Necromantic Myth

Chapter 175: common sense

  Chapter 175 Common Sense

   Less than half an hour after Victor and the others were in place, at about night in the real world, the first batch of enemies finally appeared within the control of Liu Zhiming Palace.

  At this time, the road construction troops and skeleton farmers outside Liuzhi city all withdrew back to the city.

  So when those enemies appeared, Liu Zhi saw the enemy almost immediately.

Compared with the large number of skirmishers in Ryuzhi Castle, the enemy’s troops seemed to be organized. All the skeleton soldiers that appeared this time were exactly the same, but before the phalanx of 60 people, there was one holding a battle flag. exist.

  Their battle flags are also quite unified, all of them are petals made of white bones, with the words 1-20 engraved on them.

   "Twenty 60-man phalanx, this is just the most basic cannon fodder unit, it seems that the enemy is stronger."

Liu Zhi looked at the situation in front of him. There were only 1,200 skeleton soldiers, not enough to encircle his Hades, but thinking about the number of troops he had now, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head. He is now The only difference is time. His accumulation is still too little. If he is given a year, he can really pull up his troops forcibly.

  Is it possible that he needs to play the game again?

  Maybe this is a good idea. If he can strengthen his troops, he might not lead outsiders to his city next time he encounters such a thing.

  It feels really uncomfortable to see a group of soldiers out of their control in the city.

  When Ryuzhi was depressed, Victor and the troops he had brought out of the city attacked the enemies.

  They have a total of only 20 people. Not everyone has a staff with 60 people, and part of their staff is 30 people.

  It can be said that there are not as many people here as the skeleton soldiers, but when they attack, they bring a lot more momentum than those skeleton soldiers.

Returning to the city wall, Liu Zhi saw those people rushing into the skeleton soldiers for the first time. Not to mention their own ability, even the men they brought with them also had good swordsmanship or combat power. One pick two may not work, but when the big army fights, they can kill the enemy faster.

  As a result, the whole situation turned into Victor's side beating against the enemy, making Ryuzhi frowned involuntarily.

   "You also feel it wrong?" Mander asked.

   "Also?" Liu Zhi was a little surprised.

   "This wave is just a cannon fodder of the enemy, but their situation is obviously wrong."

   "???" Liu Zhi was still studying, he didn't understand the meaning of Mande's words.

"There is too much cannon fodder. Normally, the cannon fodder should be released by refueling tactics. What I mean is not that they need to come in waves, but when the enemy attacks, they should have a sense of hierarchy, but They are not like this here. Instead, they fight and retreat, seeming to want to draw people out of our sphere of influence."

  Under Mander's guidance, Liu Zhi almost saw the situation inside.

  Sure enough, he found that the enemy was pulling those people out of the range of influence of Hades.

Before Liu Zhi gave a new order, Mander said to the bone guards on the Shangyi city wall: "Prepare to shoot and kill the skeleton soldiers. I know that skeleton soldiers have a certain immunity to long-range attacks and piercing attacks. But now you see the following situation. If you don’t shoot or kill those skeleton soldiers, your companions will be affected and even led out. I don’t know if there is any ambush outside, but..."

Listening to Mander’s words, Liu Zhi was somewhat curious. He always felt that the undead had no morale. Why Mander seemed to be doing pre-war mobilizations, and his pre-war mobilizations were not right. Normally not all. Riding a horse in front of the battlefield and roaring twice?

But for some reason, Liu Zhi felt that the bone guards understood the situation inside. They roared under their hands just like Liu Zhi thought. They started to act and stood on the top of the city wall. With their respective long-range weapons, such as bows, arrows, crossbows, firearms, and the like, aiming at the bottom is a wave of attacks.

  This wave of attacks did not cause any damage to the skeleton soldiers. Normally, they had to wait for the enemy's most critical troops to appear, such as flying troops or powerful attacking troops.

  But under Mander's strong request, they had to shoot a wave of arrows.

  Looking at these bone guards with satisfaction, Mander was about to say something. At this time, Liu Zhi said: "Send all the arrows up and replenish them with ammunition."

  Mander hesitated for a moment without speaking, and watched as some undead laborers carried a large number of arrows to the city wall.

  Ryuzhi did this, and he also got the favor of the bone guards. They didn't let their men sit idle, and went into the ground for a little arrow or two.

  At this time, Victor also understood what was happening to them, and was directing the troops to retreat.

   Seeing that there was no way to lead Victor out of the city, other troops hidden outside the accessible position drove in.

This time there are more troops. There are 28 groups of skeleton soldiers of the same size. They are commanded by four commanders who look a bit like heroes. It can be seen that they are the same as those before. Some are different.

  The zombies of the 7 battalions came out. They are no longer the cannon fodder units as before. The zombies of the 7 battalions have their own classifications and seem to have different fighting methods.

  Furthermore, the formations began to become chaotic and diminished. There were ghosts and vampires, but not many, and the number of each team was about 30, and there were also corpses. There were only two teams, each with 10 people.

But what Liu Zhi noticed was not this, but in this team, there were a total of seven people with weird vibes. Their vibes affected the undead on the battlefield. Liu Zhi seemed to be able to see their feet flashing. The moving halo, and at the same time the undead under their influence also have this halo phantom.


  Yagiji took a long breath, "Mander, what do you think?"

   "They have ten heroes in total."

  Mander said this, and Liu Zhi was also taken aback, "How do you know?"

  "This is a reorganized legion, a legion with ten heroes. This is common sense. You can see that there is no there, there is the logo of the legion, we have fought some of this battle."

  However, at this time, Ryuzhi had no intention of responding to Mander. His thoughts were all based on the common sense just mentioned. Ten heroes of a legion, you said this is common sense, why I don't know at all.

  (End of this chapter)

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