Necromantic Myth

Chapter 187: Shadow entrance

  Chapter 187 Shadow Entrance

   "The skeleton soldier moves forward."

  At this moment, Liu Zhi knew that he had to stand up, and he immediately issued the order.

  A group of skeleton soldiers took their weapons and moved forward quickly.

  Ryuzhi ignored the actions of the skeleton soldiers, and his attention was all over the shadows.

  He noticed that when the skeleton soldiers stepped into the shadow, their bodies quickly turned black. At the same time, something seemed to fall from the sky and hugged the skeleton soldiers and lifted them up.

  "Come again, the skeleton soldier will move forward, and the skeleton archer will prepare."

  Ryuzhi didn't care about the life and death of the skeleton soldiers, so he issued new orders on the spot.

Another group of skeleton soldiers walked forward, they also stepped into the shadow part, but when their bodies quickly turned black, the skeleton shooters shot, the arrows in their hands flew into the darkness, and then listened. At the sound of ding ding ding, those arrows fell from the air, but at this time the skeleton soldiers had already walked through the shadows and stepped onto the final position.

Liu Zhi shook his hand and picked up one of the arrows that fell. He noticed that the arrows of the arrows had been broken. This was an iron arrow. Judging from the situation in front of him, it should have hit a hard object. Broken.

  But there is another weird aura on the arrow. From this point, it can be seen that the arrow should have passed through the monster that grabbed the person and hit the ceiling?

  Ryuzhi was curious about what was happening there. The skeleton soldiers who had already stepped through the shadows just stood there motionless because there was no order from anyone.

  After a while, Liu Zhi reacted, "You guys check if there is anything like a switch over there, just turn it on."

The skeleton soldiers were looking for them. They didn’t go too far, they just walked a few steps forward, but in the next moment, Ryuzhi saw something different, a black griffin-like thing descending from the sky. Pounced on those few skeleton soldiers.


  Yagiji ordered.

  The skeleton shooter and the skeleton spearman shot their arrows and spears at the same time.

But the black griffin disappeared instantly as if it appeared time. Those arrows and spears could only be shot in the empty space. Some of them hit an invisible wall nearby, breaking the arrow and falling to the ground. On the ground.

This weird situation made Liu Zhi frowned. If they were all such enemies, Liu Zhi wouldn't plan to fight here anymore. This kind of enemy that suddenly appeared and disappeared was the most troublesome, and he often didn't know after fighting for a long time. Did you kill those guys?

  At this moment, Letoz suddenly said: "I know what this is all about."

   "You know?" Ryuuji glanced at Letoz.

"I have seen it in the game before his death. It is a shadow beast. It is the shadow of some creatures. It is fixed to a certain position. If you ask someone to check it, there will definitely be light projections nearby. That thing will not be separated from the light and shadow. ."

  Letoz said, he began to look for it, but Liu Zhi was skeptical.

  But they really quickly found some weird things that looked like stones nearby. After twisting those stones away, the shadows obviously faded a lot.

   And taking this opportunity, Ryuzhi also picked up a stone, and he saw a black griffon painted on it with very rough handwriting.

   "This is the one just now?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

   "I'm not sure, if there are no other griffins, it should be, but if there are other griffins, then it is not necessarily."

  "Find out all the stones." Yanagi ordered loudly, and his skeleton soldiers moved quickly and began to look for such stones nearby.

  But after searching for a long time, he did not find many stones, but wasted a lot of his time.

  At this time, Liu Zhi looked at the time. He knew that he could not drag on here. He pointed to a group of skeleton soldiers and said, "You go forward."

  This time when the Skeleton Soldier stepped through the shadow, there were no more problems.

At this time, Liu Zhi also knew how dangerous it was to leave such an uncertain situation behind his back, but now he could not care too much. After watching a group of skeleton soldiers stepping through the last shadow, Liu Zhi took it with him. The army moved towards the shadow.

  When he walked into the shadows, Liu Zhi was still there carefully guarding, but no accident was discovered, which made Liu Zhi a little speechless. He prepared for a long time, worried for a long time, and it passed?

  After passing the last shadow, Liu Zhi noticed that he had come to a platform. In front of the platform was a place that looked like an endless void.

   Standing on the edge of the platform, he looked down, and there was a bottomless abyss below.

   "What's the situation?" Liu Zhi was a bit speechless. He didn't come in smoothly on the road. He clearly came to that shadow city, so why didn't he even touch the wall now.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi began to search nearby by hand. He had already planned it. If he couldn't find the passage to the past within a day, he would go straight back.

  About half an hour later, a message came from Liu Zhi's men that they found something different.

Liu Zhi immediately led the troops to the place where the abnormal situation was discovered. He noticed that a light came from somewhere and fell to a position behind the abyss. Under that light, Liu Zhi saw a The black wall is hidden in the void.

   Now Liu Zhi finally understood that the abyss in front of him, which seemed to be bottomless, was actually the moat of the shadow city, and the wall had to appear under a certain light.

  As for whether there are soldiers on the walls and whether there are piranhas in the moat, where will Liu Zhi know.

   "Spinning Spider Girl, see if that city wall is there, is there any way to cast a spider web over it, let's just build a bridge over it."

Fangming Spider Girl glanced at the distance of the city wall, then at the width of the city wall, "I don't know, I need to try it, not to see if I can launch the spider web, but I need to know that after the light is gone , Can the spider web be kept? If it can’t be kept, we need to know the speed of the light. If this light can only make this part of the wall appear for a few minutes, then it’s meaningless to us.”

  "You try it first, but we will come again next time."

  Liu Zhi just thought for a while and gave a new order. Anyway, he hasn't entered the city yet, and everything has time to experiment. If it doesn't work, bring a little more alchemy potion.

   Spinning Spider Girl agreed again and again, and began to spray spider webs in the direction of the city wall.

  (End of this chapter)

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