Necromantic Myth

Chapter 172: The Efforts of the Spinning Spider Girl

  Chapter 172 The Efforts of the Spinning Spider Girl

   Seeing Liu Zhi coming over, Fangming Spider Girl greeted her with a smile. Liu Zhi glanced at the nearby situation and was startled in her heart.

  He didn't expect that Fangming Spider Girl would learn from the underworld ecosystem, and created a relatively small but richer ecosystem here.

   Compared to the three underworld ecosystems in Liu Zhi's hands that have not yet been upgraded, this ecosystem can be said to be quite powerful.

The entire underworld ecosystem was built around the weird corpse in the forward base. Of course, a medium-sized and a small space in the corpse was not occupied by the spider girl, but the rest of the space was different. The corpse was all inside and outside. Spinning spider women planted mushrooms, and they were all poisonous ones.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that this kind of planting has been extended to the mercury mine, even in front of the mercury mine is already full of this mushroom environment.

  A large number of spiders ran back and forth under the mushrooms. They seemed to be collecting something. Ryuuji noticed that these spiders had clearly begun to classify.

  The most common type of spider is a spider with a black skull pattern on its back. Liu Zhi can see it at a glance. This spider is affected by the atmosphere of the underworld and belongs to a more orthodox existence.

  The rest of the spiders look weird. Some have mushrooms on their backs, some look like the hairs on their backs are powdered inside, and there are others with mercury **** on their toes.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's gaze, the face of Fangming Spider Girl was full of excitement.

"You see, I used the method I used. In fact, this method works well, but you have done it too carefully. If you follow my method, you can quickly pull it out. When a troop comes, you shouldn't think about how strong those troops are at the beginning. The troops are upgraded one after another. You have to improve the environment. This is how you see it.

Look at this mercury mine. I put down the underworld ecosystem here. Not only can I train a lot of different spiders, but also don’t waste any mercury. And here, have you seen it? It’s about to be deployed here. There are a lot of mushrooms. Would you believe that there are many spiders under this mushroom?

  Seriously, this is really a good method. I have a feeling that as long as you can turn the entire underworld into your own ecosystem, you will become the **** of this underworld. "

Liu Zhi’s eyes lit up with the words of the Spider Girl Wenming. He suddenly raised his head and glanced at the Netherworld Underworld. Suddenly he felt that the Netherlight Underworld in front of him would be like the Spider Girl Wenming. The whole world was something. A player’s ecosystem in the underworld.

  When Liu Zhi looked at the Underworld, the Underworld was also paying attention to him. In the next moment, Liu Zhi only felt that his eyes seemed to be stimulated. No matter what he looked at, they were multi-colored.

  This situation made him startled, he didn't dare to look any more, but lowered his head and looked at the Spider Woman Fangming.

  "How is your situation now, how long will it take to build here?"

"Just wait for the road here to be paved. The mine has been built. I have arranged for the spiders to go down. Speaking of the spider webs to salvage mercury is the most suitable. The miner zombies you sent are useless at all. Only dig stones there."

   "Where is the forward base?"

  Yagiji glanced at the situation on the advancing base, "What are your plans here?"

"I have already figured out the usefulness of the two large vacancies. For the medium-sized vacant land, I am planning to build a place for mercury extraction and processing. This design drawing is up to you. Of course, it is reasonable for you to sell the mercury. Yes, as long as the road is open, the corresponding mercury will be delivered every day. I want a processing and refining plant to extract other substances in mercury. I have seen that there are other metals in the mercury. Just refining it. It can be refined.

  Small open space. I plan to build a small barracks. It is estimated that some professional troops will be trained here. I don’t have a suitable design plan. You have to find a way.

   By the way, I need spider-related design drawings for this training barracks. I have so many spiders here. It would be a shame if I can’t use them. "

  The Spinning Spider Girl was not polite with Liu Zhi at all, she made a lot of demands.

  Ryuzhi is not the kind of person who is led away, he also put forward his own opinions.

   "I will arrange three brigade troops here when I arrive. What troops do you need, and will the supplies be enough."

"Of course it's enough. I told you that there is everything to eat here. Have you seen it? The mushrooms and spiders here are all suitable foods. If the spiders grow up, the raw materials for weapons and equipment will also be available. Don't worry about the troops sent here."

   "So are there any dangerous enemies nearby? Have you explored the surrounding area? Are there any other mines besides the mercury mine?"

"Yes, yes, don’t look at me with only such a small spider here. Actually, I sent a lot of troops to explore the road. I have been in all directions except the direction that I am going to pave. I’ll believe it. There is a ground worm over there some distance to the east."

   Ground Worm?

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and Fang Ming Spider Girl dragged Liu Zhi to the east. After walking a certain distance, Liu Zhi noticed that the ground seemed to become a little fluffy, as if she had walked from the ground to the beach.

   "Yes, the earthworm is here, look."

   Spinning Spider Girl said, a group of spiders rushed out.

Those spiders were not big. After rushing out for a certain distance, the ground shook, and then the ground suddenly sank inward. A giant worm with countless sharp teeth came out of the ground and removed all the spiders. Swallowed it in.

Liu Zhi saw the whole picture of that kind of worm from a distance. The mouth of the thing is like a petal, which can be opened and closed freely. When opened the largest, it will be nearly ten square meters in size, but after shrinking, there will be at most one. People thickness.

  After watching the groundworm retract into the soil, Liu Zhi flashed some thoughts quickly in his mind, "Have you tried to spread the spider web on the ground?"

   "Yes, but in the end I found out that that guy's power is quite strong, we can't beat it."

   "Then think of another way. We can't bring some water over. This should be a good thing. We have to grab some back."

  Liu Zhi said as he spoke, and while following the spider woman Fangming, he went to look at the things he found in several other directions.

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  (End of this chapter)

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