Necromantic Myth

Chapter 186: The Expedition of the Shadow City (40 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 186 The Expedition of the Shadow City (40 monthly ticket plus more)

In the next few days, the city of Adal Malik was unexpectedly calm. Every day, except for his necessary work, Ryuzhi didn't even show the door. He kept soaking in the Hades to fight the shadow city. prepare.

During this period of time, he has been replenishing the lost troops through the mass graves. Until now, Liu Zhi has spawned a group of golden skeletons, two groups of ordinary skeleton soldiers, two groups of skeleton shooters, and one A squadron of skeleton spearmen and a squadron of ceremonial skeletons.

  On the zombie side, Ryuzhi only used a group of plague zombies, a group of claws and walking corpses, plus some skirmishers.

  Of course, all of these are not organized and unsystematic.

If the current number is not insufficient, Ryuzhi even wants to organize all the troops into two brigades. He feels that this battle in the Shadow City will most likely be his best opportunity to train combat troops. .

As for the servants of the undead, the two corpse soul naga must be brought, and Letotz was also brought. After all, it is a shadow city. As an assassin, he is more suitable for that place. In addition, the spider girl should also bring She sent so many spiders out, and she knew a little bit about the Shadow City.

Finally, Liu Zhi also brought some Dead Lake murlocs and rot-skin cannibals. From the Dead Lake murlocs, Liu Zhi brought all agile existences. They had already trained in the Bekaa Sword Hall and had mastered them. The power of dark night stabbing swordsmanship is only the last step before becoming a professional.

  Ryuzhi is to bring them to the battlefield, using the blood and fire on the battlefield to push them out of this last step.

As for the defensive work of the Underworld, it was naturally handed over to Mander. In this battle, he also got a lot of benefits. He can guarantee that as long as it is not the enemy of the previous legion, he can guarantee the underworld. Safety.

With a sufficient amount of troops, Liu Zhi quickly came to the forward base. Since the road was cleared, it only took one and a half hours to come from Hades, and the mined mercury has been sent to Hades. In the palace, it was sent out by a smuggling boat.

  With the support of mercury, there are already many more murloc eggs in the water-deficient lake. This is why Liu Zhi has the courage to bring out all the agile dead lake murlocs.

  Even if they all die here, the impact on Liu Zhi will not be too great.

After taking the troops to rest at the forward base, Liu Zhi dispatched troops quickly. He didn't have much time. After all, he had work to do every day, so he could put the lamp oil in several important places in advance. , But he cannot take away the souls of those who are about to die in advance. It is his important task to deal with the souls of the dead in the jurisdiction every day.

  Today, he deliberately handled the souls in advance, so that he could take a long time to conquer the shadow city in front of him.

  So he doesn’t have so much free time to rest here.

The road to the shadow city is not as easy to walk as the road from the Hades to the advance base. The Spinning Spider Girl did not build the road here at all, plus there are some slow-moving zombies in the Ryuzhi team. The speed of their party has obviously slowed down a lot.

  About three hours later, Liu Zhi and the others came to a clearing under the leadership of the Fangming Spider Girl.

  Ryuzhi saw that city from the sky, so he knew that he had arrived in that city as soon as he compared what he saw from the sky.

  But at this moment, there is an empty piece of land, and there is no shadow of the city at all.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi did not ask, nor did Fangming Spider-woman say that Letoz actually stood up on his own initiative. He did not have a chin, but he still spoke smoothly, "It's very interesting. I actually hid the city in In the shadows, and the size and angle of each shadow are still different, you need to look at the time to get in. The most important thing is that when you come out, the place you come out is also different."

   "No need." Liu Zhi said calmly, "No need to look at the time."

Speaking of Liu Zhi thrusting the death rod into the ground, the sun crystal on the top of the rod glowed, and it happened to shine on a stone in front of him. Following the light, a shadow appeared on the back of the stone, and the shadow slowly moved towards The front stretch has become a path in the eyes of everyone.

   "This stick will always be inserted here, so the road is always open."

  Yagiji thought for a while, and then hit his death rod with a magic, which was the hallmark of the space magic starry sky. This is a way for him to leave a retreat, and he could come back here at any time.

After doing all this, Liu Zhi drew out the thin thorn sword. Although his death rod was inserted out of the shadow, his left hand was still occupied by a position, and he could not dual wield weapons. A thin thorn sword is already quite remarkable.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi is also used to rushing forward with a long sword, and it is not a trouble for him not to take the death staff.

  After the shadow channel came out, Letots entered the shadow for the first time, and then the Spinner Spider Girl went in, and then Liu Zhi's large troops entered the shadow channel in batches.

   Entering this shadow channel, Liu Zhi only felt that everything in front of him seemed quite weird, it seemed that there was a little chaos up and down, sometimes there was light coming through, but there was no shadow, and sometimes the ground was made up of countless shadows.

  Even Letots didn’t feel like a fish in the water here, and the Spinner Spiderwoman was even more so, where she kept talking about some problems.

  "Be careful, this side is piled up by four shadows. We must not step on it. If we step on it, we may be sent to where."

Liu Zhi controlled the troops, bypassing dangerous places little by little, but he felt like he was going down. This is a very strange thing. They are already in the underworld. Where is this going down, hell? ?

   Just when Liu Zhi was puzzled, something seemed to flash in the sky.

  "Be careful, this is the farthest position my spiders have traveled. It is the things in the sky that caused my spiders to lose severely."

   "What is the sky?" Liu Zhi asked curiously.

"It's not clear. It seems to be a big octopus-like thing. I specifically looked for spiders to check, but in the end nothing was found. The thing moved through the shadows. As long as you don’t stand on the shadows, It won't be affected, but this is the last few steps of the entire passage, but how dangerous it is, we must step on it."

  (End of this chapter)

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