Zhi has no experience from them.

  And Liu Zhi released the undead to improve their strength, not to get some cheerleaders to watch the game.

  So Ryuzhi quickly changed his plan, and he changed his plan.

  Strengthen the combat power of the soldiers and weaken the combat power of the enemy.

  Strengthening the combat power of the soldiers, this is not the research direction of Liu Zhi, but weakening the enemy's combat power, Liu Zhi will be a lot of curses.

  As soon as the large-scale curse is put down, the effect will come out immediately.

  Ryuzhi's strength is relatively strong, and most of the curses are the routine magic of the undead, which is very convenient for researching.

   Soon Ryuzhi came up with several curses that are suitable for use on the battlefield.

  At this time, Liu Zhi also understood one thing, the battle magic needs to specialize in an effect.

  Don’t be so expensive.

  Yagiji initially thought of combining several curses to use.

   Now it seems that this is not good, so although the effect of several curses will have, but they will all be weak.

  That would be better than letting Liu Zhi use a curse alone.

  Among these curses, Liu Zhi likes to use the Curse of Blindness and Curse of Weakness the most. The blindness curse can make the enemy invisible to the surrounding situation, so that their attacks will be chaotic, allowing Liu Zhi's men to take advantage of it.

  After all, this game is not the kind of fighting style where everyone is all together.

   will form a kind of melee instead.

  If they can’t see the surroundings while fighting, either they will stop and wait for a counterattack, or they will hack everything around.

  No matter what, this will cause confusion for those people.

  So this kind of blindness curse can often turn the battle situation into Liu Zhi's advantage.

  As for the curse of weakness, it’s better to understand it. If a curse continues, the enemy's combat power will be directly weakened by one third.

  No matter which battle you are in, this can play a key role.

After mastering the curses of these two campaign levels, Liu Zhi began to study other curses.

  Yagiji’s idea, there are many curses suitable for use on the battlefield.

  But he hasn't worked it out yet, Sadako has already approached the door.

   "His Royal Highness Sandro, I have contacted my two companions and have made an agreement with them, and they have also agreed to our plan."

   "Okay, when shall we leave?"

  Yiu Zhi stopped studying as soon as he heard it. He began to give orders to his heroes to prepare them for battle.

   didn't want Sadako but said, "My two companions said they want to see the people I recruited, so you can go with me."

  Ryuzhi frowned, isn't it just a matter of direct action?

  Why do you want to see someone again?

  However, all those people who came here because of Sadako were talking excitedly.

   "Okay, okay, let's go meet the two adults together."

  Ryuzhi also didn't want to refuse their kindness, so he prepared to go with him.

  Sadako only then said about the identities of her two friends.

  "The two of them are actually very good, but their situation is a bit troublesome. On the Fu Jiang Jiang side, everyone wants to kill her and wants to kill her many times. Now we can't solve it.

  So when you see her, don't take any action against her.

  The other is Mimiko. She is the youngest of the three of us, but her strength is not weak at all. If you underestimate her, you will suffer a lot. "

  Yagiji knows a little bit about Japanese movies.

  As soon as I heard these two names, Fu Jiang was matched.

  But Mimiko, he thought for a long time, but he really didn’t know who it was.

  Actually, in Ryuzhi's thoughts, shouldn't it be Kayako who can be at the same level as Sadako and Tomoe?

  How could this be a beautiful child?

  Looking at Liu Zhi wanting to ask, but not daring to ask, Sadako said, "Is there any problem?"

   "I just want to know, shouldn't you and Tomie be on the same level as Kayako? What's the situation with this Mimiko?"

"Kayako is at the same level as me, but our route is different. The Kayako people are better. As long as she stays in her own house and doesn’t mess with her, she will not come out. The situation of the three of us is Different.

  So the relationship between the three of us will be better. "

  Speaking of this, Sadako paused for a while and said: "In your terms, Kayako is Kane, and we are characters like Impris and Tyrell."

  (End of this chapter)

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