Necromantic Myth

Chapter 173: Unintentional discovery

  Chapter 173 Unintentional Discovery

  Compared to the huge sandworms and mercury mines, there are not too good things in the other places. What Liu Zhi saw was just like the underworld he had imagined, the empty field, scattered white bones.

  Those bones are quite speechless, no matter how Liu Zhi moves, there is no way to pick them up.

  Liu Zhi knows that these bones are affected by the underworld, which is the background of the whole world. If he had not succeeded in finding a job at the beginning, he should be part of the background of the world.

   is also not right, you may embark on the path of a blood warrior, or be an ordinary person honestly.

   But thinking about the current crisis that may occur in this city, Liu Zhi couldn't help but sigh. In fact, ordinary people are also very good.

In a small circle surrounded by white bones and skulls, Liu Zhi watched the spider woman Fangming introduce there, "This is the farthest place I have traveled. No matter how far away I have not started to explore, this small circle should be An altar that has been left behind, as long as I meditate here, the rate of magic recovery will be about twice as fast."

Liu Zhi was a little curious. He stood here and felt it for a while. He could feel it. There was a strong Yin Qi coming up from the small circle. If some people say, this is a good house, or What a ghost here.

  But it affects the speed of magic recovery during meditation, which is obviously impossible.

  While thinking, Liu Zhi sat down and started to meditate.

  The idea of ​​the Eye of Laxia used by Liuzhi is to imitate Laxia to become an eagle flying in the sky, flying through the world during the day, and flying through the underworld at night.

  So when he was meditating, Liu Zhi didn't see everything from his own perspective, but from the sky. At this moment, Liu Zhi seemed to see the nearby terrain.

   "It's so easy to use, this kind of thing is best for star positioning."

  When Liu Zhi's mind was confused, the meditation ended naturally. Liu Zhi didn't meditate to restore his mana, he just wanted to feel the feeling of the spider girl.

  But now it’s different. Ryuzhi stood up and drew on the ground with the death rod.

"We are in this position now. You sent people to inquire in this direction. I saw a city hidden in the shadows there, but I didn’t see if there were anyone in it, so you should be careful, even if you let those The guy is dead, don't reveal our position."

  Looking at Liu Zhi's serious look, the Spider Girl Fangming nodded her head honestly for the first time, and wrote down the map that Liu Zhi had drawn.

   Then Liu Zhi wiped the map on the ground so much that nothing happened.

"You are staring here. I will send follow-up troops. In addition, I will also send you the things you want. By the way, you can build a fast lane. Flying spots are okay. Other methods are also okay. Every time you come over. It takes me half a day, which is a bit troublesome."

  "I have an idea about this, my plan is..."

  "You can handle it yourself. I will leave first. Remember the things in that city. If you find anything, report it to me directly."

  After talking, Liu Zhi took the death rod and walked on the way he came.

  On the way back, Liu Zhi saw some ghosts with some marks on their eyebrows heading towards the Hades.

  All those souls that were processed by Liu Zhi's own hands, they are protected by Liu Zhi. After entering the underworld, they will automatically appear near Liu Zhi's Netherworld and head towards Liu Zhi's Nether Palace.

  Ryuzhi will also arrange a place for them to live, about once every six months, and send them to Wilde’s ghost town.

  This is a way that has been inherent in the southern swamp plane for thousands of years, and even Liu Zhi can't change anything.

  It was the same this time. Ryuzhi just glanced at the souls and started to go around them.

  But after walking a few steps, Liu Zhi glanced at the souls again, and there was an idea in his heart for some reason.

  Forget it, they are dead anyway, so just take them.

  Yagiji moved his hand to bring those souls with him.

  The way he brings the soul is also relatively simple. Just pull it directly and place it in the altar of the Hades on his waist, where he can store some souls, and when they are in the Hades, they can be released automatically.

  Ryuzhi felt like he had done a good deed, and the pace of progress was obviously stronger.

  On the next road, he encountered two waves of such souls, and Liu Zhi didn't think much about it, so he took them directly to the altar of the Hades.

  Anyway, such a big thing happened today, and the souls of more than 300 people, the waves that I have seen along the way are still relatively small.

  But when he was about to reach the palace, Liu Zhi collected his soul smoothly, and raised his hand to recruit to the group of souls.

  Most of the souls flew to the altar of Liu Zhi's Nether Palace, but there was one soul, but they were not affected by Liu Zhi.

  At this time, Liu Zhi and the soul were all stunned.

  Riu Zhi's reaction was quick, and he raised the death rod in his hand and smashed it at the soul.

  Only then did the soul react, and the soul that was smashed exploded on the spot, sending out something similar to a signal to the sky.

  The signal is like a flower made up of huge white bones, and it hasn’t dissipated in the sky for a long time.

  Liu Zhi saw this situation and instantly understood what it was like.

  Some people are in the soul, and they are inquiring about where the players’ ghost town is.

  It’s no wonder that after so many people die every day, the ghost town of the corpse officer in the jurisdiction where it is located that day will be attacked. This is basically to locate and deal with it internally.

  Even Ryuzhi still has an idea, after entering the ghost town of the players, will this soul release clues such as the defense in the ghost town?

  A little too much, will it affect other souls?

   Thinking of this, Ryuzhi was also a little nervous. He stepped forward and appeared directly in front of Mander, "We may encounter an attack. Are these troops enough to defend the city?"

"Not enough." Mander also saw the flowers made of white bones in the sky. Fortunately, he did not enter the Hades. This is the best news for Ryuzhi, but now Mander does not have enough troops. Defending the city is somewhat powerless.

  "You are here to guard, if you can, you can drag it for a while, and I will take care of the rest."

  Ryuzhi said as he took Vidnina and left the Hades.

  After returning to his basement, Ryuzhi said to Vidnina: "You are here to guard, if you find anything, tell me immediately, I'll go and find someone to help now."

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  (End of this chapter)

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