Necromantic Myth

Chapter 176: Go to war

  Chapter 176

   Regardless of whether the situation is the common sense of the necromancers, the current situation is enough to make Liu Zhi vigilant.

  He suddenly appeared on the battlefield. At this time, Victor and his men were slowly retreating towards the wall of Liu Zhiming Palace.

   Seeing Ryu Zhi appear, Victor's face is also a little serious, "You are in trouble, this is an independent legion that is reorganized, not to mention, there are ten main heroes, and the next battle will be a little difficult."

  Although he told Ryuzhi that the battle was difficult to fight, Victor's expression was somewhat relaxed. It can be seen that he is still very confident about his situation.

"Do you have any idea?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

"They are just heroes, not players. Don’t worry. Only the army commanded by the player is troublesome. The player Necromancer knows how to protect himself. These heroes are different. They are just the middle level arranged by the player. They are Those who don't have the right to use personal soldiers are like the corpse soul naga around you."

  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, turned his head and glanced at Vednina, who had already rushed to her side, and said with some doubt: "You said she..."

"Very standard guards, your choice is good. Undead creatures like the Soul Naga are suitable for guards. It is good that they can fight melee, but how many enemies can a Soul Naga defeat? Let her guard you By your side is the best control of the battle."

Victor said solemnly, and at the same time, he looked at the battlefield. "These are all heroes of the main battle. There are no guards around them, so I plan to borrow a part of the force, plus your wall, to protect the enemy Bring out all the forces of, so that I will bring a few masters to kill the heroes of the main battle, this matter will be solved, by the way, when the war starts, you can turn on your soul tower to its maximum power. All the souls who died in battle, whether it was yours or theirs, were all sucked away.

  This is very important and the key to the whole battle. "

  Yagiji is not a fool. When Victor said this, he took another look at the enemies in front of him. He found that among those enemies, there was a guy who looked like a ghost.

   "You mean that ghost?"

   "Yes, ghosts can directly transform killed enemies into new ghosts on the battlefield. If you can't take all the souls away, the battlefield will soon be occupied by ghosts."

  Ryuzhi also understood that if such a thing happened, what the whole Hades would be like, he nodded and said: "I will turn the power of the soul tower to the maximum, but on your side..."

  "They are the same, but if my brothers die, after the battle is over, you have to send their souls up, don't let them die in vain."

  Liu Zhi heard it and understood that whether it was a necromancer or a death knight, as long as they had not reached a certain level, they had no chance of resurrection.

  If you die, no matter where you die, you may die directly.

  As for where their final soul will return, it depends on them.

  Instead, it is the heroes and the servants of the undead. They are the undead. As long as their master does not die, there is a chance of resurrection.

  When Ryuji thought about this situation, the battle over there had already begun.

  Among the ten enemy heroes, four are the Skeleton King commanding the cannon fodder skeleton soldiers at the front line. In this battle, they are also the first to rush up.

   "Go back to your wall, pay attention to the ghost hero, and leave the rest to us."

  Victor waved to Ryuuji as if they were the masters of the city.

  Yagiji did not speak, and a flash appeared beside Mander.

   "You stare here, be careful, if there is something wrong, you can call all the troops in the city at will."

When    said this, Liu Zhi suddenly raised his head, and he saw something appeared in the sky.

  Mander also saw the enemy in the sky. In this kind of siege, either the city wall was to be destroyed, and the sling and the cyclops that would throw stones would be the main force in the siege.

   Either attack from the sky, so that the flying troops will become the main force in the battle.

  The main battle heroes of the other side also know this. They dispatched their flying troops at the first time, some vampires that can turn into bats and some flying ghosts that are not very high.

   "The Gargoyle troops are ready to attack, and the beholders turn on the detection ability to prevent the enemy from sneaking in. You are ready. The target is flying. Just shoot."

  Under Mander’s command, the wall moved quickly. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Liu Zhi turned around and appeared at the Soul Resurrection Tower.

   "It's a bit of a hassle to not have a soul tower at this time, I hope the effect of the soul tower is the same."

   Speaking of Liu Zhi, he fully used his mana and controlled the soul-suppression tower with all his strength.

  With the injection of Liu Zhi’s mana, a purple ray of light spreads around the soul-suppressing tower, dyeing the entire palace and the outer battlefield purple.

  Of course, this kind of purple is only a momentary thing. After a moment, the purple disappears, and everyone seems to have nothing happened. Only the sweat of Liu Zhi's head, just like this, the magic in his body was forcibly taken away.

  Yagiji glanced at Vednina, who was coming to her side, "You protect me, and let Letoz hide it, so that no one will find it, I need to meditate."

  Riu Zhi closed his eyes after speaking. At this time, he was still safe, at least in the palace, no one could hurt him.

  At the moment of meditation, Liu Zhi felt like he was flying into the air again, flying towards the outside from the center of his palace.

  When flying over some places, Liu Zhi would look to the ground. He noticed the battle outside the palace, the tension on the walls, and the calm in the palace.

  All this is not what Liu Zhi cares about. At this time, he meditates to restore his magic power.

  Fortunately, it doesn’t take long for Laxia’s eyes to think about it, as long as you follow Laxia’s eyes and make a circle in the sky.

  Liu Zhi is the same. He meditated very seriously this time, starting from his own palace, and finally returning to the palace.

   Just when he felt his magic power recovered and was about to put away and meditate and stand up, he suddenly saw something different at the back of the battlefield.

  There is a strange-looking undead there. He is not a main battle hero or a soldier. Instead, beside him, there is a corpse Naga similar to Vidnina guarding him.

    Today chapter 5, the fourth chapter has been added, please support me!



  (End of this chapter)

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